Wanting to create greeting cards for a living isn’t the most common goal for artists. But for Sage Aune, that was the perfect plan. That childhood dream never really faltered, but she did open her mind to new platforms for her designs. Hailing from Phoenix, AZ, Aune went to art school and made the move to California to pursue her career.


“I started my Sagepizza Instagram as just a creative platform to share my work while I was going to school for graphic design,” Aune said. “Eventually, as my design skills improved, I became more confident to create designs that expressed my feelings and emotions of whatever was going through my mind at that time.”

[fm_instagram url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BqItCrEFppw/”]

The artist behind Sagepizza has created some of our favorite illustrations on sites like Teen Vogue, Allure, and HelloGiggles. Her art can be found on merchandise in iconic stores like Urban Outfitters; she has artist pages on Society6, Threadless, and Behance; and she is always down to take commissions from fans.

Sage has even created an exclusive collection with us, which you can shop here.

[image_with_caption text=”” image=”https://itsblossom.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/canvas.jpg”]

Sage is mainly inspired by her own interests. Edgy pop culture, food, and mystical designs meet a retro feel with Aune’s creations, and we want them on everything we own. Stickers, phone cases, journals, clothes — you name it. Followers of her Instagram account began to ask for her designs on t-shirts and prints, beginning the endless opportunities for Aune’s designs to go outside of greeting cards.

“I only illustrate things that speak to me. I tend to think so much about it that I want to find a way to illustrate it in a fun way. I also like to think of myself as a pop culture queen, haha.”

[image_with_caption text=”” image=”https://itsblossom.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/phonecase.jpg”]

While Aune doesn’t have a specific future planned out, she’s just excited to be able to connect with people who like her art. The designs she publicly shares are personal, which always makes it a bit nerve-wracking to post —  some people may not interpret her art the way she meant it, and that can be scary. But as long as Aune likes what she makes, for her, that’s enough.