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Sometimes it can feel like our kids’ toys are consuming every square inch of our homes. When toys aren’t properly stored, accidents can happen and toys can get broken.

Clean up time isn’t always fun, but you can make it more enjoyable process for your little ones by creating a game out of it. One way is pretending to shoot baskets using a pillowcase and an embroidery hoop.

As time goes on, toys start to show their wear and tear; toys are colored on using markers or their favorite stuffed animal has a permanent and rough case of bed head.

Even if you take all the right steps in preserving your child’s toys, they might still need some extra TLC every once in a while. Fortunately, there are easy hacks to get old toys looking like new again.

We partnered up with our pals over at Disney’s Toy Story 4 and came up with seven easy hacks to help you repair your kids favorite toys. From stepping on toys to fixing matted stuffed animal hair, we’ve got you covered.

Toy Story 4 is available to enjoy at home on Digital, Movies Anywhere 10/1 and Blu-ray™ 10/8.

Jessie’s Hat

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  • Jessie Action Figure
  • Large Bowl
  • Water
  • Tea Kettle
  • Ice


  1. Boil water in the tea kettle.
  2. Once water has boiled, pour the water into the large bowl.
  3. Take your bent Jessie hat and carefully place it in the hot water.
  4. Let the hat sit in the water while the heat works its magic and fixes the damaged hat.
  5. Pour the ice into the bowl to cool the water down and set the hat to its correct shape!

Clean Buzz Lightyear

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  • Buzz Lightyear Action Figure
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Cotton Rounds


  1. Take the marker-damaged buzz and pour the hand sanitizer onto the cotton rounds.
  2. Use the saturated cotton round to easily wipe off the marker from Buzz.
  3. Enjoy the newly clean Buzz!


Pillow Case Toy Hamper

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  • Pillow Case
  • 12’’ Embroidery Hoop
  • Assorted Toys
  • Hook


  1. Take the pillow case and fold the corners at the opening down into a triangle.
  2. Place the inner circle of the embroidery hoop over the triangle.
  3. Open the pillow case inside of the inner circle and fold the edges over the hoop.
  4. Place the outer ring of the embroidery hoop and twist the closure shut.
  5. Hang the hamper on a hook of choice, and utilize the new toy storage space!


Bo Peep’s Tangled Hair

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  • Bo Peep Action Figure
  • Bo Peep’s Hair Comb
  • Large Bowl
  • Tea Kettle
  • Water
  • Fabric Softener


  1. Boil water in a tea kettle.
  2. Pour the hot water into a large bowl and mix together with the fabric softener.
  3. Take Bo Peep and dunk her tangled hair into the mixture. Let her hair saturate.
  4. Use Bo Peep’s comb to easily detangle and brush out her hair. Put her headband back on for the finishing touch!


Plushy Repair

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  • Billy Goat Gruff Plush Toy
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Old Socks
  • Scissors


  1. Bunch up old socks and place inside of Billy Goat Gruff plush toy to replace lost stuffing.
  2. Thread the needle and enter it at the base of the rip on the toy.
  3. Continue the stitch directly across from the base of the last stitch, creating a ladder look to the suture.
  4. When the stitch has gone up the entire rip, pull the thread and watch the hole close up.
  5. Tie off and cut the remaining thread.
  6. Enjoy the newly fixed toy!


Matted Ducky

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  • Ducky Plush Toy
  • Old Conditioner Bottle
  • Spray Bottle Top
  • Water
  • Pet Brush


  1. Add water to an old conditioner bottle to create a watered down conditioner mixture.
  2. Replace the conditioner cap with a spray bottle top.
  3. Lightly spray down the matted plush toy.
  4. Take the pet brush and pull it through the matted fur, detangling it.
  5. Continue brushing until the Ducky is good as new.


Shoe Hanging Toy Organizer

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  • Hanging Shoe Organizer
  • Colorful Felt
  • Scissors
  • Assorted Toys


  1. Cut the felt into 5 inch by 8 inch rectangles.
  2. Place the felt into the shoe organizer and fold the top over each segment.
  3. Put the assorted toys in their respective “beds.”
  4. Hang the organizer on the door!