
16 Wild (And Sometimes Dangerous) Things People Have Done In The Name Of Beauty

Real talk: feeling beautiful isn't always easy. In fact, it's actually pretty darn hard. Everyday we're inundated with images on…

6 years ago

Popular ’80s Hairstyles We Seriously Hope Will Never Come Back

The 1980s: the era where the colors were vibrant, the music was synthesized, and the hair was huge. For one reason…

6 years ago

Kylie Jenner Is Rockin’ A Brand-New Haircut And It’s Beyond Cute

We all love Kylie Jenner's super-extra fashion and beauty sense, so it's no surprise that we're loving Kylie's new haircut,…

6 years ago

Here Are Some of The Most Common Hair-Care Myths We’ve Totally Fallen For

Remember growing up and being told to brush your hair with at least 100 strokes to keep it looking healthy…

6 years ago

Kim Kardashian Is Starting A Perfect New Hair Trend For This Summer

Kim Kardashian, who has bestowed upon us the holy power of clear, thigh-high boots and neon green hair (to match…

6 years ago

The Glitter Ponytail Is Going To Be The Biggest Winter Hair Trend

Finding hair inspiration in time for the new year can be hard sometimes. Is it really too much to want…

6 years ago