When this man adopted his daughter, he couldn’t understand why no one else had wanted her, as she grew up to be a loving and caring child. For 28 years, the question lingered, even as their bond remained strong. Eventually, they both


A Cold Night of 1990

Lightning during summer storm

On a cold, rainy night in the Spring of 1990, an unknown figure approached the Weatherstone Orphanage. The streets were slick from the pouring rain as this person made their way.

As distant rumble of thunder could be heard throughout the town, lightning flashed across the sky. Amongst the hills of the surrounding countryside, the old building was nestled.

Made entirely out of weathered bricks, it was evident the establishment was really old. As the figure climbed the steps towards the front door, the cries of a baby could be heard.

An Unexpected Arrival

Lightning bolt and thunderhead storms over Denver neighborhood homes

As soon as they reached the door, the unknown person crouched down to lay a small bundle of blankets on the ground. As they did so, the crying only intensified.

The person was visibly nervous, even when they knew there probably was nobody around. They took a second to gaze at the pile and then disappeared into the night.

Awoken by the piercing cries, the caretakers of the orphanage rushed to the front door to see what the fuss was all about. With apprehension, they brought the baby inside.

Winter of 1992

Couple on a date at the park

By the winter of 1992, Connor and Elizabeth had been together for many years, and their marriage was like something out of a fairytale book.

Though they had been happily married for years, their days were filled with love and laughter. They longed to start a family, but unfortunately, they struggled to make this dream a reality.

Sadly, Elizabeth could not fall pregnant herself. However, the couple was more than open to the idea of adoption and they believed they wouldn’t have any trouble being approved for adoption.

News Over Breakfast

Healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, cheese, ham, coffee, croissants and fruit juice

On a morning like any other, the couple’s life would change forever. Connor opened the newspaper to see a photograph of a young child, and he was surprised by what he learned.

The baby has recently arrived at the Weatherstone Orphanage after being abandoned there. It was an unexpected discovery, but Connor immediately felt drawn to the little girl.

He called Elizabeth over to have a look for herself, and she agreed that they should go and meet the girl in the photograph. It was obvious that she was just as excited as he was, if not more.

An Unspoken, Yet Unbreakable Bond

Group of children having fun outdoors on a summer day

The couple wasted no time and decided to drive to the orphanage on that very same day. There, they were welcomed by the sound of laughing children.

However, one child in particular caught their eye, a little young girl with bright blue eyes and an infectious smile. It was the same young girl from the photograph.

The caretaker introduced her as Jessica, and the couple immediately fell in love with her. They spent the next few hours playing with the child. Immediately, they realized she belonged with them.

The Adoption Papers

Little Girl With Hands on Face

Brimming with a new sense of love, hope, and happiness, Elizabeth and Connor informed the caretakers that they wanted to move forward with the adoption process.

That evening, the new family of three climbed into the car and headed towards their home. Jessica, nestled between her new parents, felt happier than she could ever remember.

The three of them knew that day was the beginning of the rest of their lives, however, things would take a dark turn no longer after that.

The Early Spring of 1993

Woman lying on sofa looking sick in the living room

Just a few months after Jessica’s adoption took place, her mom Elizabeth was diagnosed with a sudden, aggressive illness that left her with little hope.

No longer after that, in the Spring of 1993, Connor and Jessica’s world came crashing down when Elizabeth suddenly passed away. Leaving both of them heartbroken.

Connor was suddenly a single parent. This was something that he could never have imagined, and he felt as though he couldn’t face parenthood without his beloved wife.


Sad man telling his daughter about moving out after a divorce

However, even though he had always planned to navigate parenthood with his wife, he knew that he had to be strong for his daughter.

He made a promise to his late wife that he would do everything to be the best father possible. In addition, Jessica was very mature for her young age, she made things easy for him.

She offered Connor a sense of comfort through her innocent presence. Slowly but surely, they both found comfort in each other and managed to move forward little by little.

December of 1999

Christmas gingerbread cookie man in front of Christmas tree with blurred background

By December of 1999, Connor was thriving at work. He had found his passion in the bustling world of technology and worked as an engineer for a start-up company in town.

However, there was an impending sense of anxiety in the office, as a new software bug, called the Y2K Bug, had begun causing problems for companies like his.

One morning, an emergency meeting was called to discuss the impact of this bug and what it meant for the employees. The air was thick with tension as people piled into the room.

Changes in the Workplace

businessman working data document graph chart report marketing research development  planning management strategy analysis financial accounting. Business  office concept.

Unfortunately, the company executives delivered bad news. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the Y2K Bug, they had decided to lay off a number of staff members.

Sadly, this included many members of Connor’s department. After he heard the news, Connor sat in disbelief, anxious about his future.

His main concern was Jessica and what this meant for her. How was he going to explain to the young child that her father could no longer provide for her?

Some Reassurance


Happy, piggyback and father with girl in nature, bonding and having fun. Smile, dad and carrying child on shoulders, play and enjoying quality family time together outdoor in park with love and care.

That evening, Connor did his best to explain the situation to Jessica. He wanted to reassure her that they would be okay and that he soon would find a new, better job.

More so, he didn’t want her to think that anything would change. She was still his number one priority, and he would always make time to spend with her.

He wasted no time and on the very next day, he began looking for new work opportunities by contacting former colleagues that he had once worked with.

New Beginnings

Fireworks exploding on July 4th.

Even though things moved slowly at the start of his new job hunt, Connor remained optimistic that the opportunities would begin to present themselves.

As the clock was ticking down to the new millennium. his dedication to his daughter remained as strong as ever, and he knew that he would not let her down.

On New Year’s Eve, Connor and Jessica stood together under the night sky, excitedly watching the fireworks show. Connor looked at his daughter and knew that he would do anything for her.

The Summer of 2003

little girl has fun with a sleeping father

In the Summer of 2003, Jessica was on the cusp of her teenage years. Most of her days were spent playing outside and riding bikes with her friends.

She was blissfully unaware of the sacrifices Connor had made for her. After being fired, he had taken up two different jobs in order to maintain the same income.

He also had a part-time weekend job. Mornings began incredibly early for Connor, and he would often get home after dark. However, he always made time to spend with his daughter.


tired looking many laying on couch

As time went by, Connor became very good at masking his fatigue, even though it was so prominent. He ensured that Jessica’s life remained as simple as possible.

Behind closed doors, however, Connor was struggling. His life was one major balancing act. With two full-time jobs, one part-time job, and a daughter, he hardly had any time for himself.

Over time, he became a master of multitasking, seamlessly integrating his career responsibilities with the responsibilities of being a single parent.

The Spring of 2013

Group of young people jumping on their graduation day

In the spring of 2013, Connor sat among the proud parents, watching with love as his daughter crossed the stage to get her diploma. A wave of pride, love, and nostalgia hit him.

At that moment, he realized his little girl had grown up. Jessica was an independent adult now, and she had graduated from one of the top universities in the country.

That day Connor confirmed what he new from the moment he first saw her: Jessica was meant for great things. She had never disappointed him.

Unanswered Questions

University Campus Buildings

After the ceremony, Connor and Jessica quietly strolled along the campus paths, neither speaking, yet both completely in tune with each other’s thoughts.

Suddenly, Jessica found a burst of courage. She stopped and turned to her father, her face sincere but with a hint of vulnerability. She looked nervous.

Her expression was earnest but tinged with vulnerability. Connor looked back, he was also nervous. He didn’t know what to expect. What was she going to say?


The Afternoon sun on the Lawn at the University of Virginia campus an iconic and historic university.

Connor had a gut feeling, he knew what was coming. Jessica knew that Connor was not her biological father, and he had long awaited this day.

He knew that sooner or later his daughter would ask where she really came from. However, that didn’t make the moment any less heartbreaking.

The sad truth was that Connor simply didn’t have any answers for his daughter, he knew very little about Jessica’s origin and had no information about her birth parents.

An Interrupted Inquiry

Park bench

The question lingered between them. Jessica looked at her father, waiting for an answer, but Connor found himself at a loss for words.

He recalled the day he first met his daughter, trying to remember if the caretakers had told him anything important. The reality was, that no one knew Jessica’s story.

The only person who knew the truth was the one who left Jessica at the orphanage years ago. Before Connor could respond, a distant bell rang, cutting the moment short.

Hanging Over Their Heads

Man looking at the sunset

When the pair got home that day, Jessica’s question still lingered, weighing heavily on Connor’s mind. That evening, as the sun set, Connor sat alone in the living room.

He was deep in thought about what to do next. He had always been curious about why his daughter ended up in the orphanage, but he never had to confront it directly.

To him Jessica, she was his daughter, and he was her father—that was all that really mattered. He never really questioned where she had come from.

Old Documents

Old wooden box with vintage letters

He had never really looked into Jessica’s past. All he knew was that he was grateful she had ended up at the orphanage because it allowed him to adopt her.

He didn’t even want to imagine what his life would be like without her. But now that Jessica wanted answers, he regretted not being more attentive to the details when he had the chance.

He should have asked more questions. Feeling a wave of guilt, Connor started sifting through old photos, documents, and certificates, hoping to find something that could help answer her question.

Hidden Clues

woman writing on a notebook

Connor then turned to his late wife’s old journal, flipping through the pages in hopes of finding something she might have written during Jessica’s adoption.

His wife had always been more perceptive than he was. As his eyes passed over the faded ink, he couldn’t help but picture Elizabeth sitting in the living room.

He imagined his late wife writing those very words. Each entry was a testament to the love, hope, and passion she once had for life and her family.

The Truth

worried looking man reading a document

One page held an entry that grabbed Connor’s attention. His wife had written something that offered a clue about their daughter’s origins. He wasn’t sure where Elizabeth had gotten this information.

He thought that perhaps she had asked more questions during the adoption process. She described a stormy night when a mysterious figure left a crying baby at the orphanage’s doorstep.

Tears welled up in Connor’s eyes as he pictured his own daughter being abandoned in the rain, even though he knew that this act had ultimately brought her into his life.

A Journey to Unveil

man hands on wheel

Connor read every word with a blend of determination and sorrow. But now, he realized it was time to uncover the truth about his daughter’s past.

Jessica deserved answers. With that thought, he got into his car and drove straight to Weatherstone Orphanage. If the answers were anywhere, they would be there.

As he drove to the orphanage his mind started racing. He knew he was doing the right thing for his daughter but he couldn’t help but imagine the worst case scenarios.

In Pursuit of Answers

Man, hands and listening for therapy, couch or woman advice for mental health, psychology or care. Psychiatrist, patient and frustrated in clinic, session or couch for help, anxiety or depression

When he arrived, the caretakers greeted him warmly, even after all those years they still remembered him. Though their faces showed the passage of time, little else had changed.

Connor explained his search for answers and how the only clues he had were from his late wife’s old journal. The caretakers listened attentively as he spoke.

When he was done, they were more than ready to assist him in any way they could. And they told him everything they knew.

Tales of Her Past

Stacks of printed documents. Shallow depth of field.

The caretakers recounted numerous stories of the children who had come through the orphanage, but none offered any real insight into why his daughter had ended up there.

After weeks of visiting, Connor’s hope gradually gave way to frustration. He had initially believed that one quick visit would uncover all the answers his daughter was seeking.

However, Connor realized now how wrong he had been. Uncovering his daughter’s past was gonna be way more complicated than what he initially expected.

A Haunting Revelation

wooden park bench

One day, after meeting with the caretakers, Connor decided to take a moment in the field outside. He was drained, and his search had come up empty.

As he sat there, thinking about what to do next, his eyes landed on an old, worn-out bench. Suddenly, a spark of recognition hit him.

It was as if lightning had struck him. He felt as if he had just uncovered a memory long buried that had been struggling to come up to the surface for a very long time.

An Important Bench

Trees lined up in park

Connor slowly approached the bench, hoping to find anything relating to the night that his daughter was left at Weatherstone Orphanage.

There, inscribed into the rotten wood, he caught a glimpse of a single word that made his heart drop ‘Jessica.’ He could not believe his eyes.

This bench, hidden beneath the tree on the orphanage grounds, held some sort of significance in Jessica’s story. What was the meaning behind this?

Some More Cryptic Clues

autumn tree leaves

He brushed away some more leaves, hoping to find something else. Among the random dates, names, and drawings, a strange but poetic quote also caught his attention.

‘Follow the storm to find the calm. Seek the truth where lightning strikes twice.’ The words stirred a sense of purpose within Connor, he knew what he had to do.

He wasn’t going to stop until his daughter had answers. She deserved to know where she came from and who her biological parents really were.

Truth Amongst the Chaos

lighting striking twice during a storm

The words ‘where the lightning strikes twice’ repeated over and over again in his head. The skies darkened around him, and the distant sound of thunder could be heard.

In the distance, he could see flashes of lightning, and before he could stop, he ran towards the storm. After a while, he reached the top of a hill.

He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. An old oak tree was in front of him, its ancient branches outstretched as though welcoming him forward.

The Archive

stack of letters

As Connor neared the tree, he spotted a small wooden box nestled among the roots. The box was aged and worn, clearly having been there for years, waiting to be discovered.

When he opened it, he was stunned to find dozens of letters and journal entries, all telling stories that involved Jessica. Something truly grabbed his attention.

It was the handwritten letters. Surprisingly, the letters were written in his wife’s familiar handwriting. He couldn’t help but wonder how was this possible.

Memories Frozen in Time

close up of a pen writing on paper

There were even photos of his daughter, capturing brief moments when she had no idea she was being watched. Where had all of them come from?

But the most crucial discovery was his wife’s final diary entries. Connor was completely absorbed in her words. He could never get enough of her writing, she truly had a gift.

As the rain poured down around him, he didn’t care about anything except reading what his wife had left behind. He hung on to every word she had written.

A Journal of Findings

crying baby

In the entry, Connor read of a stormy night in which someone had made the ultimate sacrifice, giving up their daughter so that she could have a better life.

He couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been for Jessica’s birth mother. Elizabeth wrote about how she would do anything in order to provide Jessica with a better life.

Connor had spent his whole life doing everything in his power to be there for Jessica. If Elizabeth had seen just how good of a father he really was, she would have been so proud.

A Plea

woman writing on notebook

Elizabeth then went on to write directly to Connor. She pleaded with him not to give up in the search for more answers. She was very insistent.

He had to find out exactly why Jessica’s birth mother had given her up for adoption, as it was a part of their story. She asked him to find the truth.

Connor had never planned on giving up but now that his late wife was pleading with him, he saw no other option. He would not stop until he could give Jessica the answers she wanted.

The Past

hands holding eachother

With this newfound sense of purpose, Connor returned home with the letters that he had found. He then sat down with his daughter and explained everything that he had just discovered.

He told Jessica about the photographs, the bench, and the detailed stories from the caretakers. However, he also admitted that he knew nothing of her past before her being abandoned.

As her father spoke, Jessica sat in silence. She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Why was everyone making such a fuss over her?

The Summer of 2014

piles of documents

After discovering the letters from his wife, Connor started looking into any lead that he could find that might offer some sort of information regarding Jessica’s birth parents

He wanted to know why they gave her up for adoption. He knew that the backstory would be anything but simple, as Elizabeth had gone through so much effort in keeping it hidden.

He paged through hundreds of records and contacted dozens of people who might have had some sort of connection to his daughter in a past life. However, every lead ended up useless.

Threads of Mystery

Man in hooded jacket using cell phone in dark background

Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. Connor was starting to lose hope, when he discovered something shocking. Four other families had tried to adopt Jessica.

However, they all pulled out at the last minute, and Connor was determined to find out why. He quickly got in touch with each of the families, and they all said the exact same thing.

Apparently, just before they were due to sign the adoption papers, they received threatening messages from an unidentified person, warning them against adopting the child.


depressed ,man deep in thought

Connor was more than shocked by this revelation. Who had been threatening them, and why were they so against Jessica being adopted? Was something bad going to happen to his small family?

He would never regret his decision, but he was worried that the threats could have actually been directed at his daughter. Connor was now as motivated as ever to uncover the truth.

He probed deeper, hoping to find some sort of commonality among the threats received by the other families. Would this finally help him identify the shadowy figure?

The Wedding

Wedding reception chairs for wedding couple with bride and groom wording

Time passed, and the trail seemed to go cold. However, spirits were still high in the household, as Jessica was on the cusp of another major milestone she was getting married!

Jessica had met a man named Alex a few years earlier, and the pair quickly fell in love. Connor was excited about his daughter’s wedding.

All the wedding preparations almost kept his mind off of his mission. However, one night, he received a mysterious phone call that quickly brought him back to reality.

A Mysterious Call

Unknown person. A man holds a phone in his hand and thinks about ending the call. Incoming from an unknown number. Incognito or anonymous

An unknown voice spoke on the other end of the line. The voice was dark and mysterious, sending chills down Connor’s spine. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you,” the voice said.

“The wedding seems to be the perfect occasion.” Connor had no idea who this was and tried to decipher whether or not the voice sounded threatening.

He then hung up, leaving Connor with more questions than ever before. Whoever he was, he was obviously planning on coming to the wedding. He wondered if he should be scared.

An Authoritative Figure

Table setting with sparkling wineglasses and cutlery on table, copy space. Place setting at luxury wedding reception. Round table and white wood chairs served for wedding banquet in restaurant

The wedding took place a few weeks later. The ceremony was perfect, and the guests enjoyed the reception. Everyone danced and cried, all while enjoying the delicious food.

Connor, however, couldn’t enjoy himself. He was nervously awaiting the arrival of a strange man with a deep, mysterious voice. Just as he was starting to relax, something happened.

An unknown figure stepped out from behind the crowd. He locked eyes with Connor and walked towards him. Connor’s heart dropped as he realized this was the mysterious caller.

A Mother’s Sacrifice

the back of a woman's head

The man finally reached him. “Connor,” he spoke, “I’m sorry for the cryptic call, but I believe that there is a debt owed.” Connor began sweating nervously.

“You see, I am Jessica’s biological father, and I can see that you have done a great job raising our daughter.” Connor’s breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t speak.

The man then went on to explain how Jessica’s biological mother had given her up for adoption, as she had been involved in a life of crime and wanted better for her daughter.

A Life of Crime

Wedding berry cake and a bouquet of green

The man had been a part of one of the most notorious crime families in the country. However, he was arrested and sent to prison before his wife gave birth to Jessica.

Not wanting her baby to end up entangled in the same life of crime as her, she reluctantly left her on the doorstep of Weatherstone Orphanage.

Once he discovered this, he also decided to better his ways. Now he wanted to repay Connor for all that he had done. He pulled out a briefcase full of money and handed it over to Connor.

An Unexpected Guest

Warehouse manager hiring an employee and shaking hands

“This is for all of the sacrifices that you have made over the years.” Before Connor could say anything, the man turned and walked away. Connor just froze.

He took a few moments to think over what had just happened before finding his daughter in the crowd. She looked so happy, which made him happy.

After all these years, he could finally explain to his daughter what had happened to her. More so, he could now rest assured knowing that all of her financial needs were taken care of.


Beautiful bride in white dress weeps tears of happiness on the wedding day. Emotional woman in wedding gown wipes the tears with tissue paper.

After the wedding, Connor sat down with his daughter and told her everything. She was just as shocked as he had been. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing!

Even though nothing had really changed, both father and daughter felt lighter without the burden of the unknown hanging over their heads.

Jessica was forever grateful to her father for all that he had done for her. She finally had the answers to the questions she had had since she was a child. And it didn’t make her love her dad any less.

A New Beginning

Finally, after all that time Connor was at peace. He knew he had done the right thing all along and he didn’t have anything to worry about.

He was mostly happy for his daughter. Jessica was successful, in a happy marriage, and ready to start the rest of her life with a loving partner.

He now knew that he could retire without having to worry about money anymore. He couldn’t wait to retire and experience the best things life had to offer with her daughter by his side.