Appearances are everything, especially when it comes to buying and selling old furniture, cars, and even clothing. Posting on the letgo app is the easiest way to buy and sell in your neighborhood. But sometimes using strategic hashtags and lowering your price just isn’t enough to get someone to buy. It’s not the item you’re selling, it’s how you’re presenting it. If your photo looks unprofessional or even sloppy people are going to keep swiping past your listing. The goal is to get your listing to stand out amongst the other dressers that are also listed.


So, in order to get someone’s attention and to stop on your listing, change the way you photograph your stuff. We came up with four clever DIY hacks to help boost your sales on letgo. If you’re selling smaller items like jewelry, watches, or sunglasses, try staging them in front of a bokeh background. You can find the perfect background by just doing a simple internet search. Or maybe you’re selling something much larger, like your car. All you need to do is some simple photo editing you can do right from your smartphone. Just try boosting the contrast and saturation a bit to make your car really stand out.

We had an amazing time filming these photo hacks with letgo! When you’re selling online, the better the photo, the faster you sell, so give these a try!

Use internet bokeh backgrounds to elevate your photos

[image_with_caption text=”Blossom” image=””]


  • tape roll
  • laptop
  • book
  • black or white board
  • glass


  1. Find a bokeh background from Google images that you like and set it to full screen on a laptop or computer monitor.
  2. In front of the screen set down a book (or more depending on the height of the monitor), followed by either a white or black board and a layer of glass.

Create a little studio out of an old cardboard box

[image_with_caption text=”Blossom” image=””]


  • cardboard box
  • X-Acto knife
  • wax paper
  • tape
  • white poster board
  • desk lamps


  1. Using an X-Acto knife, cut out 3 panels of the cardboard box. Leave a ¼” border around each panel. Leave the back panel intact.
  2. Tape wax paper over the cut-out panels.
  3. Open up the box, and tape a white poster board to the bottom and uncut panel of the box.
  4. Place a desk lamp on a small stack of books, and add a couple more lamps to the side of the box, making sure the light is turned toward the inside of the box.
  5. Turn the lights on and arrange your product inside the box against the background.

Turn an old Pringles can into a handheld spotlight

[image_with_caption text=”Blossom” image=””]


  • pringles can
  • X-Acto knife
  • light bulb
  • light bulb socket
  • optional: paint


  1. Optional: paint over the outside of the Pringles can.
  2. At the base of the can cut a horizontal line with the X-Acto knife. Cut only halfway through the can, not all the way through! Then cut a vertical line from the base of the can until you meet the horizontal line you cut. Again, only cut halfway through!
  3. Screw a light bulb into a socket and fit it into the can.
  4. Spread open the flaps of the can and position the light as needed.

Give your car the photoshoot it deserves

[image_with_caption text=”Blossom” image=””]


  • scenic parking location
  • phone picture editor


  1. Park the car you’re selling in a nice, scenic location.
  2. Take photos of the car and crop them to minimize the background.
  3. With your photo editor, increase the saturation and contrast, and decrease the exposure.