Dating in real life is hard. Dating on the internet? Do. Not. Get. Me. Started.



Play it cool, Gretchen…you got this. Breathe.

A post shared by Kara (@thedryginger) on


It’s moments like these when you realize your rarely ever wrong.

A post shared by Betch Bae (@betch_bae) on


When you feel like hot shit, even if it is to correct a typo.

A post shared by @memesgalore___ on


Might as well buy the ice cream and wine.

A post shared by Kara (@thedryginger) on


I’m living my best life. No offense, Becky.


I cannot leave my bubble. My bubble is my home. Do not mess with my bubble.

A post shared by @memesgalore___ on


They say I’m an “over-sharer,” whatever that means.

A post shared by Scary Mommy (@scarymommy) on


When fake news comes through.


Tell me about your Aunt Jenny that took you to Six Flags when you were seven and had a broken right pinky.

A post shared by My Bestie Says (@mybestiesays) on


You know who you are…

A post shared by SinglesSwag (@singlesswag) on


“I don’t know what my sign is”

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Feature Photo by Matheus Ferrero