Everyone’s favorite Twitter user Chrissy Teigen has been upfront with all of us about her cosmetics procedures, hilariously telling Glamour Magazine, “Everything about me is fake except my cheeks.” Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Chrissy’s cheeks have long been the undeserving subject of much oh-so-cheeky speculation (see what we did there?).
So it’s no surprise that Chrissy — who consistently and genuinely blesses the world with her hilarity and feistiness in life and online — has admitted to getting another procedure: Botox. But this time, she got it for her, well, not something we would expect.
And hey, we don’t judge! We think it’s great that people open up about cosmetic and health procedures. For one, it destigmatizes what we know EVERYBODY is doing, and two, it allows us to feel less shameful and icky when our health or beauty situations come up.
In Chrissy’s Instagram story, she revealed what she was getting botoxed: her armpits.
She shared the procedure with her Instagram followers, captioning the videos, “Botoxed my armpits. Truly best move I have ever made. I can wear silk again without soaking, woohoo!”
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And yeah, that’s kind of a big deal.
When you’re a sweaty person, botox can be a super helpful, FDA-approved treatment for anyone who wants to reduce the wetness and smell — and for people with hyperhidrosis. Not everyone’s sweat issues can be cleared up with super strong deodorant, unfortunately.
She made the procedure look manageable.
[fm_instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BzlKtTYBheH/”]
In the video, Jason Diamond, MD, injects the botox into Chrissy’s armpits. She looks away but doesn’t seem to be in too much pain. Afterward, she remarks, “That really isn’t anything.”
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So what else has Chrissy had done? “Everything about me is fake except my cheeks….Fake, fake, fake.” She told reporters this about her forehead, nose, and lips. Not the butt, though:
[fm_twitter url=”https://twitter.com/chrissyteigen/status/860582409879801856″]
She also said she’s had liposuction done:
“I had my armpit sucked out…It added two inches of length to my arms. [That fat] is coming back though, so I might need to go in and pay for it again.”
[fm_instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2w5bxhyBh/”]
Oh, Chrissy, we adore your candor. It’s so refreshing!
[fm_twitter url=”https://twitter.com/chrissyteigen/status/1160966786004557824″]
In the end, we think it’s important that you do what you want to your body. You have the autonomy and choice to do so — and ending the stigma around body modification is well overdue.
[fm_twitter url=”https://twitter.com/chrissyteigen/status/929552304210001920″]
You do you. Thanks for the inspo, Chrissy!