
16 Things You Need To Throw Away In Your Apartment Right Now

We’re all guilty of hoarding stuff that we no longer have use for. We collect things to the point where we feel as though we can’t breathe in our supposed comfort zone. Yeah it’s almost fall, but there’s never a bad time to do some spring cleaning. To help you out, we’ve identified 16 things in your apartment that you should get rid of right now. 

Once you make the first move, cleaning out your space can feel so invigorating. And honestly, getting rid of things can be somewhat addicting if you get yourself into the right mental state. To get into the groove, ask yourself these questions when in the midst of a decluttering project:

Does the item in question make you feel happy? Have you used the item in the past 90 days? Do you see yourself using this thing in the next few weeks? And finally: if you get rid of this item, will your life be negatively impacted?

If all signs point to toss, then “Kobe” that thing into the garbage can/recycling bin/donation pile.


Most (if not all) of the below items are things we all live with and it’s time to give them the boot. Break out a fresh trash bag and let’s get to work.

1. Everything at the back of your refrigerator.

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It’s time to tackle the monsters at the back of your fridge. If you can’t identify the food, toss it. If there’s even a hint of mold growth on whatever the thing is, toss it! If you haven’t used that open jar of jam for six months, toss it! You’ll free up space and lessen your chances of consuming something rancid.

2. Appliances and kitchen tools you never use.


We’re talking bread makers, that bulky popcorn machine you’ve used once, that extra crockpot, and the dehydrator you got for Christmas ten years ago. Let it all go and you’ll feel so much lighter.

3. Clothing that makes you feel subpar.


Everyone has those pieces of clothing lingering in our closets that we just don’t wear because they make us feel frumpy. Or perhaps they’re just outdated or worn out — but you save them anyway because maybe, just maybe, you’ll wear them again. But let’s get real with ourselves: It’s time to donate those clothes to someone who might feel fab in them.

4. The toothbrush you’ve been using since…wait, what year is it again?

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According to the Colgate website, you should replace your toothbrush every three to four months. Definitely swap out your toothbrush if you’ve been sick. And if you forgot when you bought that toothbrush you’re using, check the bristles — if they’re frayed then it’s time to put that thing to rest.

5. Old makeup, skin care, and hair products.


When it comes to makeup, there are some strict guidelines you should stick to in order to make sure you’re not at risk for putting bacteria on your face. reports that liquid face products, cream eyeshadows, and skin care products shouldn’t be kept around for more than six months. Mascara and liquid eyeliner should be tossed after three months. Hair care items can last for about a year, whereas powders and lipsticks can hang out for approximately two years.

6. Things you haven’t gotten around to fixing yet.


Are you really going to glue/nail/staple that shattered planter/plastic chair/old table that’s been sitting in the corner for months? If you haven’t done it yet, you probably won’t do it. Therefore, it has to go.

7. Your CD and/or DVD collection.

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This one might be a bone of contention among the music/movie collecting world — but hear us out. As hard as it is for us ’90s/’00s kids to realize, CDs and DVDs are outdated and they’re most likely collecting dust on your shelves as we speak. The future is digital and unless you have some serious nostalgia attached to those discs, you might want to pass them on to the thrift store.

8. Your loofah.


Loofahs seem like a great way to exfoliate. But Esther Angert, Ph.D., associate professor in the department of microbiology at Cornell University, told that when you use a loofah, dead skin builds up in its nooks and crannies. Then, when you leave it to “dry” in the shower, it becomes a hotspot for bacteria. “The shower environment is a nice, humid environment — there’s not a lot of air circulation, and it’s a great place for bacteria to hang out,” Dr. Angert said. Therefore, you might want to stick to a washcloth (that you throw in the washer regularly) to keep everything as hygienic as possible in your bathroom.

9. The alcohol bottles lining the top of your cabinets.


This was a fun look for your first apartment in college, but you’ve grown up and you deserve nicer decor than those “trophies.” Invest in a few plants or check your local thrift store for decorative plates, pottery, or framed art. You’ll instantly feel like a grownup.

10. Receipts — yes, all of them.

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Okay, unless you need them for work or know that you might be returning something. But if that’s not the case, dig them out of all your bags and clear up that bowl or drawer or whatever receptacle you use for storing receipts. You don’t need all those scraps of paper around! And they add up — quick.

11. Books you’ve read and didn’t like.


Has this happened to you? You buy a book and dive right in only to find out that it’s pretty boring or the characters just don’t jive with you. So, there the book sits, either unfinished or loathed. Perhaps someone else will find it entertaining. Chuck it in the donation pile to free up more shelf space.

12. The gifts that you feel guilty getting rid of.


Aunt Tracey always tries really hard to get us something she thinks we’ll like. But she just can’t seem to make the mark. Instead of stuffing that oversized sweater or neon yellow hat into a drawer somewhere, just donate it. Even though you won’t, someone else will get joy out of Aunt Tracey’s gift. It’s the thought that counts, anyway.

13. Excess Tupperware.

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It’s always great to have storage containers on hand to store leftovers. But more often than not, you only use the same three or four pieces over and over again (especially if there’s only one of you). Donate or pass unused Tupperware to friends and family who could put it to good use.

14. Expired medicines.


Both over-the-counter and prescription medications have expiration dates stamped on them, and it’s in your best interest to abide by them. Ingredients may no longer be active in expired medicines, so do your body a favor and chuck ’em.

15. Old bills, paperwork, schoolwork, etc.


After you’ve paid the bill or submitted that assignment — especially if you’ve done so online — there’s really no good reason to keep the physical copy around. In fact, go through your entire file cabinet and see what can go. You’ll be surprised how much paper has been weighing you down.

16. Old greeting cards.


Unless that card holds sentimental value, you’re free to chuck it out. If you feel guilty, we are officially absolving you of that guilt. If you save every single card you get (birthday cards, holiday cars, Valentine’s Day cards, Halloween cards, just-because cards, etc.), you’ll end up with a gigantic stockpile the size of your living room that’ll just keep growing.


We wish you luck on your decluttering adventure. Remember, if it doesn’t make you happy or isn’t of extreme importance, chances are it can move on to another life.

Olivia Harvey

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