
The 21 Best Kid Failures That Will Make You Die Of Laughter

Parenting is tough work. Even if you read every single parenting book, there are still going to be times when you just don’t know what to do and you run into some hilarious incidents, a.k.a. kid failures. Maybe you’ve had to lie to your children about something too complex for them to understand. Or maybe you’ve had to leave the room to prevent yourself from blowing up after your child drew all over the walls. Parenting can feel like walking through a minefield, even for the most organized parents.

But all the special moments along the way make the hard times worth it. From a child’s first word to their very first step, these significant milestones make for the best memories, but you know what’s also memorable? Not knowing whether to laugh or cry when your kid trips, freaks out over the taste of a lemon, or gets stuck in the potty while training. You know you shouldn’t laugh at kid failures, but sometimes it’s really hard not to.

You are your partner might have different parenting styles, but that doesn’t mean you both get a kick out of these kid failures. We compiled the best kid failures on the internet, so sit back, relax, and have a laugh at these adorable mistakes.

1. When Being An Independent Woman Goes Wrong

This kid took cereal matters into her own hands.

This curious toddler decided to feed herself one morning, and things didn’t go according to plan. When sweets and delicious treats like Cocoa Pops are generally off limits, you can expect some little toddlers to take matters into their own hands. Waking up to a floor full of tiny chocolate pebbles probably wasn’t this parent’s idea of an easy morning meal, but can you blame her for trying?

2. Baby’s First Manicure

As this parent points out, when toddlers are quiet, you need to be worried!

At some point, you just need to start expecting a child’s inquisitive nature to take over. Whether it’s pens, paint, or even nail polish, you can expect to find a little bit of it on the walls of your house if you aren’t careful. But what happens when you have a budding nail tech in the house? This baby brother got a manicure with the lot from his two-year-old sister, and we can’t stop giggling.

3. When This Little Guy Decided To Stand In His Seat

After they take their first steps, you never know when a kid is going to flex their new skills.

This toddler has a penchant for flinging food around, so much so that these parents laid out a tarp to protect the carpet. But that couldn’t stop this baby from what was going to happen next. Once he figured out how to stand with his seat attached, this baby boy flung his pasta and egg salad everywhere!

4. This Bottle Was Just Out Of Reach

Parents love to have a little fun at the expense of their kids.

This baby was a little hungry but couldn’t quite figure out how to get their mouth on the bottle. With a chunky blanket in the way of their nutritious meal, this boomerang pictures this sweet baby innocently poking their head out, hoping for a sip. Moms need to have a laugh sometimes too!

5. Potty Training Gone Wild

Potty training has to be one of the funniest and most stressful times during parents’ lives.

From missing the bowl and missing the moment, potty training isn’t ever easy and probably makes up for a good amount of kid failures. But things got a little twisted. Going head first into the potty is a lesson one only learns the hard way, and the terror on this little guy’s face is just a teensy bit funny. Hopefully it’s not something that happens again!

6. This Kid Thought They Were Edward Scissorhands

Keep scissors away from kids.

Most kids are fascinated with scissors. From cutting a doll’s hair to revamping their own clothes, kids love to cut things up—including their hair. This makes us laugh because we’ve all had a bad haircut or heard a salon horror story from a friend. This kid’s hair might take weeks (or months) to grow back, but the memories of this impromptu haircut will last much, much longer.

7. The Face Plant

Even professionals get this wrong.

We’re down to the falling kid failures—and we promise we’re trying our best not to laugh. This little guy looked so ready to celebrate his triumphant bike trick, but right at the end—just as you expect it to—it all goes wrong. The slow-mo video shows his face go from “wow” to “oh no” and it’s really sad, funny, and adorable.

8. Maybe The Kids Aren’t Totally At Fault For This Double Whammy

This is a bit of a parenting fail.

Playing outside with your kids can always be fun, but one faulty move can result in a lot of crying— and this dad does all the right things to get it so wrong. After accidentally kicking the ball out from under his two sons, one kid falls and starts crying. In an attempt to rectify the clumsy move, this dad ends up knocking out the same kid with a lazy kick of the ball. Two kid failures in one video? We can’t help but giggle!

9. When They Get Into Mom’s Makeup

Sometimes a kid has to flex some artistic flair with mommy’s makeup.

Things tend to fall apart at the very last minute, and for this mom, it was at the very last 10 minutes.  Just before leaving the house for family service at church, this kid turned up with a face packed with her mother’s entire makeup drawer. This little artist didn’t just create a grey centerpiece on her face but also managed to get a lot of product on the rest of her clothes too— 10 out of 10 for innovation!

10. Pants Are Hard To Figure Out, Okay?

It’s a merman!

This one has us in stitches. Pants aren’t as intuitive as you might think, and this baby boy clearly had a little bit of trouble figuring his bottoms out. Slipping both of his legs into the one hole, this sweatpants-merman is very cute and seems very content with himself. Can you blame him? He’s the next Little Mermaid!

11. Hammocks Can Be Very Confusing

Hammocks are the pinnacle of chill—or are they?

Most parents really need a vacation, and taking your kids with you is always a bit of a worry. How will they react to the plane ride? How much sunscreen is enough? But one thing these parents didn’t take into account was the perils of the seemingly innocent hammock. This baby got it so twisted but also looks oddly serene. Maybe we’ve been hammocking all wrong?

12. This Baby Confused Sand For Face Paint

More vacation fails!

Sun, sand, and fun are all the integral ingredients to a great holiday, but this could be the very first time a baby has seen or experienced any of those things. This baby might have thought the sand was cake, paints, or a bowl of pasta, but one thing’s for sure: he definitely went head first without any hesitation.

13. The Burgeoning Baker

This kid tested their parents’ patience.

Most people worry about their kids getting into their makeup, but this toddler bypassed the obvious and went straight to baking ingredients. Lightly flouring the entirety of this living room, I’d say this kid looks pretty pleased with his work. And we can’t really knock the even coverage.

14. She Was Just A Little Thirsty!

Kids and dogs really take being cute to a whole new level.

Parents really have to be strict to make sure their kids are getting the right amount of nutrients in their diets and avoid feeding them anything too intense. But kids will be kids, and they have no qualms putting everything they can directly into their mouths. This baby girl decided to share her dog’s water bowl with him, and honestly, it doesn’t seem like he minds at all.

15. He Almost Made It!

This was a little unexpected.

“Enough time has finally passed that I don’t feel like a bad parent,” the caption reads, but we must admit that this is very cute and extremely funny. After watching this kid laboriously make his way up to his little ramp and on to the couch, everything seems  to be going fine, until he makes a little tumble right at the end.

16. This Kid Just Couldn’t Keep His Balance

And this dad couldn’t contain his laughter!

After taking their first steps, kids tend to get a little confident with speed and direction. This little guy whose still donning diapers took a bit of a tumble. It’s both really hard to watch and really funny. Whoever is behind the video had a really contagious laugh, so maybe we don’t feel so bad indulging after all.

17. Slide Are A Lot More Confusing Than They Look

A staple of any good playground, slides are always simple.

This little guy looked ready to have some fun until everything went a bit sideways. Realizing the only way was down, this baby began pulling himself down the slide until friction took over and he went down headfirst onto the grass. Bless this little child. We hope he has better luck in the future.

18. Keeping A Smile On Their Face When Things Go Wrong

Keep cool, calm, and collected, even when you’re vomiting.

If only you could take this kind of serenity into your 20s when you need it. This baby knew the camera was on but also there was probably a rumble in their tummy. Is she a model in the making? Because Tyra Banks would be proud of this smize in the face of a gross little fail.

19. Backpacks Are Very Confusing

Sometimes gravity isn’t on our side.

“Do not go down those stairs,” the mom behind the camera wisely suggests, but this little guy has a mind of his own. With a backpack almost as big as himself, he takes one confident step down. It all seems fine until he loses his footing and takes a fall, looking like a cute turtle. They don’t count as kid failures if they’re this cute, right?

20. This Kid Got A Little Too Excited About Climbing

Do we have an avid climber in our midst?

Parents are always encouraging their babies to try new things, and once they take their first steps, the climbing starts. This little girl was keen to show off her moves, and mom obliged by filming the momentous and silly occasion. Her triumph was quickly taken out with a swift—and accidental— kick to the face. We’re not sure if this counts as a kid failure or a parent failure, but we know it’s hilarious either way.

21. When Vertigo Takes Over

What’s better than spinning?

Whether you’re a parent or a child, spinning is always a great activity— until it comes to an end. And this video shows us exactly why. When you’re left unbalanced and with a slight case of vertigo, things go a bit sideways. This kid didn’t know which way was up. So cute and so very funny.



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