Health & Wellness

The Way You’re Hanging Your Toilet Paper Could Be Disastrous For Your Health

Let me get something out of the way here — I typically hang toilet paper the “unpopular” way. It was never because I wanted to live on the edge — I just liked the way it looked. Still, I didn’t put too much thought into it. My toilet paper hangs under, not over the roll. For me, it’s just important that the roll goes in the holder, and isn’t located on the sink, the side of the tub, or on top of the tank. But still, people get worked up about which was is “correct” — and it turns out that one method actually does cause less exposure to harmful bacteria.

Even bathrooms that are properly cleaned are still covered in germs and bacteria — it’s just the way of the world. But still, it’s always good to know the best way to avoid them. Y’know, aside from having Clorox wipes in your pockets at all times.

Back in 2011, the University of Colorado discovered 19 — yes, 19 — groups of bacteria in the bathroom. They weren’t just on the toilet. In fact, nothing was safe. Doors, faucets, and floors all contained something. As it’s often present with fecal matter, it comes as no surprise that e. Coli was found around the toilet.

Surely you’ve heard a lot about e. Coli recently — there was an outbreak with romaine lettuce, and Chipotle also spread it a few years back.


Anyway, back to toilet paper, the poor bystander. Scientists believe that public places that hang their toilet paper under — my aforementioned preferred method — are actually way more susceptible to exposure. That’s because, in order to grab the end, people are more likely to touch the surrounding wall. Plus, by hanging it over, you’ll touch less of the paper that you won’t be using.

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So, there you have it. Hanging toilet paper over is actually the healthier way to position your toilet paper. But in order to really look out for your health and well-being, make sure to wash your hands properly after every bathroom visit. That’ll help eliminate the spread of bad bacteria no matter what.

Karen Belz

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