Over the weekend of July 19th, Scarlett Johansson attended the San Diego Comic-Con to promote her upcoming Marvel film, Black Widow. While there, she also happened to debut her dazzling new engagement ring. Johansson, who is engaged to Saturday Night Live’s Colin Jost, opted for a more modern ring style, and its unique shape and color is certainly not for everyone. But we have to admit, the design is very fitting for someone who plays the somewhat gothic Black Widow.
Johansson’s ring is a dazzling yellow pear-shaped diamond set within a black band.
She better watch what she’s doing with that thing because if that diamond catches the light the right way, we’re all going blind.
According to an evaluation by Alicia Davis, VP of Merchandise, at Shane Co., “Scarlett’s 11ct light-brown diamond looks to be a spin on two stone shapes, mixing an oval and pear to create an elegant egg shape. We can estimate a ring like this to be priced over $400,000.”
“Scarlett’s ring, though truly one-of-a-kind in style and design, is a great reflection of the elongated shape trend that we’re seeing with everyday brides,” says Davis. “Ovals and pear shapes are two of the most popular right now because of the way they lengthen the finger, creating a more slender finger and larger-looking diamond.”
So, who made this ring anyhow?
Although the jeweler who created the piece for Johansson has not yet been identified, it’s believed to be the work of French designer James de Givenchy, nephew to couturier Hubert de Givenchy and the founder of the New York City-based, high-end jewelry house Taffin.
“I look for the magical, the right proportions, and I don’t find perfection attractive,” Givenchy says about his jewelry designs on the Taffin website. “In personalities, I’m not attracted to flawless either. I look for charm. Jewelry is an object that projects who you are. It takes artistry, intellect and logic to make it.”
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Interestingly enough, the Taffin Instagram page shared a suspiciously similar ring to Johansson’s at the end of June…
Could they be one in the same?
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If it is Taffin, the black band of Johansson’s ring could be made from a variety of different materials. Givenchy often pairs his gemstones with rubber, steel, wood, and ceramic, rather than just the traditional precious metals.
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Johansson isn’t the only celeb opting for a contemporary engagement ring. In February, Katy Perry was presented with a flower-shaped engagement ring by her now-fiancé Orlando Bloom, complete with a pink center diamond.
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And rather than choosing one diamond shape over the other, Emily Ratajokowski picked two of her faves — a square princess-cut and a pear-shape diamond — for her engagement ring. She and husband Sebastian Bear-McClard, who were married in February 2018, also DIY-ed their gold wedding bands.
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But for those of you who are totally into tradition and a bit turned off by Johansson’s taste, no need to fear. Traditional engagement rings are totally still on-trend (and probably always will be).
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In fact, Zoë Kravitz dove deep into tradition when choosing her ring after becoming engaged to Karl Glusman. She chose an antique Georgian diamond ring from The One I Love NYC.
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The One I Love’s founder Mia Moross told Vogue in June, “It’s only fitting that her dream ring would be one that is both completely unique, and lifetimes away from the ‘traditional’ engagement rings we tend to see today.”
It’s true — antique rings may have been traditional back when. But now, they’re honestly far from it.
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You certainly don’t see rings like these walking around on the streets today. *Swoon*
[fm_instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BurcTopBi2i/”]
The One I Love NYC, which sells both antique rings ranging from the Renaissance through to the Art Deco era, as well as modern vintage-styled pieces, even sells a few pieces that bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary.
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See? Similar, yet worlds apart.
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Perhaps Scarlett Johansson is ushering in a new era for engagement rings. We might start seeing others ditch standard designs and opt for something a bit more strange and unusual.
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And when other celebs are ready to make the unique plunge, Taffin will be there to answer their call. Ceramic rings may just be the next big thing.
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We think anyone would be more than happy to wear such a gorgeous piece. Sorry, ScarJo — we’re stealing your style.
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To learn more about Taffin, or to inquire about the design process or purchasing a piece, head over to the house’s site. It’s just as mysterious as the rings, themselves.
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