Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson had an incredible summer together. As they both ended long-term relationships, they managed to find each other and sparks flew pretty fast. Even though news of their engagement made headlines soon after, it doesn’t mean the two are necessarily ready to be parents. But unfortunately, Grande’s Instagram is making fans think otherwise.
Sometimes we’re quick to share a selfie without realizing what might be in the background. Whether it’s a messy room, or a toilet, or a box of condoms, it’s easy to upload a photo without thinking twice. But at this point, you’d assume that Grande is a pro. The actress and singer has over 130 million followers, and she’s roughly the third most popular account on the entire site. So, she had to expect at least a couple baby rumors when her photo included a very visible pack-and-play.
For those who may be unfamiliar with baby gear, a pack-and-play is a portable crib that you can easily take with you on vacation. They also make excellent play pens and storage bins.
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And since you’re probably curious, here’s a sweet video compilation of the pig, said to be named Piggie Smallz:
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Even though it’s not a human baby, she’s still a baby — and she’s Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson’s baby. When fans called out if it was legal to own a pet pig in New York, Grande even had a standard reply.
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As Grande has had an emotional past few years, her reasoning makes a lot of sense. No matter what, we think any pig would be lucky to have her as their owner. Just like any child would be lucky to have her as a mom — if and when she’s ready, of course.
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