Do you have someone in your life who seems to never get sick? Somehow, they always manage to avoid sickness throughout the entire year when meanwhile, you can’t make it past a week without sniffling. Truth is, there’s no definite hack to never becoming sick. However, there are a few simple tricks that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine to cheat the germ system. Fortunately, most of these ideas can be performed casually, and you’ll likely forget that you’re benefitting your health when employing them.
If you’re tired of calling in sick and taking trips to the neighborhood pharmacy, this list is here to rescue you. And no, you don’t have to walk around wearing gloves or a mask. This list entails simple ways to boost immunity and avoid everyday germs. We are all terrified of germs, but that doesn’t mean we should let them take over. Nope, we must fight back.
Don’t forget that your bed sheets are basically a playground for bacteria. The sweat, saliva, and other bodily fluids that end up on bed sheets can spread viruses and can even cause you to develop Athlete’s foot when left on bed sheets over a long period of time. Microbiologist Philip Tierno told Business Insider that even oils, lotions, and makeup left on bed sheets can cultivate bacteria and cause illness. Dodge this bacteria by washing your sheets once a week.
Strengthening your immune system doesn’t always have to consist of eating vegetables and taking vitamins that taste like grass. You can also use honey to help your cause. Honey is great at boosting the immune system, according to Health Status. Honey also contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties that can assist you in getting rid of a cold.
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Take a minute and think about all of the places your cellphone has been today. Did you touch your phone with dirty hands? Did someone sneeze near it? Our poor cellphones get hit with a lot of bacteria in a day. A survey by Deloitte showed that 46 percent of the bacteria we encounter in a day will be carried onto our cellphones. That stat is very disturbing, especially considering how our phones touch our faces when we’re on a call. To avoid becoming sick, disinfect your device as often as possible.
Keeping a bottle of lavender oil around is great for hacking the germ system. Lavender is an essential oil that has antibacterial properties. Also, lavender oil is great for relaxation and relieving stress, which can make your illness worse. These are all important things that help keep your immune system strong and keep you from getting sick.
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I know we hate to see our favorite lip balm or, even worse, our favorite lipstick get close to finishing. But would you rather get sick from it? To avoid the bacteria build-up on these items that come in contact with our mouths, simply remove a thin layer off the top. This doesn’t have to be done daily, but once a month would be beneficial. If you are recovering from a cold, remove the layer immediately. Germs are most definitely on that lip balm and we do not want you to risk getting sick again.
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If you’re not washing your hands correctly throughout the day, there’s a good chance that you will always be sick. Apparently, during a study done by the Centers For Disease and Control and Prevention, 48 percent of the participants were not washing their hands correctly. This is a huge problem. When washing your hands, make sure to lather the soap amidst your hands for at least 20 seconds.
These simple hacks will go a long way. We foresee a bright and healthy future ahead of you.
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