Credits to u/notbob1959 via Reddit
The 80s were a lawless time for hair. Gravity? Irrelevant. Hairspray? Mandatory. Whether you lived through it or just love to laugh at history’s mistakes, keep reading—these styles will leave you speechless!
She definitely MOTHERED this one, folks! It’s as if she’s telling her daughters not to care about other people’s opinions. Not only is it a delightful family photo, but it also captures a beautiful generational contrast.
Mom, with her soft curls and gentle smile, looks like she just finished a delightful casserole recipe, while her daughters look like they just finished leading a post-apocalyptic biker gang.
Honestly, respect to this mom for letting her daughters express themselves in the most 80s way possible! She’s just happy to be included in the annual family portrait; no expectations, only good memories.
Let’s take a moment to appreciate this gravity-defying, ozone-layer-threatening masterpiece. Imagine the scent of burnt bangs in the morning—because you know that curling iron worked overtime.
Was this hair teased with a comb or a small electric current? Did she lose a bet with a can of Aqua Net? We may never know, but what’s clear is that the bigger the hair, the closer to… a fire hazard.
If your hair wasn’t reaching for the heavens, were you even cool? This hair isn’t moving for anything. Hurricane? Nope. Earthquake? Not a chance. We’re confused if it’s a hairstyle or an architectural achievement?
What we have here is not just a hairstyle; it’s a visual representation of a life crisis. What exactly happened here? Did a strong gust of wind just hit one side of her head?
On one side, we have sleek, responsible, PTA-meeting-ready hair. On the other, a full-blown tornado of hairspray and regrets. The duality of man? No. The duality of Aquanet.
“I know I made this choice and stand by it.” Her expression says it all. So, dear reader, how much hairspray do you think is still lingering in the atmosphere from this era?
Feast your eyes on a legendary hairstyle that deserves its own museum exhibit. Behold the permullet—a rare and magnificent fusion of tight, poodle-like curls up top and free-flowing country chaos in the back!
The top half screams, “I work at a law firm,” while the back half yells, “I shotgun beers at the rodeo.” Seriously, how does one even request this at the salon?!
It’s as if two different people got into a heated argument about what look to go for, and instead of compromising, they just did both.
This haircut is what happens when you walk into the barbershop and tell them, “Surprise me.” And boy, did they deliver. This isn’t just one hairstyle—it’s ALL OF THEM!
Bangs? Check. Mullet? Check. Random spiky patches for no apparent reason? Double check! They’re just kinda… existing. It’s like three separate haircuts are fighting for dominance, and none of them are winning.
Here’s the real question: if you had to choose just one part of this hairstyle to keep, which would it be? Or would you just grab a hat and move on with your life?
See the next evolution of the mullet—not just business in the front and party in the back, but tactical reinforcements on the sides. I think the kid liked it. I mean, look at this smile!
He’s not asking for your approval. The front is all neat and responsible as if he’s about to sell you some insurance. The back? That’s where the real action is, flowing free like a country song chorus.
He knows he’s got the ultimate 80s power move sitting right on his head. But what do we call this innovation? The Mullet 2.0? The Turbo Mullet? Or simply The Boldest Bad Decision in Hair History?
The caption is correct—the wind never stood a chance because this hair is basically a built-in storm shelter. How many cans of hairspray were sacrificed for this? We’re very curious, though!
Was this styled with a comb, or did a team of engineers carefully construct it over several days? More importantly, is there an entire ecosystem living inside this mane?
Well, we suspect small birds could nest in there comfortably. Kidding. We love the confidence! She’s not afraid because she knows her hair alone can block out the sun and disrupt local weather patterns.
The classic 80s high school nerd aesthetic—a delicate balance between fluffy, over-moisturized curls and glasses big enough to double as satellite dishes! I 100% guarantee that this guy saw every chalkboard equation in crisp detail.
Anyone who looked like this in the 80s surely had spent more time solving math problems than talking to their crush. (I kinda hate the fact that we can relate to this. We’re just too shy, you know.)
Does this hair scream future computer genius, or did it just scream in general every time a comb came near it? Who else had a tragic 80s yearbook photo like this? You?
Alright, folks, we have a situation here—a time-traveling case of mistaken identity. Is this Weird Al, or is this just a random 80s dude who accidentally became a tribute act before tribute acts were a thing?
Did this guy actively try to look like Weird Al, or did the universe just make this decision for him? The curls and the glasses were very on point! The mustache, too! Would qualify a good cosplay!
Well, going back, let’s settle this once and for all—which one is the real Weird Al? And how many other people unknowingly rocked this exact look in the 80s?
If the 1980s had an official hairstyle, this would be it. It’s a lifestyle choice, a personality, and probably a fire hazard, considering the amount of hairspray holding it in place!
The mullets flow like majestic waterfalls of power and confidence. The deep V tank tops are pure electricity. The neon wristbands and ribbons are a fashion power move, ensuring that no one forgets who they are!
And then there’s the pose—finger pointing straight at YOU, like they know you’re questioning their choices but they do not care. These guys are living their truth, and they want you to deal with it.
If a lion’s mane and a bottle of industrial-strength gel had a baby, this would be it. What makes it funnier? He looked like Josh Hutcherson if Josh had gotten this hairstyle! OMG!
Haters will say this is edited but in the 80s? THIS IS ALL REAL. Did many people actually find this attractive? (According to the comment, yes. Let that sink in.)
In the 1980s, every rule of good hairstyling was completely ignored, and we’re here to laugh and call them “Crime Against Hair and Humanity.”
Ah, yes, the official haircut of passive-aggressive complaints and expired coupon disputes. Once you see this hairstyle inside your business establishment, check your customer service to see if they’re still okay!
The stacked back? Sharp enough to cut through the nonsense of any store policy. The angled front? Perfect for aggressively peering over sunglasses while demanding a refund on an item bought in 1997.
How many retail employees do you think have had their dreams crushed by someone with this exact hairstyle? This hairstyle says, “I will get you fired if my Frappuccino isn’t exactly 112°F.”
What in the hairstyling horror movie is this? It’s a hostile takeover of the forehead. Somewhere between “Medusa’s long-lost cousin” and “DIY wind chimes”!
First, the shaved head is a strong choice; it is bold, efficient, and easy to maintain. But then, as if panicking halfway through, he decided, “Wait, let’s add some flair” and attached six dangling, ominous hair tendrils. Why?
And the outfit prediction got us laughing! You know he’s wearing baggy JNCO jeans, a flame-covered bowling shirt, and chunky skate shoes. (He’s probably unironically listening to Limp Bizkit, too.)
Well, this is awkward… but also hilarious—because even Lionel Richie himself, an actual music legend, wasn’t immune to the wild, borderline unmanageable hairstyles of the 80s.
His mustache? Flawless. His expression? Like he just walked into a barbershop and said, “Make me look like a smooth-talking, chart-topping legend”—and they did just enough to make it work.
Was this the ultimate 80s look, or was Lionel Richie’s hair secretly the inspiration for half of the perms and Jheri curls that followed? Did every guy bring his album cover to their stylist and say, “Give me the Richie Special”?
The official hairstyle of kids whose parents believed in DIY haircuts and strict symmetry! (Or maybe… they’re just too lazy to consult a stylist for their kids!)
We’re still wondering why this hairstyle is so common. Did parents just love the idea of turning their kids into human mushrooms? Who told them this was cute?
Also, how many of you had this exact same tragedy on your head at some point? (Let me share you a secret: I had this one, too! Yikes.)
This right here? This is not just a hairstyle—it’s an entire weather system. NASA probably had to reroute satellites to get a clear view of Earth past this towering cloud of Aqua Net.
The ozone layer is still recovering from the aftermath of this hairdo. This hair has its own gravitational pull. Small objects probably got lost there—bobby pins, pencils, and a missing scrunchie from 1987.
Oh, the scent memory of this one! You know this hair smelled like burnt ends from a crimping iron, a can of hairspray emptied in a single sitting, and possibly a faint whisper of regret.
If gravity had feelings, this hair personally offended it. Don’t you think? I feel it like an architect is looking at this picture and thinking, “Damn, that’s structurally impressive.”
You don’t just wake up with a high-top fade like this—it requires daily commitment, an entire bottle of styling gel, and a deep belief in your own superiority.
We will not be surprised if Gerald from Hey Arnold wishes his fade was this crisp. Cartoons don’t just inspire this haircut—they probably inspired the cartoons!
While we can all agree that she looked good with this hairstyle, it is certainly not for everyone! Only a few people can pull off this look, and this girl is one of them!
If you tried to run your fingers through this masterpiece, you’d probably lose them in a tangled web of Aqua Net and regret. Well, how about keeping your hands off the hair? Isn’t it much easier?
This hair might’ve survived dance floors, convertible rides, and possibly small house fires without shifting an inch, which makes us wonder: how long did it take to wash all the product out?
Why bother getting a hat if you can have a built-in sun visor, a fashion statement, and possibly an advanced form of aerodynamic engineering by just styling your hair?
She’s probably tired of squinting in the Florida sun and thought, “Sunglasses? No thanks, I’ll just style my bangs into a personal shade.” We hoped it worked for her, really. The effort is wild!
If this style made a comeback today, would you rock it? Maybe. But isn’t it a hassle when you hug your long-lost friend? What if it poked her eyes out?
Hey, watch out! If anyone dared to get too close, they’d probably get stabbed by a rogue hair spike before they could even say, “Nice mohawk!”
You know, these punks had to wake up early just to sculpt their hair into these gravity-defying shapes. While we were sleeping, they were out here defying physics. Now, that’s a real commitment!
We don’t think we could rock this look for a week. It’s just too much responsibility! Whoever had this hairstyle before is probably the hardest-working person in the world!
You didn’t think it could get any taller? Here you go! We’re 90% sure airplanes had to reroute around it. They wouldn’t dare destroy this skyscraper.
Did Aqua Net personally sponsor this person? The dedication here is unmatched. If Aqua Net didn’t use this photo for their product testimony, what are they doing?
And then there’s the daily maintenance. Washing your hair twice daily just to remove layers of styling glue and regret? Carrying around full-sized cans of hairspray in your purse like it’s emergency oxygen? This is the price of greatness.
Forget what you thought you knew about the 80s—this is the real deal. It was not neon lights, not futuristic synth music, but just a group of friends with bangs so high they probably had their own zip codes.
Every single one of these women woke up, teased their hair to maximum altitude, and sealed it with a chemical cloud of Rave hairspray. If you weren’t slightly lightheaded from the fumes, were you even trying?
Hairspray was a staple. You cannot just run out of hairspray mid-tease and be forced to live with flat, lifeless locks. It’s a competition to see how high you can get your hair up there!
Did Brooke Shield touch a plasma ball before her photo was taken? Whoever sprayed her hair was summoning the gods of volume to ensure not a single strand of hair dared to lay flat.
Let’s talk texture. You can almost hear the crunch of dried hairspray just by looking at it. If someone tried to run their fingers through this, they’d probably get stuck for days!
And then there’s the lingering scent. As the comment perfectly points out, even kissing someone with this hair meant tasting aerosol chemicals for the next three hours. Haha!
Oh, boy. This isn’t just bad; it’s a crime against your follicles. Who cut your hair with the kitchen scissors? Don’t be afraid. We’re your friend. You can tell us!
Look at the random, inconsistent layering and uneven bangs! HELP. It’s giving “I moved too much in the chair and now I have to live with the consequences.”
The best part is the smile. This is the face of a kid who knows he just got done dirty but still has to pretend he loves it. Tell your husband that we admire his strength in times of crisis.
So, if you want to summarize the insanity of the 1980s, take a look at this hairstyle! It’s rebellious and aggressive but unironically awesome.
The side ponytail was just classic, but instead of being sleek, it looks like it was hit by a category-five windstorm! Why commit to one style when you can throw in everything and see what sticks?
Very impressive scrunchie, too! Come on, it single-handedly holding this disaster piece together. If it snaps, her entire hairdo might collapse like a poorly built Jenga tower.
Apparently, the bowl cut you saw a while ago isn’t enough. Now, we see a much more defined bowl cut, and the question still remains: Do you think it’s cute?
Every child from the 80s and 90s had to survive this phase at least once. We’re definitely not going back to this! This cutie’s eyebrows? Zero-visibility. Oh, poor kid.
Also, it raises important scientific questions—where does his actual skull end? I’m sorry, kid, if you woke up one day, looked in the mirror, and found your hair shaped like a soup container.
Before EDM and bass drops, there was THIS! Half business, half rock concert, and 100% regrettable. He knows he’s made a choice… but doesn’t quite know if it was the right one.
The left side? Pure Wall Street professional. The right side? An untamed wilderness of frizz and questionable decisions. It’s as if he sat down for a haircut, sneezed halfway through, and the barber just went with it.
Of course, the glasses and suit combo deserve our attention as well! Nothing says, “I’m both an aspiring lawyer AND an underground metal band roadie,” quite like this look.
Why did 16-year-olds in the 1980s somehow look at least 42? Was it the hairstyle? The fashion? Or was there something in the cafeteria food that made teenagers age like they had a mortgage and back pain?
We’re starting to think that the 80s have a way of aging people overnight. Is there something in the water they use to wash their face and take baths? Seriously, what is this sorcery?
We hope you won’t experience having a yearbook photo that makes you look 20 years older than you actually were. It’s the worst! It should perfectly capture your youth.
Not going to lie—Limahl looked so cool, but his hairstyle also reminded us of a cockfighting rooster! Look at the spiky blonde tips—it was as if he was waiting for action!
Have you seen roosters inside the cockfighting ring? That’s how this hairstyle looked. You don’t want to believe us? Search it. Thank us later!
On the other hand, if it doesn’t remind us of roosters, then the hairstyle was mysterious and edgy enough, and it’s ready to headline an MTV countdown!
Yeah, we get it; you love A Flock of Seagulls, but what if love has its limits? What if he’s the only person who could rock this style in the 80s? I swear, this hairstyle was only made for him!
We love the swooping bangs, though! A perfect windshield wiper motion, ensuring at least one eye is forever hidden in mystery. He’s just ahead of his time.
And yes, the commenter’s pain is real! The moment he realized this hairstyle was a social liability, he ran. He ran so far away. And honestly, who could blame him? We would’ve run in shame, too!
This is the look of someone who runs the school lunch trade, controls the dodgeball scene, and makes sure your pudding cup mysteriously disappears if you cross them. You just have no choice but to submit it!
His slicked-back hair definitely knows how to intimidate! You know, at least half a bottle of gel was used to achieve that unyielding shine. I think he’s about to make you an offer you cannot refuse.
He knew something you don’t. He probably controls the Trapper Keeper black market and has a network of informants in homeroom. You know who he is? The Godbrother.
Yes, there is such a thing as Mall Bangs! The official hairstyle of loitering in front of Claire’s, sipping an Orange Julius, and judging strangers from the food court.
God, the amount of hairspray required for this look. Scientists are still measuring the effects on the ozone layer. The bangs alone could rival skyscrapers, water towers, and small mountains!
If your bangs can’t stand on their own, were you even a true 80s mall queen? This girl knows her bangs are a masterpiece, and she’s smirking because she just got the best spot by the pretzel stand.
Just accept it. The laws of physics don’t apply here—only the laws of hairspray, teasing combs, and unshakable 80s confidence. If you were born in the 80s and don’t have confidence, you better postpone your birth!
This is just a chaotic explosion of volume, texture, and probably an entire afternoon’s worth of styling. Her expression says it all. Big hair and a big attitude.
No, this is not a “Woke Up Like This” trend. She spent hours on this look! Also, if you’re given the chance to bring back one 80s trend, would it be this hair?
They got us thinking about having a new Mount Rushmore but for the iconic hairstyle version! Their faces are going to be carved in the history of 80s hairstyle!
People will look up to their faces and see layers, feathered bangs, and the kind of commitment that requires at least three people to help you get ready in the morning.
Ah, let’s talk about the cruel irony. As the commenter pointed out, the bigger the hair, the faster the fall. The universe saw these legends defying gravity and said, “Yeah, we’ll see about that in a few years.”
Someone in the comments wants this back. Hello? Are you for real? Dear readers, are YOU brave enough to bring this look into the modern era?
He looks like a futuristic leader of an intergalactic boy band, and she is his queen, who could vaporize you with her icy glare if you question their superiority!
If we were you, it’s the best time to shut up and appreciate the style even though it’s hard. Just fake it until you realize one day, “Well, actually… I really liked your hair!”
At first glance, we thought we were looking at Rose Nylund’s baby photo! Aww, you’re so cute, OP! If we squint, we can almost hear the laugh track in the background.
We love the outfit—a plaid vest straight out of a Hallmark Christmas movie. It’s a commitment to looking like a retired Miami socialite trapped in a 5-year-old’s body.
Also, the energy you give, darling, is strong “local news anchor who is about to tell you it’s going to be a chilly one this weekend” vibes! Ah, cuteness overload! Your mom did a great job!
If you thought Danny Zuko had the most hardcore greaser look of all time, think again—because these Japanese bad boys from the 80s just took it to another level!
Every guy here looks like he just found out someone touched his motorcycle without permission. The eyebrows? Sculpted to perfection—because nothing says ‘tough guy’ like a brow game sharper than a samurai sword.
Would you survive a stare-down with one of these dudes, or would you instinctively offer them your lunch money? Be honest. We are not going to judge you here. Maybe a little?
“I may be six, but I mean business.” OP wanted a haircut to hide her double chin, but we’ll let you judge if the hairstyle, indeed, hid her double chin! Our lips are sealed!
We absolutely adore the pure innocence on her face. If we’re gonna be honest, the double-chin looks so good in you, baby girl! You just made this haircut iconic!
Whether this was the work of a skilled hairdresser or a last-minute decision made by a mom with kitchen scissors and a dream, you’re still owning that sweet little smile! It made the hair even better!
Just to inform you, folks, YES. YES, IT’S MELISSA MCCARTHY’S PHOTO! We’re not certain if this is an attempt at a bob. A mullet? A windswept masterpiece that got caught mid-storm? Nobody knows.
But she’s the most Melissa McCarthy that Melissa McCarthy’d! She didn’t need reasons to do this hair. She just wanted it, and who cares?
She’s not Melissa McCarthy for no reason. You know, deep within, she’s the woman who would dare to try eccentric hairstyles unapologetically! That’s why she’s a legend!
“Gimme bangs,” and the barber took that very, very literally—and exclusively. We can also say that maybe the barber started a very rough day, and this poor kid was the reflection of it.
Please. These bangs look afraid to step outside the hairline, and the rest is just… missing. Did the stylist forget to finish the job? Did the Clippers run out of battery?
Would you rock this style today? Are we even sure the hairdresser wasn’t just trolling? Regardless of what society says, if your dog approves, that’s all that matters!
We don’t think these bangs came from a professional! These bangs were born from a pair of safety scissors, a mirror at a questionable angle, and a misguided sense of confidence.
That unmistakable uneven chop. Some pieces are taking an elevator ride, while others are stuck on the first floor. Did she try to “even it out” a little too much? We’ve all been there. The poor kid was just curious!
Where was parental supervision? We really recommend you keep scissors away from children next time. Have we learned nothing from the trauma of self-cut bangs?
What in the name of Pythagoras! We’ve got a perfect isosceles triangle haircut! Geometry teachers are like, “Class, I want you to find the hypotenuse of this disaster.”
How does one even wake up with this hair? Did she have to sleep sitting upright like Dracula? And how many siblings were traumatized watching this unfold?
We hope you’ve forgiven your mom for her experiments, Karine. You don’t deserve it, true. But other kids don’t deserve it, too! Haha! Don’t let this hairstyle happen again.
Oh god. This haircut doesn’t just scream “bad decision”—it whispers ominously while sharpening a knife in a dimly lit basement. If the Zodiac Killer had a childhood yearbook photo, this might be it.
The dead-eyed stare paired with the perfectly rounded bowl cut gives off major ‘evil child in a horror movie’ energy. Why does it look like he’s about to tell us our own future, and it’s not good?
Was this the inspiration for every unsettling villain in 80s cinema? Because I swear, if this kid started levitating mid-sentence, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Have you ever taken a long look in the mirror and thought, “I love my dog so much I want to BE him”? Because that’s the only explanation for this.
This dude didn’t just embrace the feathered 80s look—he went full ‘Cocker Spaniel at Westminster Kennel Club.’ Was his hairstylist a dog groomer instead of for humans? We need to know!
We’re also wondering if he ever fetched compliments or just confused stares. Who told him this was a good idea? And why does he look like he’s about to drop the saddest acoustic ballad of 1987?
“You know what? I need a solid 4 inches of extra height today”? And yes, her hairstylist accomplished the mission. Whoever that hairstylist is, we hope she or he’s proud!
This hairstyle belongs in a museum, possibly under the exhibit “Hairstyles That Could Double as a Protective Helmet.” Was there a small family of squirrels living in there? Did she use hairspray or industrial adhesive?
Nevertheless, she looks like she would win the “Most Likely to Intercept Satellite Signals” award. With that kind of hair? It could block wind gusts, deflect dodgeballs, and provide emergency shade during hot recess days!
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