dry skin

Reddit Has Spoken: This Is The Best Foundation For Dry Skin

If you deal with dry skin on a regular basis, then you already know that finding the perfect face makeup…

7 years ago

The Fan That You Use To Keep Cool Could Also Be Causing Your Pimples

During the summer, our skin tends to get angry with us. We're sweating a lot, we're clogging our pores with…

7 years ago

Here’s Why You Feel Like Trash After Spending The Night With Your Fan On

It can be a lose-lose situation: You either sleep with the fan off and have a restless, hot AF night, or you…

7 years ago

Is Washing Your Face With Baby Shampoo The Trick To Perfect Skin? Here’s What A Dermatologist Has To Say

Laverne Cox is always glowing and we've been dying to know her secret. Does she follow one of those Korean…

7 years ago