I’m going to be honest — I’ve had my fair share of horrible bosses. There was the boss who screamed at me for doing further research into the company (since I had to be up to something sketchy) and the boss who sexually harassed me and made every single day uncomfortable. How could I ever forget about the boss who’d send me and my team countless praises through email, just to quietly cut our hours and responsibilities days later.
Dealing with a bad boss is often a horrifying situation in the moment. It’s not quite possible for many of us to be able to afford the essentials without one. So, we often do whatever it takes to shield the negativity and hardships and focus on the fact that, at the very least, these bad days will ensure we’ll be stocked up on toilet paper and canned goods for a couple of months.
When we’ve rebuilt our confidence and have found a better fit with employment, we can sit back and re-examine some of the ridiculous things our past bosses said or did. And sometimes, making the internet fully aware of the insane situations we’ve survived helps us fully get over them.
Here are some of the worst boss experiences on the internet.
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A double mastectomy can be a traumatic experience, especially since it’s most commonly tied with breast cancer and breast cancer treatment. Plus, all surgeries come with a level of fear. Even if it’s a common procedure, it’s not a vacation for anyone involved. Having a boss examine your chest after hearing the news is uncalled for and violating.
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However, they don’t usually face such tragic endings based on their paranoia. May this be a lesson to all of the penny-pinching bosses out there. It’s so much better to hire employees you trust, than employees you constantly need to secretly monitor and harass. (Secret cameras, in general, shouldn’t even be a security measure that crosses your mind.)
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Word to the wise, never assume anyone is pregnant. Even if they look like they’re nearing the 40-week mark, always let the woman talk about their pregnancy first. It’s just common courtesy, especially since “bouncing back” after a legitimate pregnancy can take a long, long time. And if you’re commenting in regards to boobs? You may want to rethink about your social etiquette altogether.
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If you happen to have a romance blog online, lock it down. Don’t trace it to your name, and don’t visit it (or write in it) during work hours on your work computer. It’s not illegal, but it can lead to several awkward situations that you won’t be able to recover from. Especially if you made your hiring choices due to sexual attraction. (Which, gross.)
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When you’re a manager, you want your business to do well. But if your success is based around a big health scare that has left people worried and concerned, maybe you shouldn’t voice those thoughts out loud to your employees. Mad Cow Disease reportedly can’t affect humans, but they can get something close that’s called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It’s scary, but very rare.
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This guy is particularly sleazy, as he penalized his staff for something they didn’t do. If you’re thinking about pulling a similar move, just know this — you will get caught, and every employee you’ve accused of being a criminal before that moment will pour over the police report with a strange sense of relief.
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But, a good boss will realize that there’s a time for getting ink — and it’s probably not smack dab in the middle of a busy workday. Unless he scheduled that time aside and let his employees know, which it sounds like he didn’t, he demonstrated how clueless he is about how his company runs.
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Bathroom issues are highly personal and a little embarrassing as-is. Nobody wants to admit to the world that they have diarrhea or bad stomach cramps. Knowing your boss followed you in there, or having them camp outside to make sure your issues are legit, is just a nightmare come true. Whatever happened to privacy?
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You shouldn’t even joke when it comes to bad words and insults. Use actual paper and a pencil to jot down your feelings on a negative client if need be. Then, immediately shred it so it doesn’t see the light of day. This boss likely cost his employees a ton of money and may have lost a few big contacts due to one bad move.
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Pale skin in the summertime only started being embraced somewhat recently. Which is a shame, since all skin is beautiful — especially when it’s healthy. This boss made a comment that made his employee feel bad about herself for a lifetime. Yes, words can carry a lot of weight. Bosses should always keep negative comments about looks to themselves.
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Not only was this boss snooping on his employees’ personal lives, but the fact that he brought it into work is an issue in itself. Whatever you do at home is your own business, unless it greatly affects your capabilities at work. Having a same-sex partner, and showing PDA on occasion, doesn’t fit that category.
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You work for a paycheck. So, you might want to make sure you have enough money to pay your employees if you bring them on board. Otherwise, you’ll have a lot of bounced checks and upset employees who are probably looking for a solid exit plan. If it happens, at least apologize and promise it won’t occur again. (And, make good on that promise.)
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Not when you’re trying to push another job at them. This boss could have assumed they were doing the right thing, but it’s not her place to force an employee into a career path they might not be into. Chances are, this employee was fine with publicity — the comment was just a power play for the boss to feel more in control of the situation.
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Some people are better at their jobs than others. But unless you’ve worked for a debt collection place before, you don’t know how negative it could be. When you’re asking people to pay money, the people who’ll comply will be in the minority. Maybe this place could have celebrated the “strong” employees in a way that didn’t put everyone else down.
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It’s even harder to do at work when your privacy isn’t guaranteed and your bosses need to be informed every time it happens. It’s a job within a job. This is why a lot of women strive to have a dedicated pumping room in their office, to avoid the awkwardness of coworkers questioning things or barging in.
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This can definitely be seen as sexual harassment. So bosses — no matter how close you think you may be with your employees, just know that asking them to edit your pornographic writing endeavors is a line crossed. There’s no way around it. Find someone else to help you out.
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You have a right to the benefits you’ve earned. And if this place is so stingy that they don’t want to offer healthcare to a good employee, preferring to train someone new on a three-month rotation, you don’t need them. Find a place that appreciates you and wants you to be your best self.
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If a boss says something like this to you, it means that he finds you to be attractive — and is blaming you for that. This puts you in a very awkward situation. Not only might you not feel safe in your work environment anymore, but you’ll feel like you need to change your whole wardrobe. Consider making things easier by resigning in favor of a better job.
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But much like Christmas, or Easter, or your own birthday, they’re not something you can openly change. Sure, some people celebrate multiple Christmas celebrations around December. But Yom Kippur, which is one of the biggest Jewish holidays, is one specific day of fasting. Observing it on a day that makes sense to someone else takes away its whole purpose.
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