Concrete Planting Pot

  1. Crush the bottom of the cup (optional according to your style preference)
  2. Rub the inside of the cup with petroleum jelly
  3. Create concrete mix and stir
  4. Take another cup and rub the outside with petroleum jelly
  5. Stack cup inside to create a hollow mould. Duct tape to secure
  6. Let dry
  7. Remove inside cup by crumpling it away
  8. Remove outside cup by cutting it
  9. Sand the rim of the planting pot
  10. Enjoy!



Concrete Hand Mould

  1. Create molding mix
  2. Stick hand in molding mix for 5 minutes
  3. Remove hand
  4. Pour concrete mix into the hallow of the molding mix
  5. As you pour concrete mix, be sure to remove air bubbles by tapping tub on surface or shaking it between pours.
  6. Let concrete dry
  7. Remove tub
  8. Slice molding mix until you reach your hand mold
  9. Voila!


Cup in Concrete Tray

  1. Take a bowl and rub with petroleum jelly
  2. Tilt bowl and pour concrete mix
  3. Stick tea cup in concrete mix
  4. Let dry
  5. Remove from bowl
  6. Fin


Concrete Pillow

  1. Fill a ziploc bag with concrete mix
  2. Tape candle onto bag
  3. Let dry
  4. Remove tape and candle
  5. Remove plastic bag
  6. Done!


Concrete Vase

  1. Take a plastic bottle
  2. Pour concrete into bottle using a funnel
  3. Wrap a candle with a ziploc bag and secure with tape
  4. Let concrete dry
  5. Cut bottle open
  6. Sane the rim of vase
  7. Decorate and enjoy!


Did you give these crafts a try? Follow us on Instagram, and tag us in your DIY adventures!


* Nail Colors on hands provided by our sponsor ORLY.