When the woman answered the phone, she was shocked by what she heard. At first, she thought she must have misunderstood, but quickly realized it was true. She set the phone down, staring at the animal she had taken in. She was petrified.


Meet Nancy Smith

Young adult woman working and playing with dogs in animal shelter.
Credit: mladenbalinovac at iStock

Nancy Smith loved animals so much that she felt inspired to start her own animal rescue, hoping to make a real difference. Her wish was to make making life better for every animal she could.

Nancy’s shelter wasn’t just about giving animals a temporary place to stay; it was a home where they could get the love, care, and medical attention they desperately needed.

She worked hard to create a warm, supportive environment, helping animals recover from trauma and injuries, and giving them the second chance they deserved.

Selecting Her Team

Portrait of the team of young female veterinarians at the vet clinic.
Credit: Artist GND Photography on iStock

Over the years, Nancy has been carefully building her shelter team, selecting each person by hand. Every team member shared her deep love for animals and her desire to help them.

Nancy wanted a group as dedicated and compassionate as she was, and that’s exactly what she found. They worked tirelessly together, never knowing what challenges lay ahead.

However, no one could’ve imagined the wild journey that Nancy and her team would eventually embark on, facing things far beyond typical rescue work.

A New Arrival

Portrait of mid adult female veterinarian holding a small pincher dog at vet clinic.
Credit: Artist GND Photography on iStock

Brittany Allen was one of the carefully chosen members of Nancy’s team, and she had been working at the shelter for a solid ten years.

Despite all the experience she had gained over the years, a new animal that had shown up at the shelter was unlike anything she’d ever encountered.

It was intimidating, even a little terrifying, yet there was something about it that sparked her curiosity. As she stood face-to-face with the creature, she was both scared and fascinated.

Brittany’s Discovery

Portrait of mid adult female veterinarian holding a small pincher dog at vet clinic.
Credit: Artist GND Photography on iStock

Britanny couldn’t shake the feeling that she shared some kind of connection with the animal and was eager to help it heal. But once she learned the full story behind its rescue, everything changed.

The truth was revealed, and it hit Brittany hard. What she discovered was far worse than anything she could have imagined, and it went against everything she stood for.

The situation felt completely unacceptable to her, yet it was a harsh reality she now had to come to terms with, no matter how much it unsettled her.

How It All Began

Woman terrified on a phone call.
Credit: demaerre on iStock

The day before Nancy set off on a trip to Florida, she received an unusually strange phone call. The man on the other end refused to share his identity, she found that odd.

He insisted that urgent animal care was needed. His tone was cryptic, adding to the sense of mystery, and Brittany couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

Although she had no idea what was coming next, she sensed that this call was only the beginning of something much bigger than she could anticipate.

Vague Answers

A woman thinking deep while driving.
Credit: humonia on iStock

As she drove to the animal shelter in Browen to pick up the creature, Brittany couldn’t stop thinking about the strange call. The man had told her the animal was “far bigger” than expected.

That which stuck with her. When she asked why he had given it up, his answer was vague, making the whole situation even more unsettling.

Brittany’s mind started to race. The more she thought about it, the more curious and uneasy she became, unsure of what exactly she was walking into.


A man expresses regret.
Credit: Wirestock on iStock

The man expressed regret, saying he wished he had understood what he was getting into when he first took in the dog. He had done his research, but it wasn’t enough.

Even though he had been studying and familiarizing himself with exotic dog breeds, reading everything he could find about them, he realized he was unprepared.

The reality of owning such a breed was far more complicated than he expected. It became clear that he wasn’t fit to handle the challenges that came with the dog.

Essential Items

A man providing items for a dog.
Credit: Frazao Studio Latio on iStock

The man had done everything to prepare for the dog’s arrival: buying all the essentials like a pillow, and collar, and even giving it a name.

He was fully ready and excited to take the dog in. But as time passed and the dog continued to grow, he found himself overwhelmed by the sheer size and demands of the animal.

Despite his initial enthusiasm, he eventually realized he could no longer provide the proper care and decided he had no choice but to give the dog up.


A man calling and sad.
Credit: stevanovicigor on iStock

The man had no idea just how massive the dog would become, and it completely took him by surprise. He didn’t know what to do about it!

As the dog kept growing larger and larger, he quickly realized he wasn’t equipped to handle it. Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do, he made the difficult decision to ask for help.

He called Nancy up. He asked her to take the dog off his hands, knowing it was the only way the animal could get the care and space it needed.


A small dog and a big dog in a gray background
Credit: eAlisa on iStock

The massive dog’s name was Yuki, and he became too large to stay inside the house. The man, determined to make it work, built a shelter in front of his home to house Yuki.

However, while this provided temporary relief, it didn’t solve the core problem. Yuki just kept growing, and the larger he became, the harder it was to care for him.

No matter what his new owner did, Yuki’s increasing size made it impossible to keep up, leaving him no choice but to ask for help. He felt he had no other choice.

Looking for an Expert

A big great dane.
Credit: Ralfweigel on iStock

Yuki’s rapid growth soon caused his owner to become fearful of him. As a puppy, Yuki’s large features were manageable, but as he grew, the dog became intimidating.

Yuki’s characteristics became much more pronounced. His big teeth and sharp claws, combined with his massive size, started to overwhelm the man.

What once seemed like a cute and manageable dog had become an enormous creature that was hard to control. Yuki’s sheer presence and strength made the owner feel uneasy.

Scared Around Him

A man scared of his dog.
Credit: Ljupco on iStock

As Yuki continued to grow, the man started to feel genuinely scared around him. What once was an exciting experience quickly became overwhelming.

As the dog’s size and strength made the owner uneasy. Every day, it became harder to manage Yuki, and the man’s fear only increased.

Eventually, the poor owner realized he couldn’t handle it alone anymore. He finally made the difficult decision to reach out to Nancy for help, hoping she could step in.

Dire Need

A woman on a phonecall explaining.
Credit: fizkes on iStock

Nancy listened carefully to the man’s story and could sympathize with his situation. She understood how difficult it must have been for him to ask for help,.

However, she explained to him that her shelter was already full, and there wasn’t any space available at that moment.

Despite this, she reassured the man that she would reach out to him as soon as a spot opened up. Nancy knew the situation was serious, and she promised to follow up as quickly as possible.

Nothing She Could Do

A woman on a phonecall
Credit: fizkes on iStock

The very next day, she received another call. This time, the call came from the Broward Animal Shelter, and the news wasn’t good.

Something had come up that had prevented their staff from taking immediate action regarding a new dog they had taken to their shelter.

Nancy felt particularly frustrated because she felt the situation was beyond her control at that moment. As much as she wanted to step in, she didn’t know if would be able to.

The Broward Animal Shelter

A row of kennels at an animal shelter.
Credit: Hannah Carl on iStock

Having rescued hundreds of animals over the years, the workers at Broward Animal Shelter were no strangers to dealing with difficult cases.

However, when they arrived and saw an enormous dog tied up outside the house, they immediately knew they were facing something entirely different.

The sheer size and strength of the animal put them in a tough spot. They were caught between a rock and a hard place, unsure of how to safely handle such a massive creature.

“Come, Now!”

Young angry man shouting out talking on phone outdoors.
Credit: Frazao Studio Latino

When the Broward Animal Shelter staff saw the size of the dog they were dealing with, they immediately knew they needed help. They had to act right then and there.

They quickly called Nancy, urging her to come as soon as possible. The team recognized that they didn’t have the resources or the space to safely manage such a large animal.

They needed to ensure the dog was placed in a secure environment before alerting the proper authorities. Nancy was their best hope in handling the situation responsibly and safely.

A Huge Creature

Shadow of a giant dog.
Credit: Anna Reshetnikova on iStock

As Nancy entered the shelter, she was met with a sight that would haunt her forever. The massive dog, now caged, was pacing restlessly, jumping up and down in agitation.

His hot breath fogged the air as he panted heavily, and the sharp, rhythmic sound of his claws clinking against the concrete floor echoed throughout the space.

The beast’s sheer size and intensity overwhelmed the room, leaving Nancy deeply unsettled by the animal’s trapped and frantic energy. It was an image that would stay with her long after.


A gigantic dog caged.
Credit: Photographer on iStock

When Nancy saw the size of the beast’s head and teeth, she instinctively stepped back, unsure of what she was facing. The animal was nearly five feet tall.

The creature was unlike any dog or wolf she had ever encountered. She just stared, trying to comprehend what was in front of her.

Then, a shelter staff member approached and began explaining the situation, but the details made Nancy’s head spin. What Nancy was hearing seemed almost unreal.

Nancy’s Realization

A woman thinking.
Credits: fizkes on iStock

After talking to the shelter workers, Nancy learned that the massive beast had been tied up outside and reported as a “stray.” But something didn’t sit right with her.

Suddenly, it clicked! the strange phone call from the day before suddenly made sense. She realized that the anonymous person must have been responsible for abandoning the animal.

This was no coincidence. As her mind raced, Nancy couldn’t shake the feeling that she had been pulled into something far bigger and more complicated than she initially thought.

Getting Rid of Yuki

A man and a dog in silhouette.
Credit: ozgurdonmaz on iStock

Nancy knew what was happening right away: The man who wanted to give up his “dog” decided he couldn’t wait for Nancy to call back.

Instead of being patient, he took matters into his own hands and irresponsibly abandoned the animal at the nearest shelter. Without regard for what would happen next.

He just simply left the massive creature, hoping the shelter would deal with the problem he could no longer handle. The man just left the shelter staff to face the consequences of his actions.


A woman on her car, angry.
Credit: Veles-Studio on iStock

Nancy couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of pity for the dog. It was painfully clear that his owner hadn’t done the necessary research on hybrids before taking him in.

Now, the poor animal was paying the price for that careless mistake. With her heart racing, Nancy carefully loaded the massive creature into her van.

She knew that Yuki’s future was now in her hands. She felt the weight of responsibility, knowing that he deserved better than what he had been given so far.

DNA Test

A vet doing a DNA test on a laboratory.
Credit: Nikola Stojadinovic on iStock

Nancy knew she had to perform a DNA test to figure out exactly what kind of animal she was dealing with. But even she wasn’t prepared for the results.

When the tests came back, they were nothing short of shocking, so much so that it felt like she was living in a movie. The DNA test revealed something completely unexpected.

The situation was far more terrifying than she had imagined. Now, the question was: what kind of hybrid or creature was she really dealing with?

The DNA Results

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Nancy and her team decided to perform a DNA test on Yuki at the Shy Wolf Sanctuary, hoping to confirm suspicions about the mysterious creature.

When the results came in, they were even more shocking than expected. The DNA revealed Yuki’s true nature, confirming Nancy’s darkest fears.

It was a complete surprise to everyone involved, as none of them had ever seen test results like this before. The DNA proved that Yuki was not just any ordinary animal, but something far more unusual.

An Incredible Combo

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

So, what did the results show? Yuki was identified as a High-Content Wolf Dog, a breed that is illegal to own in Florida. That got Nancy wondering how he even got there!

The DNA results were startling: 87.5% Gray Wolf, 8.6% Siberian Husky, and 3.9% German Shepherd. This made Yuki primarily a wolf, with just enough domestic dog traits to explain his unique behavior.

Nancy and her team were stunned by the findings, realizing they were dealing with a mostly wild animal, which explained the immense challenges in caring for him.

Taken into Refuge

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Eventually, the poor Direwolf-like creature, Yuki, was taken into refuge with many other animals which ended up at the sanctuary.

Fortunately, the creature was in surprisingly good health when he arrived, which was one of the few positive aspects of the situation for the team working there.

Despite the challenges of managing such a large and wild animal, Yuki was finally in an institution where they would take good care of him.

Sweet Nature

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Unexpectedly, Yuki turned out to be a gentle giant despite his intimidating appearance. He was surprisingly sweet and enjoyed interacting with people.

Over time, the staff began to see him as an unofficial ambassador for the sanctuary, greeting visitors with his calm and friendly demeanor.

Although he looked like a wild beast, the team quickly realized he was a loving and kind animal, which made him a favorite at Nancy’s shelter.

A Note on Wolfdogs

Credit: r/awww on Reddit

The captivating beauty and wild nature of wolves have always drawn the attention of humans. As a result, the popularity of wolf-dog hybrids has been steadily increasing.

Many people, often uneducated about the complexities of these animals, hope to create a breed that combines the striking appearance of a wolf with the loyalty and companionship of a dog.

However, this goal often leads to misunderstandings about the care and behavior of these hybrids, as they possess far more wild instincts than most owners are prepared to handle.

Complicated Side-Effects

Credit: Janine Davis on Facebook

Sadly, many owners don’t fully understand the challenges that come with owning a wolfdog, both for the animal and for themselves. This can cause issues.

These hybrids are not pets that can be treated like toys. While they need care like any dog, wolfdogs require specialized attention due to their wild instincts and complex needs.

They are not like regular dogs and can be unpredictable, which means they need an environment, training, and care far beyond what most people expect or are prepared to provide.

A Savage Mixture

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The creation of wolf-dog hybrids is particularly risky because it’s nearly impossible to predict which traits from each species will dominate.

Some hybrids may look like wolves but behave more like domestic dogs, while others could retain the wild instincts of a wolf. This unpredictability makes them difficult to manage.

Their behavior can be vastly different from a regular dog. Because of this, many states have made it illegal to own high-content wolf dogs, as they pose risks to their owners and the public.


Credit: Love Animals on Facebook

Raising wolf-dog puppies comes with its own set of unique challenges that can become serious problems if the owner isn’t fully aware of what they’ve taken on.

These hybrids often require far more care and attention than regular dogs, and their unpredictable nature can lead to frustration or neglect.

Many new owners are drawn in by the idea of owning an exotic or wild-looking pet. However, they fail to realize the immense responsibility involved. This lack of understanding often leads to neglect.

Where to Put Them?

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Wolves and wolf-dogs require much more space, food, and time than most people anticipate. These animals need vast areas to run and exercise.

On top of that, their diet is more demanding than typical domestic dogs. They also need significant amounts of mental and physical stimulation to thrive.

For the average pet owner, meeting these needs can be overwhelming, often leading to situations where the owner is unprepared to properly care for them. It can be too much for many to handle.

No Place to go

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Wolfdogs face a unique challenge because they are caught between two worlds. They are too wild to be kept as domestic pets, but too tame to live fully in the wild.

This makes it nearly impossible to place them in a typical dog refuge, leaving them with no place to go. Yuki experienced this firsthand as a high-content wolfdog.

Finding a suitable home for him was incredibly difficult. Sanctuaries willing to take in such animals are rare, especially for hybrids with such a high percentage of wild traits like Yuki.

Shy Wolf Sanctuary

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Nancy’s shelter, has seen a significant rise in the number of abandoned wolfdogs since it opened its doors 20 years ago.

Each year, they rescue between 20 to 100 wolfdogs, like Yuki, from across the United States. The sanctuary has become a vital safe haven for these hybrids,

High-content wolfdogs, in particular, require specialized care that only a few places, like Shy Wolf, can provide.

An Unexpected Finding

Credit: r/SweatyPalms

Before Nancy even had a chance to track down Yuki’s previous owner, something unexpected happened that would change the wolfdog’s life forever.

This sudden event shifted the focus away from his past, marking a turning point in his story. It altered the course of Yuki’s future.

This finding made it clear that his life would take a new path. Whatever came next, it was bound to have a lasting impact on the wolfdog’s journey.

A Deep Wound

Credit: Jesse Villemaire on Facebook

Shortly after entering Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Yuki was walking in the open space when he unexpectedly opened up his leg on the palmetto.

He exposed a cut on his rear right knee. The gash was so deep that it required five separate surgeries to fully heal.

The wound left him vulnerable for a while, and pretty soon the staff of the sanctuary would find out about the impact the injury had on him.

Becoming Aggressive

Credit: r/photoshopbattles on Reddit

During this challenging period, Yuki began showing signs of aggression. It wasn’t surprising, considering the intense pain he experienced from his injury.

It wasn’t surprising, since this was the first real trauma he had likely faced. The constant discomfort, coupled with repeated surgeries, seemed to affect his personality.

Yuki became wary of those around him. For the first time, the animal didn’t know if he could fully trust humans, which led to a shift in his behavior. The pain had changed him.

A Circle of Trust

Credit: r/aww on Reddit

As Yuki’s personality continued to evolve after his injury, the aggression caused by his pain led him to form a small circle of trust. Only a few women earned his respect.

He allowed those women into his cage. Among this select group was Brittany, who developed a close bond with Yuki. His injury seemed to shape this new side of him.

He now was more cautious and selective about who he let get close to, but Brittany managed to become one of the few who could enter his space without fear.

Going Viral

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The sanctuary team had no idea that Yuki would become an internet sensation. Like many incredible stories, Yuki’s journey went viral, capturing hearts worldwide.

His unique blend of beauty, mystery, and his difficult past resonated with people, showcasing one of the brighter sides of the internet and how it can spread awareness and support for those in need.

Yuki’s story helped bring attention not only to his situation but also to the sanctuary’s mission of rescuing animals like him. Pretty cool, right?

Becoming a Star

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

How did it all start? Well, it all happened when Brittany decided to share Yuki’s story by posting a photo of him on the sanctuary’s Facebook page.

The picture highlighted Yuki’s massive size, as he towered over 5’4″ Brittany, creating a striking visual contrast. The image quickly went viral, captivating thousands of people.

Many people couldn’t believe Yuki’s size when they first saw the photo, with some even assuming the image had been edited. The sheer scale of the wolfdog was hard to grasp.

Social Media

Credit: Authority on Facebook

Brittany playfully responded to claims that Yuki’s photo had been altered, saying, “It’s just his fat angle, guys. We all have one.” Soon, the picture was shared across Facebook.

“They definitely are creatures that demand respect. It would be a much different encounter in the wild than what I do with these guys,” Brittany said.

She also explained that the animals she works with have never been in the wild and never will be, so they are more socialized.

Sharing the Issues With the Public

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Brittany said: “We show off their adorable moments in the hope of helping people identify with them at least and maybe change their fear response into healthy respect through education.”

Through their social media work the sanctuary also wanted to show how they are giving animals a chance at a decent life when otherwise they would be euthanized.

However, though the images were bringing happiness to the fans, some shocking news would soon be entering the shelter. It would turn their worlds upside down.

Something Was Wrong

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Yuki wasn’t himself for a while now. His mentality seemed to slowly disappear; he didn’t eat that much, which was very out of character for him.

He wasn’t interested in anything even when one of the members of the team played with his favorite toy. Most of the time he was just lazing around his box, sometimes playing a little.

The team knew they had to run some tests. Something was wrong with Yuki, and they knew it. He was behaving just like any other dog would when something was wrong with them.

Terrible News

Source: Wikimedia Commons

That’s when they found out that Yuki was tragically terminal with cancer, the news shocked the entire team at the sanctuary.

They all had struggled with this particular cancer in other animals before, they knew Yuki was a survivor and hoped he could fight it. However, they still were very worried.

While Yuki was fighting cancer, the group made sure they would spend time with him as much as they possibly could. They were extremely lucky to have had the chance to share their lives with him.

Left His Presence

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Yuki has certainly made his mark since his arrival at the shelter in 2008. His loving and goofy personality made him a favorite at the shelter.

For 12 years he had always been at the shelter and has won many hearts all along the way.

But for the Shy Wolf Sanctuary Yuki also did something historic. Something that not a single animal prior to Yuki has managed to accomplish. Amongst the sadness, it was a great piece of news.

Still Fighting Today

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Jeremy Albrecht stated: “Today, Yuki is one of the most interesting animals in the sanctuary. He is not an easy guy, but he does have a small number of volunteers he has bonded with.

He has gained the nickname “Woowoo” because when he sees any of his chosen volunteers that is the noise he makes, beckoning that volunteer to come to spend time with him.”

As he went viral, a massive spike in help and tourists was seen in the sanctuary. Yuki certainly left her mark on the world, and Nancy and her colleagues are still easing his suffering.