
8 Exercises You’ve Been Doing Wrong Your Whole Life

When it comes to strengthening the body, there are a lot of new and complicated exercises and equipment you can try out. Of course, there is nothing wrong with some variation or trying new fitness classes, but nothing can beat the basic exercises we’ve all be doing since gym class.

What is so interesting about familiar movements is that it’s really easy to make exercise mistakes without ever noticing. Poor form or incorrect execution can feel like second nature, preventing us from ever noticing we’re making a big mistake. With enough repetition, the wrong way can actually feel right!

Along with a good warm-up, proper execution of common exercises is important, as it’s the best way to prevent injury and get the most from the move. When you’re not making exercise mistakes, it is easier to strengthen your muscles and increase endurance without being fearful of hurting yourself.

So how do you know if you’re doing an exercise the wrong way? You can ask a personal trainer for feedback, of course, but you can also start with a self-evaluation of some of the most common exercises in your workout routine. These eight movements are very popular but commonly done the wrong way. Here are some common exercise mistakes and how to correct them for a for effective, safer workout.

1. Lunges

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This exercise is great for strengte.hening glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings while simultaneously increasing the heart rate.

If performed improperly, however, lunges can actually cause injury. The most common mistakes that people make are putting their weight on the wrong part of their foot and bending the torso forward. Some may struggle with proper bending and placements of the knees but with a few adjustments, your form will be in tip-top shape.

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According to Shape, a great lunge is all about standing up straight and bending both knees.

With a straight torso, step one foot forward and bend both knees. Pay attention to both knees, bending them at a 90-degree angle. Rise straight up and then repeat. You can alternate which foot is the front foot or repeat on the same side multiple times before making a switch.

2. Squats

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This classic exercise move helps strengthen the muscles in the legs and works the core.

When performing squats, it is important to avoid form exercise mistakes. According to Nerd Fitness, it is easy to accidentally round the back or let the knees fall toward each other while squatting down. Plus, exercisers won’t get the full effect of the movement if they’re not careful about lowering all the way down before standing back up.

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The right way to do a squat is to start with the feet just a little wider than shoulder-width apart.

The back should remain straight, not arched or curved. It is OK to bend forward at the hips, but it helps to imagine a pole running through the head and straight down the spine. Keeping the knees from passing over the toes, slowly lower your hips until your rear end is below the knees. Many people stop at the knees, but going just a little bit further makes a big difference! Avoid rolling forward onto the toes, instead, drive up from the heels to return to standing.

3. Sit-Ups

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Even though most of us have been doing sit-ups since junior high gym class, it’s still easy to mess up this exercise.

A strong core isn’t all about vanity. When your abdominal muscles are strong, it provides stability and strength to the rest of the body. Bad form during a sit-up can strain the neck, resulting in discomfort and even injury. Plus, it is really hard to get the full benefits of this exercise when you’re doing it wrong, according to Self.

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A good sit-up begins with arm and leg placement that help prevent strain and struggle.

Instead of putting your hands behind your head, which can increase the likelihood of pulling at the head or tucking the chin into the chest, cross your arms over your chest. Plant your feet on the floor about hip-distance apart and keep them there! Once you’re comfortable, use your abdominal muscles to pull your entire upper half off the floor until you’re in a sitting position. From there, lower slowly until you’re flat on the floor.

4. Push-Ups

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Performed properly, push-ups providing a challenging workout that target many areas of the body.

Unfortunately, it is really, really easy to make exercise mistakes with push-ups, especially for beginners. Luckily, according to Self, it is just as easy of a fix. It is pretty common to let the elbows angle out and to have poor posture with the back arching toward the floor. Sometimes the opposite mistake is made, with the back arching toward the sky and the head reaching the floor before the rest of the body.

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Getting a push-up just right might require modifying the exercise.

Because a push-up can be so challenging, adopting a modification might be the only way to complete the exercise with proper form. The goal is to lower the body in a slow and controlled motion toward the floor with the elbows close to the body and the back straight. If this is so challenging that your posture falters, considering dropping down to the knees until you’ve built up your strength.

5. Running

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Isn’t a jog just a jog? If your posture is bad or your stride is weak, this basic exercise could cause injury.

Making mistakes while running is pretty easy since many people have variations to their stride and body type. If you struggle with upper body posture, you may find yourself with sore shoulders after a run because you’re slouching or holding tension in this area of the body. A stride that is too long is another common misstep and can be the culprit behind shin splints, Livestrong points out.

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When it comes to running well, slow and steady really does win the race.

If you’re new to running, it is tempting to try for miles right out of the gate, but this can lead to injury if you haven’t taken the time to work on your form. As you are getting started, pay close attention to the little things, like making sure you are landing on the middle part of the sole of your foot.

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Good running posture isn’t easy, but it will feel natural with time.

During a run, your arms should be at your waist and bent at the elbows. Keep your head up and your eyes forward with your back straight. Try not to slouch your shoulders forward or pull them up toward your ears. Instead, roll your shoulders back slightly and push your chest forward.

6. Pull-Ups

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A required part of the Presidential Fitness Test in high school, pull-ups are an exercise with which most adults are familiar. That doesn’t keep them from making major mistakes while working out, though.

In fact, according to Nerd Fitness, most people make a lot of exercise mistakes when attempting pull-ups. Some people may use a swinging motion to get themselves moving, or they might wildly flail around because they’re not stabilizing themselves with their core muscles.  Others just don’t lift themselves high enough or lower themselves completely to get the full challenge from the exercise.

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A proper pull-up can provide a full-body workout, here’s how to conquer this challenging exercise.

Begin with your hands on the bar with your palms facing out. Adjusting the arms in or out will work different muscles, but shoulder width is a good way to start. Your back muscles and biceps should do most of the work, pulling the rest of your body up above the bar. Lower yourself down completely before starting over again.

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Work on strengthening your back and bicep muscles before moving on to pull-ups.

This workout is infamously difficult to perform, but there are a lot of ways to build strength and skill. In many gyms, rings are used to change the angle of the pull up over the course of weeks until individuals are able to be perpendicular to the ground. You can also use a lat machine to prepare your body for the challenge.

7. Overhead Press

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The overhead press is used to build shoulder muscles and requires a very precise execution.

According to Coach Magazine, it is pretty easy to get the placement of this exercise wrong, with the weights or barbell in front of your body instead of directly above your spine. While we’re talking about the spine, it’s worth mentioning that an arched back is also a common overhead press snafu. Lastly, this isn’t an exercise that uses lower body strength, so don’t make the mistake of using the legs to power this move.

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Start an overhead press standing or seated on a bench, holding the barbell with your palms facing out.

The barbell should be in front of your body and hoovering above your chest. As you straighten the elbows, push straight up to the ceiling. Don’t forget the bar should end up directly above your spine. You can accomplish this in a smooth, fluid movement by pulling the head back slightly as the bar passes in front.

If you haven’t done overhead presses before, Coach Magazine recommends starting with hand weights and moving up from there. Going straight into overhead presses can lead to exercise mistakes that don’t give you a full workout and injuries.

8. Bicep Curls

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A powerhouse move for increasing arm strength, bicep curls aren’t difficult to master with enough practice.

The good thing about bicep curls is they aren’t quite as easy to mess up as the other movements in this list. When exercise mistakes are made, it is typically because the individual is using the shoulder to swing the weight instead of using the biceps for slow and controlled motion. It is also common to let the weight drop, instead of continuing to control the weight through the entire move.

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Starting with lighter weights can help with proper form.

Livestrong suggests holding a dumbbell with the palm of your hand facing your legs. Begin the movement with the elbows extended and the wrists straight. Keeping the wrists straight throughout the entire movement, slowly lift the weight by bending the elbow. To get the most out of this move, twist the weight out after it has passed your legs so that the length of the weight is from left to right, not back to front.

Mary Sauer

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