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Sure, the birth rate in America has gone down considerably, but that doesn’t account for fur-children. People can’t help but love dogs and cats, which come with a lot of the same medical expenses that children do. And the same fear of the doctor as well.
Unfortunately, not a lot of people are prepared to fund an absolute pet emergency. And when it comes to dogs and cats, it’s often hard to diagnose their issues. The same symptoms can be indicative of a variety of ailments, and unfortunately, our pets are unable to tell us the exact aches and pains they’re experiencing.
That means that a lot of people end up avoiding the vet, too afraid for both their pets and their wallets when something serious comes up.
There’s also a fear that a vet may judge you for the calls you choose to make. But, it turns out that feeling is mutual. Insider reports that veterinarians are often told that they must not love animals if they charge the prices they do.
“Unfortunately, the mortgage company doesn’t just allow us to have a building because we’re nice,” veterinarian Katy Nelson told Insider. “It costs a lot of money to run a veterinary hospital, and we’re not trying to gouge anybody. We’re just trying to pay our bills and do the right thing for your pet.”
Here are a few other things that veterinarians want you to know, both regarding their profession and your pets.
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You may assume that hanging out with dogs and cats all day is a picnic.
“Any dog will bite you if you put them in a position where they’re frightened,” Sue, a veterinarian in New Orleans, said to Mental Floss. And, it’s not just dogs. Cat bites can reportedly be career-ending.
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Yes, it may be embarrassing to say you accidentally drugged your dog. But honestly, veterinarians (and all doctors, if we’re being real) have heard everything before.
That way, your pet can get the fastest care possible. Plus, medicinal cannabis is legal in a lot of places, so they probably won’t even question anything besides “how much did your dog ingest.” Reddit user Bastet_0, who is a veterinary nurse, urges people to be honest if their pet accidentally eats cannabis.
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You might think you’re doing everything right, but the truth is, there’s more you can do for your furry friends.
Dr. Gary Richter, a Veterinary Health Expert with, told Best Life that it needs to happen every day.
“Believe it or not, food and water bowls should be cleaned with hot water and soap daily,” Richter stated.
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Your dog might not like a toothbrush, but there are other ways to get their teeth clean.
You should inquire with your vet about a dental cleaning to make sure everything is under control. And, don’t be afraid to start a dental regiment at home with your pet as well.
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Don’t let your kids play with it, or bring it into your home without a little bit of knowledge first. The best thing you can do is call a wildlife rescue or rehabilitation center.
Reddit user and veterinarian mrsbrutongaster even warned not to just take in baby animals because they appear abandoned; many species leave their young for periods of time to gather food.
If you feel the need to help, you should consider volunteering for a local wildlife rescue, which will teach you a lot about wildlife in the process.
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It’s unfair, but our pets typically have much shorter lifespans than we do.
“I have worked shifts where I didn’t have a single patient walk out alive,” Sue noted to Mental Floss. Not only is it sad to see a pet pass away, but handling the owner’s reaction is also very tough. It’d make sense that a vet might seem cold when it comes to the process because it’s their job to be clinical and professional.
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Yes, they’re at their cutest as puppies and kittens, but it’s also when they’ll learn most of their skills. Puppies need to learn how to socialize with other dogs, and for kittens to feel comfortable with touch — especially when it comes to nail trimming.
Be sure to spend a lot of time with them if you want a well-adjusted pet. That doesn’t mean that you should avoid adopting an older dog or cat, as they’re often perfect companions.
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They may be too difficult for you, but an injured pet still has a lot of love to give.
According to Reader’s Digest, a veterinarian named Patty Khuly has taken it upon herself to home a menagerie of animals, from a three-legged cat to a goat. They might not be in perfect condition, but they’re still worthy of a loving home.
If they end up finding another home (and many don’t) they’ll have to go through a major adjustment period.
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It seems cute to see a fat cat or a pudgy dog, but it’s awful for your pet’s health.
Animal site Healthy Pets believes that many pet parents become blind when it comes to weight, assuming that a heavy dog or cat is in the normal range.
A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to unhealthy behaviors.
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Unless it’s something related to a medical condition, they can’t make your dog nicer.
“Yet, because it’s not medical, most of us don’t learn much about that in veterinary school,” veterinarian Oscar Chavez told Reader’s Digest.
Instead, you may want to hire on a trainer — but know in advance that this will require a lot of work.
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Your pets often don’t want you to know something is wrong. So if you wait until they’ve been in pain for a few days, you may already be too late.
Some veterinarian offices also offer payment plans and CareCredit to make the bills easier to handle. One Reddit user notes changes in your animal’s behavior that indicate they are in pain include, “Peeing outside the litter box, changes in “bathroom habits,” switching food preferences, making a lot more noise or becoming much more quiet, sleeping a lot, being less responsive to you.”
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Yes, we may treat our pets like they are humans once in a while–has anyone else felt awkward when their pet saw them naked? But it turns out that does more harm than good.
Redditor LoveAndCorpses really spells it out, saying, “Your pet is not a person. The confusion around this is one of the biggest causes of behavioral problems that I have encountered, particularly in dogs. Dogs need boundaries and to know their place in a pack, not to be treated like the baby you never had.”
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It may seem like our pets can be dramatic, but when it comes to expressing pain, it’s not just to get your attention.
Redditor technocassandra told a story of someone who thought their pet was faking illness, and it did not end well: “Your pet does not “fake” catastrophic illnesses or accidents. I saw this happen numerous times. The worst one was a guy who left his 11-year-old family dog lie in the entryway immobilized for three days because he thought the dog was “faking.” It was only when the dog started shrieking in pain that he figured he’d better bring the dog in. The dog had suffered a stroke and was badly dehydrated.”
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Can you exercise with your dog? Of course.
“There is a lot that goes into training a dog for this type of activity, and you need the proper equipment,” Dr. Ryan noted to BestLife. “Plus, you will need to be vigilant about your pet’s safety at all times. For example, is the ground clean of debris? Is it too warm outside?”
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Vets aren’t trying to swindle you. Their salaries are lower than you’d think.
Of course, a lot of that depends on experience and the area in which they live, as Redditor Prttybyrd explained.
“Please don’t say that vets are “in it for the money.” I’m raising a family of four and last year I brought home less than 60k…we don’t m ake recommendations to take your money. We make recommendations because we genuinely care about your pet’s wellbeing,” they said.
According to The Balance Careers, large animal vets usually make slightly more — but not to a level where they could say they’re wealthy. If you’re looking for a career where you’re making a ton of cash, a veterinarian isn’t it.
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It’s not to order more tests. It’s to make sure your pet actually feels better.
Have a cat that constantly won’t use the litter box? It’s really common, and not “just a cat thing.” Instead, it could mean that your cat has a UTI that needs treatment.
Don’t make assumptions that your pet is just acting weird for the sake of it.
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According to this vet, it’s all about marketing.
Redditor bdwgs1 shared, “Grain free is 100% marketing. You’re paying extra for absolutely no benefit. While we are on the subject, by products should not specifically be avoided. Pets need nutrients, not ingredients.”
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Just because you are picking out a food that is meant for all dog breeds or ages doesn’t mean you’re feeding them correctly.
Redditor acartoontiger said, “If a feedsays, “formulated for dogs in ALL LIFE STAGES,” that means that the caloric–nutritive content is sufficient for puppies and/or pregnant and lactating dogs. If you feed that food to your 10-year-old neutered dog, he will get fat and he will get unhealthy.”
If your pet has a specific allergy or health condition, there are specialty foods out there that’ll help them feel better. Don’t buy into fancy packages, and remember that your pets need nutrition first and foremost.
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According to the veterinarians and vet techs of Reddit, this happens more often than you would think. And it can have dire consequences.
“The dosages are different, and some medications can be toxic to your animal. I’ve seen way too many pets die because the owner was a damn cheapskate and gave Tylenol to the pet when it was in pain rather than bringing it in for an examination,” laments Redditor Just_Having_Thoughts.
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It doesn’t matter if your pet hates the vet or not.
Even if your pet isn’t sick, getting an annual exam is important to make sure there’s nothing serious going on that you’re just unaware of. Purina believes that if your pet only sees the vet when they’re sick, they may become even more irritable and uncomfortable with the appointment. So, well visits are important for that as well.
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You know how your pet just seems to know when you are in a bad mood? It turns out not only can they tell what your feelings are, but your emotions can act as a contagion.
Redditor hereticjones added that “the animal freaks out when you do,” which makes sense. Try to stay zen for your furry friend.
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Your friends might get tired of seeing your pets all over their feed, but vets aren’t.
“Photos and videos are so helpful,” says one Redditor. “If your pet is doing ‘this weird cough,’ take a damn video of it! It’ll help us with the diagnosis, and could possibly save you money in the end.”
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At the end of the day, it is truly your decision whether or not you declaw your pet. However, you should know that it is illegal in many countries, and vets don’t like doing it.
Redditor RekhetKa shared, “Declawing is painful, and no one likes doing them. We feel bad for your cat, but would rather it be fingerless than homeless. Congrats on your selfishness and thanks for your money.” Other Redditors added that declawing your cat can lead to behavioral issues, too. Keep those claws on!
It’s a lot easier to prevent an illness or condition than to remedy it, according to Redditor derrymaine.
“It is SO much easier to keep fleas out of your house than to try to get rid of them afterwards. Use a monthly flea/tick product year-round if you live south of anywhere that doesn’t get several dumps of snow each winter. Heartworm preventative is even more important for the health of your dog,” they said.
“Monthly pills/chews usually cost $7-10 per month while treatment if they become infected can be over $1500 and can be very risky to their health. Give this year-round because it can truly be a life-saver.”
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Do you have a plan if your pet accidentally ingests poison? Or if they seem out of sorts?
This is why Redditor cornsilk suggests you come up with an emergency plan before one actually occurs. “Sit down with your family while your pet is healthy and happy, and discuss just what you are and aren’t willing to do in an emergency situation.” It might be hard to do, but it is vital.
“You don’t want to be having a tearful argument in the lobby at 2am because one of you wants to do emergency surgery, and the other doesn’t.”
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We know, this is a tricky one. But it could save you a lot of stress down the road, according to Redditor stelynn.
“It helps a lot when you make the first few visits to the vet super fun for your pet. We usually give animals treats as soon as they come in, but there are some that are too scared and their owners just accept that they “hate the vet,” they say.
They go on to give advice on how to recondition your pet, namely dogs. “If you have a young animal, take it everywhere you possibly can. It’s amazing how much socialization can affect their personalities. (Just don’t expose it to too many older dogs/cats and diseases.”
“Bring treats that they love and go to fun places before and/or after. Some people even randomly stop by the clinic just so the dog can hang out, get treats, and leave without having anything done to it.”
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Okay, they aren’t entirely on their own, but it is harder to socially condition them in the same way you would a dog. The Redditor added, “Cats… are a mystery. but any effort really makes a difference.”
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What do we do when we see a problem? We fire up our phones. This is a completely normal reaction, but you can’t expect to go into your appointment knowing more than your vet, which, admittedly, we’ve all done at least once. They’re your baby, after all! You know how to take care of them.
VetStreet recommends seeing if there are any notable sites you can reference that are openly recommended by your veterinary practice, if you really want to put in some extra research.
If you are a dog mom or cat person, you can probably relate to all of the weird things our pets do.
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