Working with Tinder on these hacks to get you through all of life’s adventures was 🔥! Click here to start your journey today.


Slippery Shoes

Keep your face off the ground with this quick shoe hack!

Materials needed:

  • nail file
  • hairspray

Foggy Glasses

Don’t skip the tea or coffee for sake of avoiding your glasses fogging up. Prep those lenses ahead of time and sip your hot drink with confidence!

Materials needed:

  • dish soap
  • soft cloth


Don’t start the date off with flashing your underwear right away…that’s for later.

Materials needed:

  • coins (preferably quarters)
  • fashion tape

Sweat Stains

It’s ok to be nervous on a first date, but sometimes we don’t want our date to know that.

Materials needed:

  • panty liner

Dry & Frizzy Hair

Keep the beanie a part of your wardrobe with this hair-saving hack!

Materials needed:

  • empty spray bottle
  • salt
  • conditioner

Visible Bra Straps

Not really feeling showing off your bra today?

Materials needed:

  • bandaid

Stuck Zipper

There’s nothing worse than a stuck zipper. Zip it up in a flash with this quick hack.

Materials needed:

  • lip balm