On October 2nd, Kate Hudson welcomed her third child into the world — a baby girl named Rani Rose Hudson Fujikawa. She announced her baby girl’s arrival with the simple Insta caption, “She’s here.” And according to Kate’s Instagram, there’s a very special meaning behind her daughter’s name. Rani, pronounced “Ronnie,” is a tribute to Danny Fujikawa’s father (Danny is Kate’s partner and the father of Rani). She wrote, “We have decided to name our daughter Rani (pronounced Ronnie) after her grandfather, Ron Fujikawa. Ron was the most special man who we all miss dearly. To name her after him is an honor.”
She continued, “Everyone is doing well and happy as can be. Our family thanks you for all the love and blessings that have been sent our way and we send ours right back.”
Kate announced that she was pregnant and dealing with morning sickness in a separate post earlier this year, in which she also revealed the gender of her baby. But despite the sickness and other things that come with pregnancy, Kate Hudson has powered through it all. Throughout her journey, she has kept her fans updated via Instagram, sharing posts of her growing baby bump over the last few months.
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The actress has two other children, 14-year-old Ryder Russell with her ex-husband Chris Robinson, and 7-year-old Bingham Hawn with her ex-fiancé Matt Bellamy.
Congratulations to the happy couple on the newest edition to their family!
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