
Maps That Make You Question Everything You Know About the USA

Ever wondered what makes each state in the U.S. uniquely bizarre? Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a cartographic journey through 37 maps that reveal the delightful absurdities of America. From sports team loyalties that defy logic to culinary preferences that might make you cringe, these maps prove that the United States is a patchwork quilt of wonderfully weird facts.

Most Popular Sports Team by State

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Texas isn’t just Cowboys territory—they’ve somehow roped in most of the Southwest. Even states with their own teams can’t resist the Cowboys’ chaotic charm.

Georgia proudly beats for the Braves, proving baseball still holds power. Strangely, Alabama shares this affection, despite being a football-obsessed state. The Braves have infiltrated enemy territory.

Who knew sports could unite sworn enemies? Rivalries crumble as fans join forces in misery or triumph. At the end of the day, loyalty always wins.

Counties by Generation: Who’s Winning the Age War?

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Baby Boomers are still treating America like it’s Woodstock all over again, holding onto counties like they hold onto their suspiciously high social security checks.

Millennials have taken over cities, where rent is astronomical, and oat milk is a lifestyle. Suburbia? That’s still a Boomer fortress, protected by HOA bylaws and nosy neighbors.

Gen Z? Too busy making TikToks to stake their claim. Give them a few years, and they’ll inherit everything—including the debt, the economy, and probably a climate disaster.

The Great Pet Divide: Cat People vs. Dog Lovers

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Forget red states and blue states—the real battle is between meowing and barking. The North is full of cat whisperers, while the South sticks with loyal pups.

Florida, however, is off doing its own thing again, where cats rule supreme. Maybe the heat just makes people more willing to submit to feline overlords.

One universal truth remains: pet owners don’t actually own pets. They are mere peasants serving a fluffy, all-powerful creature who pretends to tolerate them.

America, According to a New Yorker

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Ask a New Yorker to draw the U.S., and you’ll get New York, California, and a giant blank space labeled “Eh, who cares?”

The Midwest? Uncharted land, probably just full of cows and people who say “ope.” Texas? Cowboys and barbecue, end of discussion.

California gets recognition, but mostly because Hollywood exists. Anything beyond subway distance is just a distant fantasy, like affordable rent or a fast DMV.

State-By-State TV Show Royalty


Some choices make sense—New Mexico proudly embraces Breaking Bad, proving that morally questionable decisions make excellent television.

Texas, however, is all about Walker, Texas Ranger. Nothing unites a state like Chuck Norris high-kicking crime into next week.

California? The Brady Bunch. Because apparently, the land of movie magic still fantasizes about a wholesome, color-coordinated family with a perfect backyard.

What Annoys Your State the Most?

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America: a land divided, not just by geography, but by pet peeves. Some states hate tourists, others despise slow drivers, and a few just hate fun.

The Midwest loses sleep over people who don’t return shopping carts. Meanwhile, California gets irrationally upset about wearing shoes inside the house.

Regardless of the issue, we can all agree—complaining about something together is the fastest way to make friends.

Most Overused Road Trip Routes

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Some highways are tourist traps, others are just scenic catnip. Meanwhile, the Midwest is just trying to get people to notice its existence.

The West is packed with breathtaking drives. The South? Miles of nothingness broken up by gas stations selling snacks of questionable origin.

Wherever you go, road trips mean terrible playlist arguments, emergency bathroom stops, and realizing you forgot the charger five hours into the drive.

Throwback Jerseys That Still Sell Like Hotcakes

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Retired sports legends still rule the merch game. Some fans hold onto their heroes like childhood blankies, refusing to move on to modern players.

Even decades later, some names outsell today’s stars. Nostalgia is powerful, especially when it reminds people of “the good old days” of sports.

Wearing an old jersey is a badge of honor. It says, “I was there!”—even if you were still in diapers at the time.

Which State Hates Which? The Ultimate Feud Map

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Sure, we’re all Americans, but that doesn’t mean we have to like each other. This map reveals which states give each other the most side-eye.

California gets the most hate, mostly for existing. Meanwhile, New Jersey seems to be feuding with, well, everyone, including itself.

Surprisingly, some states hate themselves the most. Whether it’s traffic, politics, or just sheer exhaustion, self-loathing is trending.

Life Expectancy: Who’s Living Forever?

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Minnesota seems to have cracked the code to eternal life, though the secret might just be surviving brutal winters and eating questionable Scandinavian food.

New England is hanging in there too, but the South? Let’s just say fried food and sweet tea aren’t exactly adding years to the clock.

Hawaii, though? Living the dream. Beautiful views, warm weather, and no reason to stress—of course they’re sticking around longer than the rest of us.

Tax Refunds: Who’s Winning the Free Money Game?

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No one likes tax season, but getting a refund? That’s like finding money in your pocket—except way, way better.

Texas seems to have figured out some kind of financial wizardry because their refunds are chef’s kiss. Meanwhile, the rest of us just cry into our W-2s.

Even at the lower end, a couple thousand dollars back isn’t bad. Too bad it disappears as fast as it arrives. Thanks, bills.

The Great Soda vs. Pop vs. Coke Debate

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The battle rages on—do you call it soda, pop, or just Coke? No matter what, someone in another state thinks you’re wrong.

The South’s dedication to calling all sodas “Coke” is honestly impressive. Meanwhile, the Midwest insists on “pop,” proving yet again they live in a different universe.

At least the West and East Coasts agree on “soda.” For once, something unites them besides overpriced coffee and traffic.

The Brand That Defines Your State

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Some states have iconic brands. Others… well, they got stuck with companies no one brags about. Looking at you, Florida.

Ohio wins big with Wendy’s—because, honestly, those spicy nuggets deserve national respect. Meanwhile, Washington still holds onto Starbucks like it hasn’t gone worldwide.

No matter where you live, one thing’s for sure: you will have an opinion about your state’s corporate mascot.

The Movie That Represents Your State

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Some states got cool movies. Others? Not so much. Sorry, Georgia, but Big Mama’s House is not the flex you think it is.

Oklahoma clings to Twister, because honestly, their entire tornado season is a disaster movie. Illinois? Halloween, because nothing says “welcome” like a masked murderer.

Overall, this map makes one thing clear—Hollywood has some very strong opinions about certain states.

The Second Most Popular Religion in Each State

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Christianity dominates, but who’s runner-up? Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam are holding strong, though South Carolina’s Baha’i devotion is a curveball.

The West’s diversity stands out, but let’s be real—this map isn’t changing anytime soon. America loves a religious tradition.

Whether you follow a major religion or just pray for good WiFi, this map proves faith comes in all forms.

What Your State Drives

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America’s car choices say a lot—like how the Midwest won’t give up its Fords, and the coasts are obsessed with Hondas.

Colorado and Arkansas have some weird picks, but Michigan really loves the Ford Escape, which makes sense since, well… Detroit.

In the end, your car is your identity. And apparently, some states really want theirs to scream “practical but slightly overconfident.”

States Resized by Population

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Hate neighbors? Love vast open land? Congratulations, you might be a Montana fan. This map proves some states are way roomier than others.

California is packed like a clown car, while states like Wyoming look like they have more cows than people. (Because, well, they do.)

For the introverts out there—this map tells you exactly where to move. Spoiler: it’s not New Jersey.

The Healthiest and Most… Let’s Say “Well-Fed” States


The South is taking an L here, and we’re blaming biscuits, barbecue, and deep-fried everything. But honestly? Worth it.

California and New England are winning this round, probably because their idea of comfort food is a kale smoothie. Gross.

Nevada also ranks low, which, let’s be real, is 100% Las Vegas’s fault. Sin City isn’t exactly famous for self-control.

The Most Popular Boy’s Name in the ‘60s

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The ‘60s were not a time for creative baby names. If you weren’t named James or David, were you even born?

James dominated the South, while Davids took over everywhere else. Apparently, originality wasn’t a priority back then.

Even today, these names hold strong—because classic never really goes out of style.

The Most Popular Girl’s Name in the ‘60s

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Mary destroyed the competition. Susan and Donna put up a fight, but let’s be honest, they never had a chance.

The most interesting part? Idaho was the only state repping Lori. Apparently, it’s just a good, potato-eating name.

The ‘60s clearly played it safe—no weird spellings, no celebrities influencing names. Just good, solid Marys.

The Most Popular Halloween Candy in Each State

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Some states made good choices. Others should be deeply ashamed. Arizona and New Mexico? Candy corn and Hot Tamales? Do better.

Skittles dominating the South makes sense—at least it’s pure sugar. But bubblegum in West Virginia? That’s not even candy!

If your state didn’t pick chocolate, we regret to inform you that you may be legally required to move.

The Highest Paying Job in Each State

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This map could’ve just said “become a doctor” and saved everyone some time. Seriously, medical professionals are cashing in everywhere.

Braces must be big business because orthodontists are making bank in Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Minnesota. Apparently, straight teeth = serious cash flow.

Rhode Island, however, decided to be different. Their highest-paying job isn’t in medicine. Someone please explain how that happened.

The Most Popular NFL Team by County

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Football fandom is a religion in America, and this map proves it. Most states root for the home team, but some have… questionable loyalties.

Montana has somehow been overtaken by Cowboys fans. Meanwhile, South Carolina and Florida can’t seem to pick a side. Commitment issues, perhaps?

And of course, Wisconsin is drowning in Packers fans. Just make sure you’re vaccinated before visiting—cheesehead fever is contagious.

The Biggest Employer in Each State

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Walmart is slowly taking over the country, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Seriously, it’s everywhere.

A few states are holding out, though. Instead of mega-retail, their biggest employers are universities. Apparently, higher education is a job-creating machine.

Lesson learned? If you’re not working at a Walmart, there’s a solid chance you’re working at a college. Pick your struggle.

Where Your $100 Is Worth the Most

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Money is a concept, and this map proves it. In Mississippi, $100 gets you a feast. In California, it barely covers parking.

If you want your cash to stretch, move to the South. If you enjoy watching it disappear in real-time, head to New York.

The saddest part? A $20 swing in either direction is the difference between feeling rich and wondering why gas costs more than your life savings.

The Highest Paid Public Employees by State

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Want a government job with a six-figure paycheck? Hope you like sports, because being a coach is your best shot.

If screaming at athletes isn’t your thing, you could try running a university or a medical school. Those gigs also come with absurd salaries.

For the rest of us? We’ll just sit here, wondering how public servants make more than most CEOs.

The Warmest Day of the Year in Each State

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Summer is coming, and there’s no escape. The Southwest gets their hottest day early, while the West Coast sweats it out well into fall.

The South? Every day feels like the hottest day, so does it even matter? Spoiler: no.

No matter where you live, one thing is certain—your AC bill will make you cry.

The Coldest Day of the Year in Each State

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Winter doesn’t play favorites, but some states suffer later than others. Most freeze in December, but Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah? They hold out until January.

Apparently, the Rocky Mountains follow their own schedule. The rest of us? Just bracing for impact.

At least there’s one upside—freezing temps mean fewer bugs. Unless you live in Florida, where mosquitoes never die.

The Most Commonly Spoken Language (Besides English & Spanish)

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Most of these make sense—German in the Midwest, Italian in New England, French in Louisiana. But then… Russian in Oregon? Interesting choice.

French Creole sneaking into Florida is a surprise, but considering its history? Not that shocking.

One universal truth? Americans will butcher every pronunciation with complete confidence.

The Most Popular U.S. Attraction by State

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Some states have cool tourist spots. Others… well, Vermont’s big draw is a Ben & Jerry’s factory. Ambitious.

Disneyland, Disney World, and Las Vegas dominate. Meanwhile, North and South Carolina somehow pull the exact same visitor numbers.

If you’re planning a road trip, maybe aim for a national park. Or, if you’re Vermont, maybe add one more thing to the itinerary.

The Best Job for Non-College Grads in Each State

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Some of these jobs make sense—retail, trucking, construction. But financial analyst in Colorado? That doesn’t sound like an entry-level gig.

Maryland’s top job is dishwasher, which is… unfortunate. Someone needs to check on Maryland.

Also, how is mining engineer a non-college job? Is there an underground training program we don’t know about?

The Most Distinctive Last Names in Each State

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What exactly makes a last name “distinctive”? Because a lot of these names seem… suspiciously ordinary.

Jensen is out here dominating, but we’re not sure Washington, Matthews, or Lopez qualify as rare. Did they just pull names out of a phone book?

There have to be more unique last names in America. This map is basically just a roll call at your local DMV.

The Most Popular Thanksgiving Dish by Region

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West Coast, we need to talk. Green salad as a Thanksgiving favorite? That’s not just wrong—it’s borderline treasonous.

Thanksgiving is about eating so much you regret your life choices, not munching on leafy greens like a responsible adult. Have some dignity!

Thankfully, the rest of the country knows what’s up. Mashed potatoes, stuffing, and enough butter to clog an entire generation’s arteries. As it should be.

Average Student Debt by State: A Horror Story

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College grads know the struggle—student loans are basically a financial life sentence.

Americans owe a casual $1.4 trillion in student debt, and lawmakers keep debating whether to forgive it or just keep making sad speeches.

One thing is clear—no matter where you live, your degree will cost too much, and you’ll still Google “high-paying jobs that require no experience.”

Is Oklahoma in the Midwest? (And Other Geographical Confusions)

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If you’ve ever had an identity crisis about whether your state is “Midwest” or “South,” congratulations—you’re not alone.

The U.S. Census Bureau divides America into four major regions, but nine additional subcategories. No wonder people are arguing over whether Missouri is Midwest or Southern.

Moral of the story? If you’re confused about what region you belong to, just make something up. No one actually knows the right answer.

Where to Find America’s National Parks

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Yellowstone started it all in 1872, but now the National Park Service manages 61 parks and hundreds of protected lands.

California is hoarding the most parks (nine, to be exact), while Alaska is close behind with eight. Meanwhile, poor Delaware and New Jersey have… nothing.

If your state doesn’t have a national park, don’t feel bad—you can always visit one of the other 423 federally protected sites.

America’s Favorite Pets: The Great Dog vs. Cat Debate

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It’s official—America is a pet-obsessed country, with 56% of households having at least one furry freeloader.

The South? All about dogs. The North? Feline fanatics. Meanwhile, Massachusetts has twice as many cats as dogs, confirming their status as the ultimate cat people.

Wyoming, however, is the true MVP, with 72% of homes boasting a pet. The state basically runs on ranches, mountains, and belly rubs.

The States with Zero Professional Sports Teams

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For a country that treats sports like a religion, it’s shocking how many states are completely left out of the pro team club.

California overcompensates with 19 major league teams, while states like Montana, West Virginia, and Wyoming are stuck watching from the sidelines.

Solution? Just bandwagon whatever team is winning that year. No one has to know.

“Google, Should I…” The Most Searched Questions by State

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Type “Should I” into Google, and the internet knows what’s keeping you up at night.

Seven states are wondering if they should vote (yes, you should). Meanwhile, three are busy debating whether to text him back (probably not).

Other gems include Alabama asking if they should take vitamins (sure), and North Carolina stressing over whether to cut their hair (it’ll grow back).

America’s Favorite Ice Cream (Beyond the Classics)


Once you remove vanilla and chocolate from the conversation, things get interesting. Turns out, coffee ice cream is the real MVP.

Seventeen states swear by coffee-flavored ice cream, while fifteen go all in on cookies & cream. Honorable mentions? Mint chip, rocky road, and butter pecan.

One thing is clear: America may argue about flavors, but at least 90% of us agree ice cream is always a good idea.

The Most Popular Emojis in America

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Emojis are basically their own language now, and every state has its favorites.

Utah, New Mexico, and Massachusetts are obsessed with the turtle emoji for some reason. Meanwhile, hearts, fire, and side-eye are holding strong nationwide.

Men lean towards money bags, strong-arm flexes, and the kissy face. Women? All about hearts, sparkly eyes, and the monkey that’s “totally not gossiping.”

Where the Money Is: America’s Richest Counties


Loudoun County, Virginia, takes the crown for the highest median income, clocking in at $134,464 per household.

Three of the five richest counties are in Virginia, proving that someone over there is cashing in.

Meanwhile, the national median? A far less exciting $59,039. Adjusted for inflation, that’s barely a change from 20 years ago. Hooray for economic stagnation!

It’s Walmart’s World, We Just Live in It

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If you thought Walmart was just a store, think again. In 2017, it employed 1.5 million people in the U.S. and was the largest private employer in 22 states.

With nearly $332 billion in U.S. sales and 4,769 stores, Walmart isn’t just a business—it’s practically a government agency at this point.

Healthcare companies and universities round out the list of top employers, but let’s be real—Walmart is the undisputed boss of this country.

The Land of the Free (But Not Really): U.S. Incarceration Rates

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America leads the world in a lot of things—unfortunately, locking people up is one of them. With 698 prisoners per 100,000 residents, we’re #1!

The South holds the most prisoners, with Louisiana setting the gold standard for incarceration. More than 1,400 people per 100,000 are behind bars.

And if that wasn’t bleak enough—63,000 of those locked up are kids. Meanwhile, state prisons hold the majority, but federal prisons, jails, and immigration detention centers are also packed.

Y’all vs. Youse Guys: The Ultimate Regional Battle

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The South gave us “y’all,” and honestly? We should all be grateful. It’s efficient, charming, and just sounds better than “you all.”

Some say “y’all” came from Scots-Irish immigrants who also brought us bluegrass music and clogging. Others claim it has African-American roots.

Meanwhile, the Northeast has “youse guys,” which originated in Ireland. Let’s just agree that both versions are better than the weird “you all” hybrid.

Lara Blair

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