
What You Could Be Doing Instead of Sitting in Traffic

Commuting to work. The worst part of the day for some most people. With the average commute being 26 minutes, we thought of a few things you could be doing instead, you know, if you didn’t go into work that day or something. Because traffic is enough to drive anyone off a cliff.

By the way, only 26 minutes? I had a longer commute to my high school every day. Sheesh. Some people have all the luck. Anyways, here’s 5 things you could be doing instead of sitting in traffic for half an hour.

1. Television Take Over

Whether you’re currently binging a show on Netflix or not, you could be watching an episode of your favorite show. You would have an entire 30 minutes of free time if you did not have to go to work. Think about all the shows you could catch up on!

2. Snooze Fest

Sleep is how we function. Without it, we are cranky and unfriendly to all in our paths. If you don’t have to be up early for work, then what’s the point? Press “snooze” to sleep in for an extra half hour to finally finish that enchanting dream.

3. All About That Cardio

If you are presented with the gift of more time, you might as well take advantage of it. Get your work out done early so you’re set for the rest of the day. Begin your exercising by stretching, going for a run, or even meditating for a relaxed day.

4. Brunch Town USA

You’re free! No work! Grab the girls and brunch it up! Spend your late morning at a restaurant or at home. Can’t forget about the finger foods. Imagine all of the snacks and goodies you could consume in that new time frame.

5. Shop ‘Til You Drop

Thirty minutes. That’s two fifteen minute halves. You know the deals out there. You’ve done this before. Thirty minutes to go, shop, snack break, and return. I believe in you. You got this. Now go make us proud! Get those shoes you’ve been dreaming of since you may not have a job for skipping this day of work.

Or if all else fails, there’s always online shopping. So easy, you can do it at your desk. What would you do on your day off?

Josh Smith

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