
30 People Share The Best Loopholes They’ve Ever Found

Oversights by companies typically cause nothing but trouble, but when those common oversights lead to easily-exploited loopholes, it's hard to…

5 years ago

13 Ways People Try To Pickpocket You — And How To Prevent It

Having an encounter with a pickpocket is a surefire way to ruin a vacation, or even just a normal day…

6 years ago

Smart Hotel Scams And Hacks To Look Out For The Next Time You Travel

Ah, the beauty and freedom of travel. Relaxation, adventure, awe... and hidden fees on your hotel room bill? Yeah, it…

6 years ago

People Are Peeved About This Everyday Scam We All Deal With

Being a human and having to deal with other humans is honestly exhausting. Why is everyone and their mother trying…

6 years ago

15 Scams Locals Try On Tourists You Need To Be Aware Of

Traveling abroad, while enriching, can be incredibly stressful. Airports and hotels and keeping track of luggage can prove challenging, especially…

6 years ago

11 Infuriating Scams That We All Have To Tolerate In Order To Live Our Lives

Life is full of little inconveniences. For the most part, it is just understood that there are going to be…

6 years ago