Let’s be frank— flirting is an art, mastered by some and admired by many. But if you’re struggling to work out your definitive flirting style, astrology likely has all the answers you’re looking for.


Yes, it’s true that everything is already written in the stars. Our zodiac signs can tell us a lot about ourselves, from our personality, attachment style, creature comforts, and the way people perceive us. Ultimately it’s best to use it as a tool to navigate your way through life rather than as a manual, as little nuances make everyone so unique. Whether your astrology suggests you’re a smooth operator, a courting connoisseur, or a flirting failure, nothing is set in stone. Take these teasing tips as a starting point to discover more about yourself — and see which sign is probably most receptive to everything you’re about!

Understanding the common aspects of flirting can be a great first step in sparking a romance with your crush, a hot summer fling with that cutie you see at the coffee shop on the weekends, and could even lead to starting something special with, dare we say, the one.

Before we dive headfirst into astrological wooing, let’s discuss the different styles of flirting.

The 5 Styles Of Flirting


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Do you ever find yourself fantasizing about your knight in shining armor coming to save you? Then you might lean towards responding to traditional flirting. It’s all about being asked on the perfect date, chivalry, being courted and wooed with chocolates, flowers, and fancy dinner. For some folks, this is the absolute definition of romance and courtship.


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According to How Stuff Works, 55 percent of flirting is through body language. If that statistic makes you feel excited, then you’re likely a physical flirt. Less talk, more action is your motto. Whether it manifests itself in brushing your hand against someone’s shoulder, grazing their leg, or teasingly tapping your crush when they make you laugh, physical touching exudes confidence.


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Apparently, this is the most common flirting style and we see why. This way of flirting is genuine. It’s all about giving direct compliments, casually talking about common ground, and finding mutual interests. If you desire straightforwardness and probity, this just may be your preferred method., This technique also scored high in establishing strong emotional connections.


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While playfully teasing someone seems ideal in establishing a connection, this style is the least likely to result in a meaningful relationship. It’s less serious for the coquettish and lively seducer. Usually this type of flirt instigates these moments without an agenda, as it comes up naturally even with people they’re not interested in. Does this sound like you?


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Don’t get polite flirting confused with sincere, because this manner is actually the hardest to read. Hands-off, creating space, and tending to be friendly rather than suggestive makes polite flirting difficult to decipher. Have you ever thought you were sending all the right signals but the other person never got the hint? Not even a little? Well, this could be the way you express your romantic interest.

Now you know a little more about flirting styles, let’s get to how your zodiac sign informs your charming ways.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Flirting style: Direct and intense

Aries are Fire signs, so not only is your flirting style direct, passionate, and intense, but it’s also very charming. Represented by the Ram, you like to go into things head-first, and this brazen attitude can turn some people off. Not to worry, because those aren’t the people you’re interested in anyway. You like to mix physical, playful, and sincere styles with your fiery delivery. Compatible long-term relationship are likely with Air signs like Gemini and Aquarius as well as with fellow Fire signs Leo and Sagittarius.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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Flirting style: Emotional and observant

The planet that dictates love and romance, Venus, rules the zodiac sign of Taurus. These natural lovers are calm and collected unless someone tries to challenge them. Symbolized by the Bull, this is one of the few times Taureans can be angered, as they don’t like outsiders coming in and challenging what they want. Your flirting style is down to earth, likely very sincere, magnetic, and mixed with respectful physical touch. Taureans are compatible with Capricorns, Libras, and Cancers.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Flirting style: Talkative and obvious

Geminis are known for having the gift of the gab and besides talking your crush’s ear off, there will be no confusion of your romantic interest. This Air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet responsible for communication, friendships, and how we’re perceived by others, so flirting is in their wheelhouse. It culminates in a mixture of physical, playful, and sincere flirting styles. Gemini and Libras are the most compatible signs in the entire zodiac. The Twins can also pique the interest of Aquarius and Aries.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Flirting style: Emotional and traditional

The maternal force of the zodiac, Cancers love traditional flirting. The thought of someone else making a dinner reservation for you is likely to make your heart swell with joy– but it takes a minute for you to get there. Symbolized by the Crab, your hard shell gives way to a soft interior. Breaking the ice with jokes, sincere conversation, and a casual approach is your best way forward. Cancers’ Water energy is met surprisingly well by Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorns, but is especially appreciated by fellow ocean-dweller, Pisces.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

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Flirting style: Spectacularly candid

Leos don’t know how to walk into a room without making an entrance. These proud Lions are characterized by their healthy egos, and this comes through in their flirting form, too. As Fire signs, they’re dramatic and in-your-face, so more polite flirts could be turned off by their directness. But there are signs that love the bold frankness of a Leo — especially Air signs Gemini and Libra and Fire sign Aries.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

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Flirting style: Precise and enigmatic

Virgos are known for being meticulous, but these perfectionists can come off cold as they calculate their best chances. While they mean well, their polite style can be off-putting to those who want to get straight to the point. But don’t mistake them for prudes. Virgos love seduction, and will often express themselves through body language. Virgos tend to mesh well with other Virgos, as well as Capricorns, Taureans, and Cancers.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

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Flirting style: Charming and harmonious

Represented by the scales, Libras tend to weigh the pros and cons before jumping into an amorous situation. But in reality, these romantics always find a reason to ultimately follow their hearts. Graceful, beautiful, and ethereal, Libras are always charming and rarely indirect. They know when to gently place a hand on someone’s arm or when to laugh extra hard at a joke because flirting coms naturally to this effervescent Air sign. Geminis, Leos, and Aquarians tend to be engrossed with lovely Libras.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

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Flirting style: Ambiguous and powerful

Very physical, often stoic, and always intense, the Scorpio is the one of the biggest flirts of the zodiac. This Water sign is able to conjure an energy that seems to put a spell over whomever they are wooing, even if the prospective partner doesn’t realize it. They’re complex, emotional, loving, and extremely caring, so often they try to hide behind a tough exterior. Yet there are a few signs that can dig they way into their hearts. For this sign, they need fellow Water signs to temper their spirit, so Pisces and Cancers tend to mesh well, but the earthy power of Capricorns are also a winning match.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

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Flirting style: Carefree and captivating

The last Fire sign in the astrological calendar doesn’t disappoint. They lean all the way into their playful and direct courting abilities but can often come across crude. Sagittarians can forget to exercise a filter in conversation, but it’s that same trait that makes them so loveable. Outrageous and always looking to evoke a reaction, Sagittarius is represented by the Archer, taking aim at your heart; and if they want to, they will hit the bullseye. Libras, Geminis, and Leos are your best bet.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

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Flirting style: Cool, calm, and collected

Often coming off aloof, Capricorns struggle to let go of their authoritative facade for the more loose attitude required for an atmosphere of flirting. They tend to be polite and very traditional, opting to make the plans instead of letting others make any decisions for them. You might not know they’re even flirting with you, but if they connect with you on LinkedIn, it’s likely they want to marry you. These intense and stoic flirts are best paired with other Earth signs that can handle their cold approach, like Virgos and Taureans, as well as Water signs who will help them let loose, like Scorpios and Cancers.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

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Flirting style: Unusual but lots of fun

Aquarians are affectionately referred to the aliens of the zodiac because their unique approach to life is unmatched by anyone else. This Air sign is free-spirited and charismatic, able to engage anyone in a conversation on an off-beat topic with incomparable flair. If an Aquarian is flirting, you can expect hours of conversations about conspiracy theories, philosophy, and strange confessions from their childhood, but it will never be boring. Geminis, Libras, and Sagittarians are enamored by Aquarians.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Flirting style: Mystical and sensitive

Represented by the Fish, Pisces are in touch with their emotions and love to find someone who will understand that. At first, they may be shy, but once they set their eyes on someone, Pisces will be deep and intense to test if you can handle it. Once they open up and trust you, they’ll be bubbly, silly, and err on the lighter side of life, so you can expect a lot of joking around and playfulness. Signs that mesh well with Pisces are fellow Water signs Scorpios and Cancers, but they can find a spark with the serious Capricorn.

Did you learn something new about your flirting style? We hope this has empowered you to get out there, flex your courting skills and find the compatible sign of your dreams!