Being part of a successful marriage means setting boundaries and making some compromises for the sake of your relationship. What it should never require, though, is following a strict set of rules as if you were back in grade school. Unfortunately, that seems to be exactly what is happening in one marriage out there. A woman has a set of “rules” for her husband that are so strict and bonkers, it’s going to make you wonder what he did to deserve them… because it has to be something, right?!


According to the Daily Mail, an Australian woman stirred up a lot of conversation after taking to a Facebook group to post a list of controversial rules she expects her husband to follow. The woman asked for feedback on her list, explaining that she had rewritten it after being told her “first lot [was] a bit harsh.” She wrote, “What do you think of these, honest opinions please as I really want to be fair. Is there any more I should add?”

The rules are listed below as they were written by the woman on Facebook:


  • “No female friends
  • No social media
  • No male friends with partners. Must be single males only.
  • Must work minimum 50 hours a week
  • No smoking
  • Can drink but only 2 times a year or less and not get drunk
  • No Playstation/game machines
  • No porn
  • Must keep house clean at all times
  • No going out without me.”

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Not surprisingly, the post quickly gained attention, getting thousands of likes, comments, and shares, as many users were horrified by the list. And can anyone really blame these people? These rules are incredibly controlling and really unacceptable. The work rule alone is out of control — 50 hours per week?! That’s more than your basic full-time position!

It’s beyond unfair for this woman to expect her husband to work overtime, as well as to keep the entire house clean all the time. And then, on top of that, she is trying to limit his exposure to anyone who isn’t her by keeping him away from female friends, a lot of male friends (why do they have to be single?!), and by not allowing him to go out without her. Okay, the “no smoking” rule makes sense from a health standpoint, but still, it’s not right for anyone to tell someone else how to live — married or not.

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We can only hope that this woman was simply trolling the group, and isn’t really doing this — and if she is, we hope these two figure out the clear trust issues in their relationship.


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