There’s a good chance that Monopoly was a big part of your childhood. How do I know that? Because Monopoly is a big part of everyone’s childhood. It’s the fun game that helped teach us the value of a dollar, and taught us that we can all be bankers and property managers if we really believed in ourselves. So, it’s kind of a bummer that Monopoly doesn’t totally believe in us. Their latest version, called “Monopoly for Millennials,” is filled with plenty of stereotypes and jokes that’ll make you wonder who their target audience really was for this.
So, how bad is it? Well, the game’s tagline is, “Forget real estate, you can’t afford it anyway.” The front of the box features Uncle Pennybags, also known these days as Mr. Monopoly, taking a selfie while holding a coffee. Because you know millennials — they love that kind of stuff.
But, it’s even worse than that. The game requires players to collect “experiences.” And yep — those are stereotypical too. Couchsurfing and going to a vegan bistro are just two of them.
There’s nothing wrong with poking a little fun at the generation, but building an entire game to mock the fact that millennials are typically underemployed and think that “adulting is hard” is simply offensive — and many people agree.
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Others thought it was funny, thinking that millennials just need to lighten up.
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After all, there are plenty of versions of Monopoly out there. Still, did we really need to see Uncle Pennybags with a participation award? Do people think that’s something the millennials thought up? Because technically, it’s something that the Baby Boomers orchestrated.
So far, the game seems to be available at Walmart, but might sneak into other locations soon. Fingers crossed these aren’t gifted as jokes to millennials who are genuinely trying their hardest to pay rent every month — because really, it’s just salt in the wound.