
Harry Styles Will Not Play Price Eric In The Little Mermaid And We’re Devastated

Please respect our privacy at this time, as we mourn Harry Style’s decision to pass on Disney's live-action remake of…

6 years ago

Everything Your Favorite 2000s Disney Channel Child Stars Are Up To Now

If you were a kid in the 2000s, there are a few things you probably hold dear in your memory.…

6 years ago

Twitter Is Fuming At This Angry Parent Who Said Millennials Without Children Shouldn’t Be Allowed At Disneyworld

Ah, Twitter. It's the best place to go to offend and be offended, isn't it? At least we know exactly…

6 years ago

Beyoncé Had To Be Photoshopped Into The Lion King Promo Images

When you hear one of the world's biggest celebrities next to the word "Photoshop," your mind can go to a…

6 years ago

The Original Versions Of Classic Disney Movies Are Actually Really Dark

Most people know that Walt Disney was the mastermind behind the beloved characters many of us grew up loving, from…

6 years ago

16 Creepy Disney Myths That Might Just Be True

Disney is an absolute childhood staple. As kids, we watch all the Disney animated movies and beg to visit Disneyland…

6 years ago