
This Homeless Man Got Hundreds Of Job Offers From Handing Out His Resume On The Highway

The news can be overwhelmingly terrible sometimes, but this feel-good story is definitely one you'll want to read. A homeless…

6 years ago

The Viral Zoom Challenge Sounds Dangerous AF

The internet is a weird place where a lot of weird stuff happens. The most recent weird thing to go…

6 years ago

Dandruff Scraping Videos Are The New Pimple Popping (Someone Help Us)

Okay — we'll admit it. We've fallen down the pimple-popping rabbit hole in the past. Not on purpose! It just happens, you…

6 years ago

What You Should Do If A Service Dog Approaches You, According To This Viral PSA

As you may already know, there are differences between a service dog and a pet dog. Service dogs are highly…

7 years ago