prince william

A Romantic Timeline Of Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Relationship

If you don't follow the ins and outs of the royal family closely, or at least didn't until Prince Harry…

6 years ago

How Royal Weddings Have (And Haven’t) Changed Throughout History

Once upon a time, a queen named Victoria married a prince named Albert. They had a big wedding and everyone…

6 years ago

Here Are The Royal Family’s Zodiac Signs, And They Explain A Lot

Whether you read your horoscope just for fun or live your life according to the cosmic transits, astrology has a…

6 years ago

How Much Every Member Of The Royal Family Is Actually Worth

Regardless of how much you actually know about the royal family, you probably know this — they're definitely not hurting…

6 years ago

Here’s How Every Notable Royal Couple Met

It's almost impossible not to feel interested in the lives of the royal families. Sure, they might not live their…

6 years ago

What?! Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Won’t Have Custody Over Their Future Kids

The more royal rules we hear about, the more confused we get. Meghan Markle can't wear certain nail polish colors,…

7 years ago