There’s honestly nothing more pesky than shattered glass all over your floor. Not to mention the dangers if you have little ones running around. Speaking of little ones, they sure do like to get into things they shouldn’t, don’t they? The old dreaded, sharpie on the dining room table is a toddler speciality. Don’t fret, we have solutions! Here are four clever cleaning hacks that will help you clean up those messes!






Dry sheet


Shattered Glass

Step 1: Use bread to pick up the tiny glasses.

Erase permanent marker

Step 1: Use toothpaste to erase the marker.










Dirty blender

Step 1: Pour hot water and soap into the blender.
Step 2: Blend it and rinse it!

Save your scorched pan without scrubbing

Step 1: Pour hot water and dish soap into the pan.
Step 2: Let it sit for an hour and dump the water out and clean with dry sheet.