Wood glue Click to buy
Clamps Click to buy
Stapler Click to buy
Rotary tool
Cake pan Click to buy
Embroidery hoop Click to buy
Hot glue gun Click to buy
Rope Click to buy
Popsicle sticks Click to buy
DIY Bathtub Shelf
Step 1: Use wood glue to attach the support bars.
Step 2: Stain the wood, and water seal it. Make sure to dry it.
Step 3: Get a belt and cut it to have two hand holders.
Step 4: Use a heavy duty stapler to secure the belts.
Multiple Box Shelves
Step 1: Arrange the small boxes and attach them with wood glue and use clamps to hold them together.
DIY guitar shelf
Step 1: Take off the strings.
Step 2: Use a rotary saw to remove the face of the guitar. Clamp the guitar before you saw the face off to make sure it stays steady.
Step 3: Use sand paper to smooth the edge out.
Step 4: Use the wood glue to put in the shelves.
Cake pan to a shelf
Step 1: Unlock the cake pan and remove the bottom part.
Step 2: Screw in the wood.
DIY floating shelves
Step 1: Remember four spots on the corners!