Makeovers aren’t for everyone. Granted, they usually leave us feeling fabulous, but sometimes they go horribly wrong. From botched haircuts to makeup disasters, a makeover meant to boost confidence can go hilariously off track. Let’s take a look at these beauty fails that will have you laughing non-stop!
We don’t even know what to say. Let’s just say that if this was our makeup on our wedding day, we would consider not showing up.
Those lashes are on another level! and the lipstick and liner are awful! The top left doesn’t even connect to the inner corner. And the bottom liner… Holy hell.
We don’t even want to know how much this poor woman paid to have her special day ruined by this awful makeup. Even if she spent no money at all we would still be upset about this.
We can feel this poor girl’s pain by just looking at this picture. That is one terrible micro-blading job right there. It looks painful, too.
Not only do her brows look uneven, but they also look poorly done altogether. She was so upset that she spent the whole day crying.
If we were her, we would ask for a refund immediately but would also consider talking to a lawyer. This can’t be legal!
Just look at those nails! They look like they were done by a toddler! The nail polish looks poorly applied and their shape looks funny and uneven.
Apparently, this poor lady paid 25 euros for this manicure, and she didn’t have it in her to ask for a refund. To make matters worse, she got a manicure because she had a job interview.
Would you have shown up to an interview with your nails looking like that? We are not so sure, especially considering how much attention people pay to this sort of thing.
This is just unacceptable. Apparently, this girl’s “hair stylist” if you can even call them that, got distracted with another client, and she ended up with like this.
Not only was a section of her hair completely ruined by the excessive bleach, but she also ended up with chemical burns all over her head. Ouch!
We hope you never have to, but if this ever happens to you, first of all: go to a doctor. After that, you should also consider talking to an attorney…
Wow! We are in complete shock. This woman was told it was “impossible” to get the dye of her neck, forehead, and ears (without even trying) and it would come off “eventually”.
To make matters even worse, she had a major event just a few days after this appointment and she spent all night scrubbing her head raw to take the dye off.
And they still had the nerve to charge her $140 for that job! Let us tell you something, madame, leaving these people a 1-star review doesn’t even cut it. You deserve a refund!
Apparently, this girl asked for layers and ended up like this. The strange thing is, she only noticed this mess on the back of her head days later.
For the first few days, she curled her hair while looking forward in the mirror. Nobody noticed. Then her mom straightened it for church and notices something was really, really wrong.
They went back to the salon the next day and when they asked for an explanation the hair stylist said she had “no idea” how that happened. Unbelievable!
We don’t even know what to say, those hair extensions are so poorly applied that they look like barbed wire. We are in complete and utter shock.
Apparently, this is what the extensions looked like just two weeks post-install. According to this poor girl, there were gaps everywhere that she could put her finger through them.
The “stylist”, if you can even call them that, installed the extension way down under her earline, where her hair is pretty thin. She should ask for a refund right away!
Oh no, this is breaking our hearts. Apparently, this girl went home crying after seeing what this “hair stylist” had done to her beautiful bangs.
We don’t even know what to say. Those bangs look so uneven it looks like a toddler cut them! And we can’t even imagine what the rest of her hair must look like.
She should buy some clip-on bangs, that is for sure. It will take a while before her bangs go back to normal. We wish her the best of luck on this tumultuous ride!
This is why you should go to a salon. This poor guy asked his teenage son to shave his neck and as we can see, it didn’t go well.
According to his wife, this “haircut” kinda looked like a heart, We are trying our best but we really don’t see it… do you?
Apparently, the wife then offered to carve a large well-defined heart on his head but he declined. What would you have done in his place?
Well, that sucks. This woman decided to try a new nail salon and asked for a powder manicure with extensions. Sadly, the extensions fell off right away!
She spent over 30 minutes at the salon and she could tell something was off when she felt her nail “artist” filing her nails down to her fingertips.
If we are being fair, the salon employees did offer her to start over, but she refused. What would you have done? We are not sure.
Well, this is proof that you can definitely wear too much eyeliner. We’re not makeup pros, but we wouldn’t want to look like this on a special day.
It seems like the bride-to-be agrees with us, otherwise, she wouldn’t be on the internet asking people on the internet for makeup advice.
What would you have done differently? We’re thinking “less is more” here, and that a more natural makeup would really bring out her beautiful eyes. What do you think?
Apparently, this poor woman spent the entire day crying after she got this microblading job, and to be completely honest with you, we can’t blame her.
Not only do her new eyebrows look uneven, but they are also extremely thick and not a flattering shape for her face. They look like they were done by an amateur.
Other Redditors were recommending she get an emergency removal right away. What would you have done? Any tips? Sadly, we agree. It’s better to remove something like this when you still can.
Well, this is just sad. Apparently, this lady was “sick to her stomach” after getting her eyebrows done. The shock was too much for others to handle.
We are aware the microblading process is a rollercoaster straight out of the gate, but this is just too much. The hair strokes seem too dense, like one solid block.
Apparently, she was considering force-fading her new brows immediately in hopes of avoiding these overdone brows. What would you have done? Sometimes drastic measures are needed.
Can you believe they charged this poor woman $50 for this mess of a haircut? That is unacceptable to us! Some people just have no shame at all.
Just take a look at this “bob cut”: the upper layers definitely need to be properly blended, and the bottom looks very uneven. It looks like a toddler did her hair!
Redditors were suggesting that she should ask for another stylist at the same salon to fix it, but we are not sure if we would go back to a place that left us looking like that…
Saying this manicure is disappointing is an understatement. Just look at the difference between what this client expected and the final result! The contrast is huge.
Except for the color combination, those nails look nothing like the client’s original request. The shape and length are completely different! And the execution is very poor.
We would’ve asked for these nails to ve removed immediately and for a full refund. What would you do in a situation like this? Let us know.
We don’t know if we should laugh or cry! That hair is not even close to the original hairstyle this woman requested. The difference is staggering.
We would rather do our wedding hair ourselves before paying hundreds of dollar for our hair to look like that. The look sure does look cheap and made by an amateur.
On the bright side, at least this hair disaster didn’t take place on this woman’s actual wedding day. We can only hope she found a great stylist before her big day.
This woman wasn’t happy about her makeup trial, and let us tell you, she was definitely right! This looks like she let a toddler do her makeup.
Her lipstick is very noticeable outside of your natural lip line and looks very messy, the lashes are not applied correctly, and the eyeshadow is different on each eye.
We would definitely go find someone new, how this was done by a professional charging $350 is beyond us. Some people have no shame at all.
After seeing so many makeover disasters, we would think we’ve already seen the worst professional manicure in the world… but the internet keeps surprising us.
We don’t even know what to say. Not only is the nail polish poorly applied on that poor woman’s nails but they also look both too long and super uneven!
Someone even commented that It looks like there’s a Babybel cheese on each finger and we can’t help to agree. If fingernails could get swollen that’s how they would look like.
We don’t think this poor woman is imagining this at all. Those layers sure do look uneven and rough. It looks like a child cut it.
That definitely needs to be fixed. If we were her we would go back to that hair salon right away and demand someone to fix it.
However, if we think about it with a clear head, maybe just asking for a refund and going somewhere else would be a better plan. What do you think?
This is honestly heartbreaking. To see those beautiful, healthy, long, Rapunzel-like blond locks being chopped like that is just so, so sad.
We can’t even imagine how this poor girl must have felt after seeing those awful, uneven layers. Especially after she let her hair grow for so long!
However, it seems that she was able to fix this disaster. She went to another salon, and they fixed it, but unfortunately, they had to cut off a lot of hair to do so…
Well, that is disappointing, to say the least. The picture on the left shows this woman’s brows just two after she got them done.
It looks like the pigment didn’t take at all! Granted, some treatments can fail, and maybe her skin is the problem, but we can’t be sure.
If we were in her shoes we would definitely go back to the salon and demand an explanation. At the very least there they have to give her a reason to explain this poor result.
So long story short, this girl had combination brows done multiple times at the same salon, but this time a different brow artist did them, and let’s just say things didn’t go well.
No wonder why! Look at those brows, they are super thick, in fact, they’re 50% thicker than what this girl originally asked for.
Redditors in the comments were suggesting she should get an emergency removal. What do you think? We can’t help but agree with them.
Apparently, the lip artist who did this “job” said there was nothing wrong with this woman’s lips! Can you believe it? The nerve of some people…
Although, according to user time_travel8123, her lips don’t look so bad from a distance, it is clear that the artist went so far above her client’s vermilion line that it’s upsetting.
Overlining is one of the biggest no-nos when it comes to lip blush. We think this unsatisfied client should at least get a full refund, right?
Well, that sucks. Imagine having to show up to a loved one’s special day with a haircut that makes you uncomfortable… it would ruin our day, to be honest.
Apparently, this guy got his haircut in Italy, and there was a clear language barrier between him and his barber. What an uncomfortable situation, right?
The cut definitely, looks… odd. It’s too high and too tight! We can only hope he had a few days before the wedding so that line could still be blended out.
Well, the good news is that this can still be fixed, as this poor girl’s hair is not ruined! Whoever did her hair just did a horrible job by not coloring your roots.
But let’s be honest, If the stylist was that bad, then maybe it was for the better that her roots were not touched! I mean, who dyes hair like THAT?
But hey, even if this mess can be fixed, we still think this woman was on the right when she asked to speak to the manager and get a refund. This is unacceptable.
We don’t even know what to say. We love the original concept, but the execution…let’s just say that is not a steady hand.
This goes to show that you should definitely do some research before going into a nail salon. Even the most simple of designs can be butchered in the wrong hands.
We hope this poor woman got a refund and found a new salon to get a proper manicure! And we hope she got the original design because we fell in love with it!
Well, this sucks. Apparently, this woman had her hair done and ended up with these yellow chunky highlights all over her head.
We are not sure if there is anything that can be done to “save” her hair. Maybe dye the whole thing with a darker color and start over? Would that damage her hair?
We are no hair experts but we would definitely ask for someone to fix our hair for free if this happened to us. What do you think?
Well, to be fair it’s important to keep in mind that the reference photo is of someone who has a team of stylists who put them together.
The stylist who did this woman’s hair is probably not the level of stylist who did your hair. On the other hand, they shouldn’t have accepted the job if they didn’t have the proper skills…
What would you have done differently? We think that if they made the brown a richer, deeper color, then the blonde would stand out more.
What do you think? Look, we understand that this woman’s nails don’t look like the ones in the original design, but we still like them.
The shape is polished, and the flowers look really cute, don’t you think? Granted, they could still be a bit more polished, but we would wear them.
Looking at some of the other items on this list, we think things could definitely be much, much worse. Sometimes it’s all about perspective.
This is why you should stick with professionals when it comes to getting a new haircut! Apparently, this man’s wife tried to do an iso-trim, and it didn’t go well.
The battery ran out and they couldn’t find the charger. So yeah… hopefully, they found a barber to take care of this hair mess!
Look, we appreciate a kind gesture, and we are sure his wife had good intentions, but there is a reason why people don’t cut their hair at home.
Well, this is a mess. Apparently, this woman spent $100 to get a professional bleach and color. It was supposed to be a smokey lavender, but it didn’t look right.
The top part of her head was yellow, level 7, and the bottom was grey-green, level 10. She tried to fix it, dyed it too dark, and this was the end result.
The worst part? The stylist was a family friend, and she felt bad about hurting their feelings, so she didn’t ask for a refund. Would you have done the same?
We don’t think this woman’s eye makeup looks that bad. Especially when you know that this was her first time trying this sort of thing.
According to her, she tried to do a sort of blue-green smokey but she wasn’t quite happy with the final result. What do you think?
We understand she might’ve had big expectations, but we think she shouldn’t give up after one try, right? We are sure she will get better results eventually.
Well, this sucks. Apparently, this woman went to a different stylist than usual and requested just a trim. However, she ended up with… this.
We have no idea what her stylist was thinking! The back looks awful and uneven, and according to her It looks like a ‘Karen’ cut from the front 🙁
We believe this could be cleaned up and look pretty nice. This definitely was not just a trim, but it’s far from the worst haircuts on this list.
This is another great example of why we should leave our hair in the hands of experts. Look, we understand this girl’s friend probably had great intentions, but this is not okay.
Apparently, the girl’s friend bleached her hair and started with the roots so now she is stuck with this and doesn’t know what to do.
We wouldn’t apply any more bleach, that’s for sure. The last thing she wants is for her hair to start falling. Any tips? Let us know!
This person wasn’t at all happy with their new haircut. Apparently, they asked her to “clean up the sides,” and the stylist “ruined everything from the fringe to my sides.”
We don’t know if we would go as far as to say our life was ruined because of a bad haircut, but hey, who are we to judge?
What do you think? Do you like this haircut? The good thing is that at the end of the day, hair grows back. Nothing is permanent.
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