
People Are Sharing Their Weird Fitness Tips and We’re Here for It

Curious about unconventional workouts? Reddit’s fitness enthusiasts share bizarre yet brilliant fitness tips that might just surprise you.

Dance to Three Songs Per Day

Find traditional exercise boring, but want to move more? Almost everyone on r/loseit recommends dancing. Yes, dancing alone in your room counts as exercise.

Dancing to three songs daily can provide a workout you’ll actually like. You’ll get at least 15 minutes of exercise, which is way better than nothing.

To get started, try making a playlist of high-energy songs. If you’re still having trouble and just want clear-cut instructions, give “Just Dance” a whirl.

Hula Hoop While Watching TV

u/grungesundae says they do this while watching TV. That’s awesome! I love this for grungesundae. It’ll be fun to improve, especially if you’re really bad at hula hooping.

According to Today, it offers a full-body workout, engaging your legs, abs, and hips. Do it for a few minutes and you’ll already feel your heart rate increase.

You can also get a weighted hula hoop if you want to take this exercise to the next level. Plus, you’ll have the TV, which is a welcome distraction.

Get Addicted to Disc Golf

Disc golf, aka “frisbee golf,” is a weird sport. It feels like one of those things you’re either obsessed with or know absolutely nothing about.

Case in point: u/HWeezy88. They say they’re “biased because [they’re] addicted.” So, what’s all the fuss about? Can it really be that fun?

Well, yes! Basically, you throw frisbees at a basket. It’s super easy to set up in your own backyard or local park.

Play VR Games

First off: I don’t recommend these if you get nauseous easily or have epilepsy. When they do work, though, they’re great for fitness.

A lot of people on r/loseit recommend Beat Saber, a music-based game where you have to slash at a song’s beats as they come towards you.

Your arms will be flailing around, so make sure there isn’t anything next to you. Overall, VR games are so fun, you won’t even realize you’re working out.

Go to the Playground

u/EarFatigue recommends this. They point out that this doubles as a bonding activity with your kids or little siblings. Swings actually work out your legs and your core.

It’s a shame that we’re supposed to grow out of playgrounds. Fortunately, adult playgrounds are becoming more popular, though they’re not as widespread.

Those aren’t your only options. You could also pay a visit to your local trampoline park or indoor obstacle course for a similarly fun workout.

Try Aerial Arts

u/MetaverseLiz suggests aerial arts, and as crazy as it sounds, it seems pretty cool! Lots of places that offer classes, which vary in intensity.

Popular aerial arts include trapeze, aerial yoga, and aerial hoops. You will have to take a class, though. Not the kind of stuff you can learn at home.

This Redditor specifically does Lyra, which focuses on the hoop. It’s a great way to build both strength and flexibility. Give it a go!

Buy a Water Park Pass

Like to swim? Ditch the pool for a water park. Obviously, do your research beforehand. You don’t want to swim in toddlers’ pee.

The exercise doesn’t just come from swimming. You’ll be walking from attraction to attraction, so you’ll basically be moving around the entire day.

Who do we have to thank for this fitness tip? u/Retremeco recommends: “Keep healthy snacks…in your car to eat before you enter the park and when you leave.”

Pay the Pull-Up Tax

u/AnAverageJebroni from r/Fitness suggests a pull-up bar outside your bathroom or in the hall to the bedroom. Every time you walk by, do as many pull-ups as possible.

Great advice if you’ve got the discipline for it. u/AnAverageJebroni went from doing 1.5 pull-ups to 15 with strict form in a few months by following this method.

You could also put it by your front door. This high-volume approach to pull-ups is a unique way to build strength and improve your fitness level effectively.

Learn Swing Dancing

No, seriously, swing dancing is an amazing workout. Popularized in the 1920s and 30s, it’s a fun way to exercise and meet new people. r/Fitness members rave about it.

u/patricosuave lost “80 lbs in eight months after learning to swing dance and going out to social dances three to four times a week.”

Honestly, dance classes in general are great; salsa is another popular one. Dance your way to fitness and enjoy the social aspect that comes with it.

Carry Full Watermelons

Ok, it’s not just watermelons, but they’re part of it. u/reddit_fitness_plan shared their experience carrying groceries without a car and making impressive forearm gains.

“I…found myself carrying full watermelons, gallons of water, and 5 bags of groceries,” they said. “I went from deadlifting 275 to 315 pounds pretty easily.”

I can definitely see how this would quickly give you some muscles, especially if you’re doing it regularly. If you live in a walkable neighborhood, take advantage of it.

Buy a Pair of Roller Skates

Roller skating is a great way to get some leg definition. u/Nevergore says: “I’ve said this on multiple forums and I’m gonna keep saying it: roller skating.”

They advised going to your local skate park or rink. You can also replace driving with roller skating. Plus, you’ll have roller skates, which are objectively cute.

Roller derby can be really fun too. You’ll notice that most of these fitness tips are social; it’s easier to be engaged in exercise when you’re interacting with people.

Cancel Your Gym Membership

u/Annihilating_Tomato: “Cancelled my gym membership. The gym made me lazy with the machines, treadmill, and stationary bike. Now in 100-degree weather or 10-degree weather, I’m biking and jogging.”

This isn’t for everyone, but can work for some people. u/Annihilating_Tomato also bought weights for their house to avoid feeling self-conscious lifting weights in front of others.

Canceling your gym membership can encourage you to get out there and work out, rain or shine, which makes you tougher and more resilient.

Stand At Your Desk

This one’s gaining traction. u/Oima_Snoypa highlights that you burn more calories standing than you do sitting. It also makes you more productive, which is an added bonus.

Ideally, you want an even mix of standing and sitting (your body does need its rest, after all). Standing at your desk helps you feel more mobile and a lot less stiff.

You’ll find that you burn more calories and stay more engaged in your work. Plus, integrating standing into your routine can improve overall comfort and energy levels.

Walk On Your Tiptoes

What’s better than walking? Walking on your tiptoes, apparently. According to u/johnbidonde22’s friend, this’ll give you good calf definition. Just be cautious and don’t overdo it.

Your feet were made the way they are for a reason; your toes aren’t meant to bear your full weight for hours on end. Maybe just treat this as an exercise to try in spurts.

Don’t do this for too long a stretch of time, though; it can end up doing more harm than good. Also, we don’t know what happened to this guy’s friend!

Get Into Gardening

u/CinnamonDish on r/PetiteFitness shares: “I garden! And not just clipping flowers. Shoveling mulch, moving the wheelbarrow, even being thoughtful about squatting to pick up a trowel.”

When asked about fitness, people who hate exercise often do “unconventional, enjoyable exercise.” Gardening is a perfect example, providing a few hours of hard exercise.

You’ll be so busy taking care of your plants you’ll forget that you’re taking care of yourself, too. Gardening offers a productive, enjoyable way to stay active.

Read While Walking

u/orchidtotality says: “Sometimes I’ll time myself based on chapters in the book…or sometimes I’ll grab a shorter book and read it from start to finish.”

Time tends to go by slower when you’re super focused on it. Keeping yourself occupied with reading while walking can make time fly by.

Do this at home, though — you don’t want to trip over a rock. Ultimately, this is a great way to multitask and stay entertained.

Pretend Like You’re Being Chased

Also from u/orchidtotality: “I’ve taken to…getting on my walking pad and pretending like I’m being chased by a murderer. Sounds odd, but it really works.”

I can definitely see why this works. The adrenaline rush alone would get anyone’s heart rate up, making it a strangely effective way to exercise.

Its efficacy doesn’t automatically make it fun, though. It’s fun to talk about, but if you’ve got a vivid imagination, don’t scare yourself for a workout.

Put a Towel On Your Pull-Up Bar

This method is recommended by a certified Navy SEAL. At least, he says he’s one on Reddit, which obviously means that he is one in real life.

u/nowyourdoingit from r/navyseals explains, “When I don’t have access to a hang board or climbing gym, I’ll fold a towel several times and drape it over a pull-up bar.”

The towel forces your grip open, targeting your forearms more during pull-ups. It’s a clever way to intensify your workout and make the most of your pull-up bar.

Bicycling in the Rain? Skip the Jacket

u/Lemonjellybathub from r/cycling suggests, “When it’s raining, don’t wear a jacket. You won’t get too hot.” This is a good idea when it’s drizzling, anyway.

Maybe not if it’s pouring or there’s monsoon-like weather, though. Then again, if it’s that bad, maybe you should just stay inside. I’m not that hardcore myself!

Skipping the jacket can help regulate your temperature better in light rain. If you’re not up for the challenge, staying indoors might be the smarter choice.

Bounce a Tennis Ball While Running

u/harveyaki on r/running says, “Bounce a tennis ball while running. Trust me, you look crazy, but you will slow down.” This technique helps you keep a steady pace.

It also helps your hand-eye coordination. Just make sure no dogs are around while you do it! You don’t want to get roped into a game of fetch.

This fitness tip is a little weird, but it works. You’ll quickly enhance your coordination and maintain a steady running pace.

Sara Traynor

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