Although it seems like it happened just yesterday, the royal wedding was about two months ago. Time flies! Since marrying Prince Harry and becoming a member of the royal family, Meghan Markle has officially assumed her role as the Duchess of Sussex and has obviously moved to England to live with her husband. It seems like Meghan has been fitting in just fine. Sure, she’s made a few mishaps, but Prince Charles has given her a nickname, she and Harry appear happy in every photo, and she’s constantly spotted at royal events. So it seems only inevitable that this would happen: It appears that Meghan has a new British accent, and you can even hear it in a video if you listen closely.


As Buzzfeed pointed out, this isn’t the first time fans have speculated that Meghan has a new, British-sounding way of speaking. A video was posted to Twitter back in January where some fans claimed they could hear a British inflection in her voice.

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That one is a little difficult to make out, but a more recent video of Meghan that was posted on Twitter makes it pretty clear: Her voice definitely seems to have adjusted to her new home! In the video, Meghan is graciously talking to her many fans, as nice as you would ever imagine she would be, looking beautiful as always. It’s impossible to miss the lilt in her voice — while it’s not a British accent per se, it’s definitely leaning more toward that. Listen for yourself:

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Meghan was born and raised in California, and listen: That definitely doesn’t sound like a West Coast accent. Fans agree. One tweeted, “Oh no. I just realized Meghan Markle is going to be one of those ‘I don’t have an accent but I’m still going to talk with British inflections’ kind of ex-pats, huh?” Other fans seemed to think it was pretty strange as well:

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But let’s give the girl a break: She’s living in England, married into the extremely proper British royal family, and is surrounded by English accents literally all day long. It seems pretty normal to pick up on that way of speaking, and to even begin to sound that way yourself. It could happen to any of us!

It’s also worth pointing out that this video was posted back in June… which means that her accent could be even stronger now. We’re totally here for that!