Pregnancy can drastically change a woman’s body. There are the obvious effects we all know about, like the overall weight gain, enlarged breasts, and, of course, the big, beautiful belly. But then there are the lesser-known outcomes that aren’t talked about quite as often, and they can be jarring to notice if you aren’t expecting them. For instance, if you’ve ever been surprised by a dark line on a woman’s stomach, and have wondered why it appears during pregnancy, we’ve got the answers.


You probably know which dark line we’re referring to — it goes down a woman’s pregnant stomach vertically, and looks darker than the rest of her skin. According to the American Pregnancy Association, this is called a “linea nigra,” with the unofficial name being “the pregnancy line.”

Interestingly enough, the linea nigra doesn’t develop once you’re pregnant — it has likely been there all along, but you’ve never noticed it before. The line can be so light in color that it’s practically invisible, and when it’s like that, it’s known as the linea alba (white line).

During pregnancy, that line darkens and becomes the linea nigra (black line).

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Of course, the line isn’t actually black — it’s more of a dark brown. It’s typically about 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide, and will get darker as you get further along in your pregnancy. You’ll probably begin to notice it around the fifth month.

No one knows exactly where the line comes from or why it happens, but there are lots of theories. Some doctors think it’s related to your changing hormones. According to Mom Loves Best, the line “marks the point where your right and left abdominal muscles meet in the middle. Once these muscles start to separate to accommodate your growing uterus, it is often accompanied by the presence of the linea nigra.”

One theory is that the line appears because of the extra estrogen being secreted by your body during pregnancy. This stimulates cells in your skin called melanocytes, which produce the pigment that darkens your skin.

There are even old wives’ tales surrounding the linea nigra.

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One is that it helps predict the gender of your baby, saying that it means you’re having a boy. Another one says that if the line ends at your belly button instead of going down to your pubic area, it means you’re having a girl.

Even if doctors don’t know exactly where it came from, they do know that it’s completely normal and not something you need to stress over. And if you’re worried about it sticking around, don’t: the linea nigra often disappears a few months after giving birth.