
Guinness World Records That Are Almost Too Weird to Be Real

Guinness World Records is full of insane feats, but some are just plain ridiculous. From eating marshmallows with chopsticks to running in high heels, these records leave you questioning the “why” and “how.” Let’s look at some of the most absurd—and oddly entertaining—records that exist.

Most Udon Noodles Eaten in Three Minutes

Credits to Guinness World Records

Obsessed with something? Then why not turn it into a world record? That’s what Jeremy Lanig did with his obsession with Udon noodles! Now, he’s a name you can find on the internet.

He holds the current world record for most udon noodles eaten in three minutes. Yep, you heard that right – three minutes. Udon noodles are thick, chewy, and starchy. They aren’t exactly a quick snack material.

You think what Jeremy did was easy? Well, udon are bad boys! They’re designed to be savored, not slurped down in a mad rush! But hey, Jeremy made it without even choking!

Most Apples Crushed With the Biceps in 1 Minute

Credits to Guinness World Records

This record is all about flexing—literally. Linsey Lindberg, also known as “Mama Lou,” crushed a whopping 10 apples with her biceps in under 60 seconds!

She was eager to prove that if men can do it, then women, too! Oh, girl. She didn’t fail. Linsey didn’t smash those apples with her fists or stomp on them like a fruit maniac.

SHE CRUSHED IT WITH HER BARE BICEPS! Impressive, right? I mean, using your muscles, your biceps, to pop apples like they’re nothing? Come on, that’s not easy, peasy lemon squeezy!

Largest Bubblegum Bubble Blown

Credits to Guinness World Records

Does it sound like something straight out of a cartoon to you? But guess what? This crazy scenario is a Guinness World Record! It is an actual thing, believe it or not.

The current record holder for the largest bubblegum bubble belongs to Chad Fell, who set the record in 2004. Have you seen a bubble that measured a whopping 26 inches in diameter?

See the photo! To put it into perspective, that’s bigger than most toddler heads. (Seriously, it’s like something you’d expect to pop up in a dream-like reality, not our world.)

Most Spoons Balanced on the Body

Credits to Guinness World Records

We know it’s something a little… unusual. Who would think of this on a random day, “Hey, I’m feeling like I’m going to balance some spoons on my body!”?

You might think it’s just random clickbait-y content on the internet, but you’re wrong! Here we are, talking about it as an actual thing—and it’s part of the Guinness World Records.

So, who holds the record? Drumroll, please. He’s Abolfazl Saber Mokhtari from Iran! 85 spoons were perfectly balanced on his body! Ah, I can’t even balance a spoon on my finger without it sliding off!

Most Tattoos of the Same Cartoon Character

Credits to Guinness World Records

You might have heard of the Guinness World Records for things like “longest eyelash” or “tallest person in the world,” but here’s a category that might surprise you: Most tattoos of the same cartoon character!

Imagine getting tattooed with the same cartoon character, over and over again, all over your body. Not just once, but several times! Your tattoo artist would be shaking their head.

Curious about the record holder? Meet Maximilian “Max” Pöschl from Germany. As of 2024, he currently has 72 tattoos of Bart Simpson—yes, that mischievous little troublemaker from The Simpsons—on his body!

Most Stretchable Skin

Credits to Guinness World Records

A record no one can just simply challenge. It’s not like you always meet people with stretchy skin like Gary Turner! Some kind of “you won’t believe it until you see it” category.

He’s not a guy from your local bar, but a legit world record holder! Gary, from the UK, can stretch his skin up to a ridiculous 6.25 inches (about 16 centimeters) from his body.

Don’t know exactly what it looks like? That’s more than the length of an average iPhone! His skin doesn’t just stretch—it’s like some kind of human elastic band. Is he hiding some superpowers, though?

Longest Fingernails Ever Recorded

Credits to Guinness World Records

Let me read your mind. “Who on earth wants to grow their nails that long?” You must be thinking that. Well, surprise! Someone did it, and they did it in a really big way.

The world’s longest fingernails are not just a little bit longer but so long you’d need a map to navigate them. Lee Redmond from the United States currently holds the title for this category.

She achieved a combined length of 8.65 meters (28 feet, 4.5 inches) at her peak. That’s about as long as a bus, y’all! It’s the fruit of her 30-year dedication to growing her nails; she became a record holder.

Longest Tongue

Credits to Guinness World Records

If you’re like me, you probably had no idea this was even a thing. But the category of longest tongue in the world is real. This is no Mandela effect, friends!

Have you ever thought about what kind of daily challenges they need to face with a tongue that long? Can they even eat normally? Does it get tangled when you yawn? The mind boggles.

So, who holds this oddball title? He’s none other than Nick Stoeberl from the United States! His tongue measures an impressive 3.97 inches (or 10.1 cm) from the tip to the lip!

Longest Beard on a Living Person

Credits to Guinness World Records

Is there a grand beard competition that we’re unaware of? Who wakes up one day and thinks, “I want to grow a beard so long it’ll land me in the Guinness World Records?”

As of today, Sarwan Singh of India holds the title. Sarwan’s beard is a staggering 8 feet 2.5 inches (2.5 meters) long. That’s longer than the average height of a fully grown person.

Fellas, if you ever thought your facial hair was getting a little unruly, just imagine dealing with something that long every day! How do you even store a beard that long? Something to think about!

Most Toilet Seats Broken With the Head in 1 Minute

Credits to Guinness World Records

This isn’t the kind of achievement you’d expect to see in a list of “inspirational feats” or “career goals,” but someone dedicated his life to breaking toilet seats… with their head.

They trained for it. It’s a category that involves not just skill but a fair amount of, well, headbutting determination. Now, we’re gonna briefly talk about Kelvin Shelley! The Head-Butt Hero!

Shelley set the record back in 2007 with a mind-blowing 46 toilet seats shattered in just 60 seconds. Think about that for a moment. That’s almost one broken toilet seat every 1.3 seconds!

Most Selfies Taken in 3 Minutes

Credits to Guinness World Records

Attention selfie enthusiasts around the world! Your selfie God has been born! Thanks to the Guinness World Record for finding him. Akshay Kumar from India can take 184 selfies in just three minutes!

Why on earth would someone want to attempt something like this? Well, Aksay is an actor, and he used this skill to promote his movie, ‘Selfiee’! That’s a hell of a promotion!

Is this going to become the next big Olympic sport? Probably not, but maybe one day, there will be a record for taking the most selfies in one minute… Or one second. Who knows?

Most Ice Cream Scoops Balanced on a Cone

Credits to Guinness World Records

Is this possible if ice creams are so easy to melt? What can we do? Someone proved that it is possible and not just a product of imagination!

For the record to stand, the scoops must be real ice cream scoops—not just any fancy foam balls dressed up to look like ice cream. Our record holder must’ve applied real physics, eh?

This monumental achievement was pulled off by Dimitri Panciera from Italy on September 17, 2018. On a single cone, it stands at a whopping 125 scoops. Yep, 125. That’s not a typo!

Most Clothes Pegs Clipped to the Face in 1 Minute

When you think of Guinness World Records, you probably picture jaw-dropping feats like the fastest runner or the longest marathon—never the “most clothes pegs clipped to your face in 1 minute.”

It’s not a joke. Someone woke up and chose to be the record holder! Jacob Hillhouse made it his mission to prove that anything can be a world record if you try hard enough.

His jaw-dropping total? A whopping 51 tiny, sharp objects hanging off his skin, pinching his face in painful ways. Who knew you could combine a little bit of struggle with a ton of fame?

Largest Gathering of People Dressed As Penguins

Credits to Guinness World Records

It’s exactly what it sounds like—people dressing up as penguins in massive groups, all to achieve world record glory. Why on Earth would anyone want to set a record for this?

If it’s fun, then do it. Penguins are cute! We’re not surprised that a group of humans decided they wanted to make history by dressing up as flightless Antarctic birds—and they crushed it.

The question now: who holds the record? Back in 2013, at the YSU WATTS Center, a whopping 972 people donned black-and-white penguin costumes, flippers, and all and set the official Guinness World Record!

Largest Pillow Fight

Credits to Guinness World Records

If you’ve ever scrolled through the Guinness World Records website, you know some seriously weird records are out there. (In fact, we’ve tackled some now.) But have you heard of Largest Pillow Fight?

That sounds wild, right? On July 21, 2015, at a St. Paul Saints baseball game in Minnesota, an event sponsored by MyPillow drew a whopping 6,261 participants who joined in to break the previous record!

And guess what? They snatched the official Guinness World Record for the largest pillow fight. Feathers and fabric went flying as everyone clobbered their neighbors in good fun. We should’ve been there!

Largest Gathering of People Dressed As Smurfs

Credits to Guinness World Records

You might think you’ve heard it all about Guinness World Records. The fastest person to run backward while balancing a book on their head, the biggest rubber duck collection, but wait!

There’s more. There’s no shortage of strange achievements. There’s this largest gathering of people dressed as Smurfs! The sea of real-life Smurfs! Isn’t it fun? Interesting?

The people of Lauchringen, Germany, made this Smurf convention possible! 2,762 Smurf-clad enthusiasts gathered to set a new benchmark. Each person wore the full Smurf getup—blue paint included!

Fastest Time To Type Using the Nose

Credits to ABC News

Nose typing is such a specific, peculiar skill that it almost sounds made up. But it’s 100% legit! Training to type with your nose sounds downright awkward. Did it ever cross your mind?

Nonetheless, it’s Omkar Palav’s pride. He’s our nose-typing champion! While many people can’t even type properly using all their fingers, Omkar mastered an entirely different technique.

He set the record for typing the alphabet with his nose in 20.51 seconds! Think about the coordination needed to press the right keys without messing up. A single slip would force him to start all over again!

Fastest Time To Unravel a Toilet Paper Roll

Credits to @GWRKIDS via YouTube

Aimlessly spinning a toilet paper roll for fun? Sounds awesome. But did you know there’s an official Guinness World Record for doing exactly that—only faster than anyone else on the planet?

We hope you just don’t go to the nearest grocery store to buy toilet paper to challenge your limits. Someone else might need it for… practical purposes. It’s a nightmare to run out of those!

It’s difficult to fathom why anyone would dedicate themselves to perfecting toilet paper unraveling, but Dalibor Jablanovic from Serbia said, “Say no more!” and did it only for 9.80 seconds!

Fastest 100-Meter Dash Wearing High Heels

Credits to Guinness World Records

Even if you don’t mind wearing heels to a fancy dinner, sprinting in them sounds borderline impossible. No “cheater” wedge heels here—stilettos are the real deal!

You’d think you wandered into the wrong place once you’re at a track and saw instead of running shoes, high heels on the starting line, or maybe you’re just racing with Christian Roberto López Rodríguez!

Preparation was not a joke! Exhaustive and very specific! But Christian is living proof that you can do anything as long as you decide.

Fastest Time To Hop 1 Kilometer on One Foot

Credits to Guinness World Records

Have you ever thought to yourself, “You know what I should try today? Hopping a whole kilometer on one foot—just to see how fast I can do it.” No? Same. We’re tired of running!

Most of us are content with two-footed activities, thank you very much. Though Joseph Scavone Jr. might disagree. As of now, he’s the category’s official record-holder.

Peter Nestler was also considered the fastest, but the Guinness World Records didn’t recognize it just yet. So, when can we see a race between the two? Is it still possible, though? We’re very curious!

Fastest Time To Eat a Banana With No Hands

Credits to Guinness World Records

It’s not like every day you can see humans flexing that they can eat bananas with no hands. I’ve imagined it more likely happening in conversations between monkeys. Don’t you think?

Regarding Guinness World Records, some achievements make you say, “Wow!” Others leave you asking, “Why?!” This is the latter. But let’s have an open mind because humans have proved once again their hard work!

The current holder of this banana-chomping crown is none other than Leah Shutkever, a competitive eater from the UK. In just 20.33 seconds, she finished all of it! (Not including the peel, of course.)

Most Watermelons Smashed on Someone’s Head in 1 Minute

Credits to Guinness World Records

Who needs knives if you have a head? Fruit ninja warriors are made irrelevant by Muhammad Rashid of Pakistan, who happened to be born in this world just to smash watermelons on his head!

He set the record by obliterating 49 watermelons in 60 seconds! Let that sink in—49 watermelons, gone in a minute. That’s almost one watermelon every second.

But here’s a little bit of a reminder from us: don’t try that at home! Rashid is a trained martial artist; he knew what he was doing. Not to mention, he isn’t new to world record-breaking.

Most Balloons Blown Up With the Nose in 1 Minute

Credits to Guinness World Records

Forget marathons or scaling Everest. Let’s talk about totally ridiculous corners of human achievement, such as most balloons being blown up with the nose in one minute! One minute of pure nasal power.

Blowing up balloons with your nose? Gosh, it’s not just a physical challenge; it’s a mental one, too. What if it pops mid-blow? Add the smell of latex against your nostrils and judgmental stares!

Now, who dared to hold the crown (or balloon) for this title? He’s David Rush from Boise, Idaho! He blew up the most balloons with his nose in one minute, with 10 balloons!

 Most T-Shirts Put On in 1 Minute

Credits to Record Breaker Rush

Can it get more ridiculous and mundane? The million-dollar question really is: why does this record exist? The answer is simple: because it can. You just have to live with it.

The secret to completing the challenge is preparation. Participants need shirts of various sizes, starting with small ones and working their way up to XXL (or beyond). Half-wearing a shirt doesn’t count!

Apparently, David Rush (familiar name, right?) knew the secrets and got the record so easily! Hats off to his cleverness and strength, though! Pulling on dozens of shirts back-to-back is like a workout in itself.

Most Toothpicks Inserted Into a Beard

Credits to Guinness World Records

Why would someone stick hundreds—and I mean hundreds—of tiny wooden sticks into their facial hair? Who even fed us the idea that it could be… record-breaking?

Regardless, someone was interested and took our breaths away! Joel Strasser from USA decided one day: “I’ll be the only person in this world you can possibly stick thousands of toothpicks into my beard!”

Joel meticulously inserted a whopping 3,500 toothpicks into his beard. Yes, you read that right: three thousand-five hundred! Over three hours of painstaking work. He defied gravity and showed extreme patience!

Most Socks Put On One Foot in 30 Seconds

Credits to @pavoldurdik5481 via YouTube

Of all the ways to claim a spot in the Guinness World Records, someone decided to champion this category. Disappointing? No. It might be silly for you, but it’s not like everyone can do this.

The current holder of this strange title is Pavol Durdik from Slovakia, who managed to pull off this feat of feet by donning 28 socks on one foot in just 30 seconds.

It’s not as easy as it sounds. Socks can stick together, roll down, or just flat-out refuse to cooperate under pressure. Pavol might’ve trained his ankle flexibility before the actual challenge!

Most Marshmallows Caught in the Mouth With a Catapult

Credits to LiveKellyandMark via YouTube

We’ll give you a scenario: a catapult flinging fluffy marshmallows through the air. At the same time, someone stands several feet away, mouth agape, hoping to catch as many as humanly possible before they hit the ground.

Who got the record? It’s David Rush again! David has snagged 56 marshmallows in his mouth, launched by a catapult, within one minute. Talking about accuracy! That’s nearly one marshmallow per second!

But David didn’t just stumble into this. His record-breaking spree is part of a broader mission to promote STEM education. We’re not certain how it relates, but if that inspires him, then we cannot judge!

Fastest Time To Solve Three Rubik’s Cubes While Juggling

Credits to Guinness World Records

Someone out there decided solving one Rubik’s Cube wasn’t challenging enough. They had to throw two more into the mix—literally— and juggle them while solving. JUGGLE. YES.

Solving a Rubik’s Cube on its own is already enough to leave most of us staring blankly into the abyss. Add juggling to the equation; humans love to complicate things, really.

And who holds this crown of chaotic brilliance? That would be Li Zhihao from China. His record? A jaw-dropping 1 min 59.76 sec! Oh, remember you’re not allowed to pause the juggling! No pressure, right?

Longest Time Balancing a Chair on the Chin

Credits to Guinness World Records

Ooh, looking at the photo alone made us clench our jaws! It’s like we’re the ones doing the challenge. It does look fun, but we’re skipping fun for today.

This isn’t your chair from the dining room table. The chair must meet specific weight and size requirements, but beyond that, it’s fair game. David (again and again) proved it’s nothing to someone like him!

He balanced a chair on his chin for a staggering 01:02:18 in 2022. That’s over an hour of staring at the sky while keeping a whole chair teetering on your face! David, you’re the man!

Fastest Time To Type the Alphabet Backwards

Credits to Guinness World Records via X

We thought it was easy, but once we started enumerating the alphabet backward… we suddenly stopped at X. Apparently, we forgot other letters exist now!

Yeah, it sounds like a silly challenge, but it is impressive if you think about it. Enumerating the alphabets backwards is already hard, much more typing them in a QWERTY keyboard?

It could be a party trick, but this one’s a legitimate Guinness World Record category. And who holds the trophy of keyboard chaos? S K Ashraf from Hyderabad did it only for 2.88 seconds!

Largest Human Mattress Dominoes

Credits to Guinness World Records

The largest human mattress dominoes. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like! Picture a massive line of people, each holding a mattress and then falling one after another like dominoes.

Watching these people fall backward to another person was so fun. You couldn’t help but laugh at their reactions. Next time in team building, companies should do this!

Are there any Filipinos out there? Well, they got the world record for the largest human mattress dominoes! On October 22, 2023, 2,355 people willingly fell backward, another recognition for the Philippines!

Most Snails on a Person’s Face

If we’re asked to describe a nightmare to a sketch artist, we’d say, “Do you know that feeling when snails are all over your face, and you hate snails?”

But someone casually exists and says, “Bring those snails on me. We’re gonna make a record!” and that’s… Mike Dalton, an Australian teenager who set the record in 2009!

He managed to balance an astonishing 43 snails on his face for a solid 10 seconds. Forty-three slimy, squishy, shell-carrying creatures, just chilling on his face like it’s the hottest gastropod hangout spot in town!

Fastest Time To Drink 1 Liter of Tomato Sauce

Credits to Guinness World Records

Ah, what a stomach-turning category. It’s like enjoying a nice plate of spaghetti, except instead of pouring tomato sauce over your noodles, you chug the entire bottle straight. Just because.

Not only is this record niche, but it also feels like a punishment for losing a dare than a world record. But hey, humans are weird. Someone actually trained for this, and they crushed it!

Drinking a liter of tomato sauce isn’t as simple as gulping down water. The tomato sauce is thick! It’s heavy! Yet, Andre Ortolf from Germany completed the task in an eye-watering 1 minute and 18 seconds.

Most Chili Peppers Eaten in 1 Minute

Credits to Guinness World Records

Nothing says “I’m built different” quite like torching your taste buds for the sake of a world title. You think eating a chili is already hell? Wait till you hear this category.

Our dude, Gregory Foster from the United States, is the holder of this fiery achievement. He chomped his way through 17 ghost peppers in just 60 seconds! Are there firefighters inside his mouth? Wow!

That’s 17 pieces of one of the world’s hottest chili peppers, known for its Scoville heat rating of over 1 million units. For context, that’s like eating fireballs dipped in lava.

Longest Time Spinning a Basketball on a Toothbrush

Credits to Guinness World Records

Let’s just acknowledge how weirdly specific this is. Spinning a basketball on your finger? Classic. Spinning it on a toothbrush? Cool! Who would’ve thought this mundane dental tool could be interesting?

To do this, the toothbrush is held in the mouth while the basketball spins on the bristly end. That means the record-holder’s neck, jaw, and overall face have to stay steady as a statue!

EXHAUSTING. But not to Ali Behboodifar from Iran! He kept the ball spinning on the brush for an astonishing 1 minute and 47.4 seconds, breaking Sandeep Singh Kaila’s record!

Longest Time Spinning a Plate on One Finger

Credits to Asia Book of Records

Here’s a record you probably didn’t know existed: the longest time spinning a plate on one finger. That’s right, someone took the old party trick of spinning a plate and turned it into a world-class event!

Apparently, humans just can’t resist turning everything into a competition, and Mansingh Oli Prabhas was born competent enough for this category!

He kept the plate spinning for an incredible 04:04:44! That’s roughly the length when you’re doing a movie marathon! Instead of enjoying popcorn, he worries about keeping that plate from wobbling off his finger!

Most Drink Cans Opened With a Forehead in 1 Minute

Credits to Guinness World Records

This record will literally make your head hurt. Yes, it’s a real thing, and no, your forehead will not thank you for even considering attempting it!

The title of forehead-can-opening champion belongs to Muhammad Rashid from Pakistan. God, this guy probably has a high pain threshold to turn this absurd feat into a world record. What’s his secret?

This guy is no stranger to weirdly specific records. He holds a collection of them, but smashing open 49 drink cans with his forehead in just 60 seconds is one of his most iconic accomplishments.

Longest Throw and Catch of a Hotdog in a Bun

Credits to Guinness World Records

The longest throw and catch of a hotdog in a bun might not be the most noble achievement in human history, but it’s undeniably fun. It turns out you can’t only catch baseballs but also hotdogs!

The current world record holders for this wacky feat are David Rush and Russell Phillips. Broke the record with a throw of 167 feet and 5 inches! Amazing.

Most of us can barely toss a Frisbee that far without embarrassing ourselves. Is David a real human, though? There’s some sort of alien-like intelligence in how he approaches every challenge!

Longest Time To Keep a Spinning Basketball on One Finger

Credits to Montana Sports

Spinning a basketball on one finger sounds like something you’d do to kill time while waiting for friends at the park, not a skill you’d dedicate hours (or years) to perfecting.

But to Joseph Odhiambo from Kenya, it’s something worth obsessing for! He’s the reigning champ of the one-finger basketball spin! His time? 4 hours and 15 minutes! WILD! Our arms would’ve hurt!

To achieve this level of finger-spinning wizardry, you’d need insane hand-eye coordination, steady fingers, and enough patience to rival a kindergarten teacher on a sugar-fueled field trip!

Longest Time To Keep Two Balloons in the Air With Only a Head

Credits to Record Breaker Rush

Juggling with your hands is overrated; do it with your head! This might seem like something you’d stumble across at a kids’ birthday party gone rogue. But no, this is serious business!

And you have heard a familiar name taking things with balloons seriously. Yeah, you’re right! It’s once again David Rush! He set the record with an incredible time of 13 minutes and 58 seconds!

Keeping two balloons in the air with just your head might sound simple, but it’s anything but. Balloons are wildly unpredictable. One gust of wind or an awkward bounce, and your attempt is toast!

Most Times Clapping in 1 Minute

Credits to Guinness World Records

This record doesn’t involve incredible performing death-defying stunts. It’s just… clapping. A lot of clapping. So much clapping, in fact, that you’ll start to wonder if the human hands were meant to move that fast!

First things first, let’s give a round of applause (pun intended) to the current record holder: Dalton Meyer! This American speed-clapper smashed the record with a mind-blowing 1,140 claps in one minute!

He clapped at a rate of about 19 claps per second (insert shocked emoji here) and broke the previous record by 37 claps! We could barely complete ten claps without getting tired!

Most Pencils Snapped in 1 Minute Using Hands

Credits to Record Breaker Rush

I remember snapping a pencil when I was mad, but I never thought it was a real category in Guinness World Records. Really, I should’ve trained for it. What do you think?

Breaking a pencil might sound simple, but by doing it several times—your energy will surely get drained! That’s why breaking stationery could earn you a spot in the record books. It’s a tough world.

What’s David Rush’s secret again? Trained his forearms every single day! He becomes the Guinness World Record co-holder for snapping the most pencils in one minute using only hands, with 110 pencils!

Longest Distance To Blow a Pea

Credits to Record Breaker Rush

Yes, there’s a record for using nothing but your lungs to send a tiny green pea soaring across the floor! You probably know now who holds this wildly specific title.

Our man, David Rush, always has his eyes on the prize! In 2021, he absolutely obliterated the competition (if there is such a thing for pea-blowing) by blowing a pea a whopping 84 feet and 11.28 inches!

That’s roughly the length of a basketball court! Rumor has it that he experimented with angles, figured out the best way to control his breath, and probably practiced more pea-blowing than anyone else on the planet!

Loudest Burp

Credits to Guinness World Records

Can you believe it? Someone out there didn’t just settle for a polite “Excuse me” after a soda. They went all out and turned their digestive aftermath into a Guinness World Record!

Who even decides to compete for the loudest burp? Not us, but there’s a very enthusiastic group of people who take this seriously! One of those people is… Neville Sharp!

He claimed his digestive glory by letting out a burp that measured a staggering 112.4 decibels! This is louder than the average electric drill or trombone! WHAT?

Farthest Throw of a Washing Machine

Credits to Guinness World Records

We hope the Guinness World Records are not using fully functional washing machines for this! Everyone’s dying to win washing machines on a raffle, you know! You cannot just throw it away!

Anyway, we didn’t expect that someone’s life goal was to yeet a household appliance across the great beyond. And not only did they succeed, but they’re also now immortalized through Guinness World Records!

Throwing a washing machine is not exactly an everyday activity, but Johan Espenkrona of Sweden might’ve taken the risk. Now, he holds the current Guinness World Record for the category with his 4.45-meter throw!

Maurice Shirley

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